
6 Reviews
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Margaret (I) (2011)
17 March 2020
My 10s is far between. This is such a beautiful and deeply humane an intelligent movie, and for me, iv seen around 25000 movies this still manages to be totally unique. The dialogues are so spot on and i have never seen anything, in any artform ever depict alienation, and how everybody knows nothing about anything when it comes down to it as great as im many passages in "Margaret".

Is it insane to call this a combination of the best things with Todd Solondz, Paul Thomas Anderson but with a emotional intesity of like some of Werner Herzogs early films? Could throw a couple of other obvious influences in there but in the end, this i, again, a very very unique piece of cinema.

Last time i saw a female protagonist cry with such true intensity was in Lukas Moodysons swedish masterpiece "show me love", and that was like 20 years ago. (Check that movie out!)

I think that the fact that i strange enough didnt know much about "Margaret" when i popped it in my dvd-player last night after finding it in a flea market earlier that day (and draining it i alcogel in these times of Corona when back home). So, i thinl you should ignore all the debate and drama surrounding the film and go in to it unknowingly as possible, beaucause a sensory overlord doesnt work the same way if you are aware of it coming.

And as usual, sorry for my english, it is not my native language, i live in Sweden. Hope it is understandable and take care of yourself and those dear to you in these frigthening times of deadly viruses. terrorism and global economical colapse. It is, on the other hand, an excellent time to sit down and bond metaphysical watching "Margaret"
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21 June 2019
Both entertaining and informative with a nice personal feel to it. Certainly a must watch for everyone interested in the history of gaming. But would probably work for someone that are not very in to gaming, i m not, but it cant be denied that it is a big part of understanding kind of every philosophy of today; videogams are - like it or not - an artform for some of the last 100 years most creative humans. So i would recommend this to anyone and i am hoping that it will find a broad audience.
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Sollers Point (2017)
9 April 2019
It shoots hard in every direction and misses all angles just as hard, but i still feel that this director is going to be a real good one in time. kind of nietzschean illusion of grandness, trying so hard to intellectualise everything instead of focusing and sitting down and asking himself, what is this movies about, really, really really?

Sorry for my english. It is not my native language (from Sweden).
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Native Son (2019)
Weird, but good-weird
8 April 2019
This isnt really a great movie but it has a knd of unique tone and feel to it, a tone that is very hard to define and beucause of that its intriguing. The lead acting is fenomenal!
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High Maintenance (2016–2020)
just freaking watch it, dude!
28 January 2018
Just so spot on. i love the love that this series spreads, love for everyone, no matter how strange a person you are. if you like movie like linklaters slacker and dazed and confused and the social comments of series like the wire,you willlove this.please give it a shot, and tell a friend. this show deserves a broad audience.
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Fade to Black (1980)
just lovely!
21 January 2018
If you like the classics, bogart,monroe, brandon etc and also appreciate obscure horror like fulci, damato, ndeodato, chances are that you will fin this movie ubercool! i certainly did.
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