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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Brilliant first season...but fizzles out from there
10 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First season is amazing. It's dark, it's scary, gripping - edge of your seat television. Well acted, well cast and a great story line.

I got the impression that halfway through season 2 there was a change in course. I don't know if there where changes behind the scenes, they suddenly got approval for a third season or just how it was edited. But this show that has so effectively built story lines methodically....perfecting the art of suspense....spends 3 episodes of the police identifying Spector, tracking him down, building towards capturing him, slowly, slowly, build, build - and then all of a sudden he's in custody in the most anti-climatic chase scene ever.

And then halfway through the second season these really apparent plot issues start appearing. The whole facade around hinting to the press that the Jane Doe suicide victim they'd found was Rose Stag in order to 'draw the killer out' but then never even showing the viewer Spector hearing that information, let alone doing anything with that - the pointless lesbian kiss that felt like it was just put in there for the magazine pictures - and the just every aspect of the final episode, where in my opinion the show just got so unbelievably unrealistic and far-fetched it starts to affect your enjoyment. We all know that how it plays out on TV isn't the same as real life - but you can take the fantasy too far - and things like the police helicopter picking up on the photographer in the woods - but doesn't detect the car he got out of, or the man who was driving said car then get out and walk towards the scene, gun in's too much (and that's before we move on to Stella Gibson's miraculous healing powers reducing the effects of an assault where she suffered facial fractures to just a scratch in 48 hours).

The third season was then too slow - you lose interest. There's not a mystery to solve or a killer to catch anymore and I don't think they did a good enough job of replacing that. Saying that the final episode, whilst equally gripping, was very exciting and entertaining and whilst it wasn't an ending I wanted, it did at least give the storyline closure.

I also found something about Gillian Anderson's character a bit cold and difficult to warm too. Jamie Doran on the other hand is a fine actor.

There are murmurs of it being brought back with a different story line and I'd be hugely interested in watching that and seeing how they would take the show forward on a different case.

First season is a cracking watch - later episodes aren't bad....just doesn't live up to cracking expectations we had.
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Depressing reality of modern journalism
1 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this as I remembered the video being all over the internet but didn't recall what happened.

Only Netflix could drag this out over 4 episodes.

In reality there was a video that went viral - lots of conspiracy theories evolve off the back of it - and Netflix decides to give airtime to those very theories. Spending significant amount of time speculating on various clues and aspects - such as CCTV footage - without consulting a single expert in the field.

I'm disappointed Netflix felt this was worthy of a documentary and felt the need to sensationalise conspiracy theorists in this way. The only thing I'm pleased about is these theories are at least dispelled rather than opening Pandora's box. But I just feel this is just awful journalism.

It's a half an hour YouTube video that Netflix have dragged out over 4 episodes. They try and create a shocking 'who dunnit' mystery story but in reality there isn't a story to tell and Netflix are just trying to take advantage of the rise in popularity of true crime media in the laziest of ways. They also produced a very miss leading trailer which does not represent the show at all - using a bit about the night stalker - which features for about 3 seconds in the show.

Whack the story into google - read the Wikipedia article and save 3 and a half hours of your life, as you're not going to hear anything different, hear from anyone of any major interest or see any different evidence here.
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The Serpent (2021)
Brilliant acting - bit too gritty
1 March 2021
Found this difficult to review as I think the show is brilliant - but I also found it a real effort to watch.

You have to CONCENTRATE to follow the plot - as it jumps around timelines, and it's a slow burner that's incredibly gritty - which ultimately makes it a bit difficult to watch. It's probably a couple of episodes too long and I found myself relieved to have finished it.

My confusion about this is I'm struggling to put my finger on what exactly was wrong with it. I found the acting brilliant - Jenna Coleman in particular - the story itself is shocking - and the overall feeling is exactly what it should be when you're folllwing one of the worst serial killers of our time.

I think ultimately the show is probably just a bit too clever - a bit too focused on the cinematography and the people behind it probably didn't stop to think about who's going to watch this. Unfortunately we're the Netflix generation and this just needed to be a bit easier to watch.
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The Christmas Secret (2014 TV Movie)
All the cheese...
29 November 2020
And I LOVE it. I don't care how realistic it is, this is just everything you want in a Christmas movie.

My only note would be - why not shoot in a location cold enough not to have the clearly fake snow visibly melting in front of your eyes 😂
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Vienna Blood (2019– )
Sherlock wannabee
29 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Note - Watched this on BBC IPlayer - where you have 3 x 90 minute episodes whereas I think you have 6 x 45 minute episodes elsewhere. Anyway....

Sorry but I really didn't enjoy this.

My biggest gripe with this - is that whoever created it - has basically tried to put the Sherlock Holmes story in a different city/generation.

There's no attempt to set the scene, provide an insight into the characters it's just a case of jump into police detective, who dunno the mystery's and a 'genius' who solves the cases. It feels like the writer was so determined to create the 'new Sherlock' / they forget all the other rules of making a decent show. Even the length of the episodes and number in a season have to be the same - and that's another issue with it. The episodes are so painfully long and drawn out - it would take a good 3 or 4 attempts to drag myself through each one. They could easily have made the episodes an hour long and that probably would have made it much more watchable.

The first episode is so confusing because you're just expected to be able to follow who the characters are and where it's going. You can get away with that on Sherlock....most people know the premise!

It did get better as the season progressed, and Inspector Reinhardt is a very endearing character so it wasn't all bad. If the writers stick to making this the best show it possibly can be - and less time trying to make it Sherlock 2.0, they might be able to make it a success.
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Harlots (2017–2019)
Brilliant and refreshing
29 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure the critics have picked this apart but I found this a really refreshing binge watch.

I say this admittedly of someone who finds period dramas a bit difficult to sit through. But this is fun, fast paced, with a good bit of drama and suspense. They deliberately blur the lines of historical accuracy - especially with the language - which I'm sure makes it unwatchable for some - but for me it made it modern enough to follow and enjoy.

It's a bit different to anything else on TV and a highly recommended watch - and whilst Lesley Manville's character is vile - she is an outstanding actress. The costumes and music are also a highlight.

The only thing i didn't love is Lucy Wells' ending at the end of the 3rd season - I don't believe it's what that character would have done.

I hope the rumours of this getting renewed now BBC have picked it up are true - and if so, they don't ruin it!
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Torchwood (2006–2011)
A brilliant, more adult spin-off from Doctor Who...with its flaws
5 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a bit Doctor Who fan and what's not to love about this spin-off. The themes are a bit more adult, it's funny, John Barrowman and Eve Myles are brilliant - and some of the storylines are incredible.

The first couple of episodes are a bit 'budget' - but I would encourage you to get through them as it does improve quickly.

Children of Earth is one of the best multi-episode storylines in the whole of the Who-verse. Incredible.

I only gave the show an 8 for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I'm really not a fan of the actress who plays Toshiko in the first 2 seasons - thought she was very wooden. And I only ever found Owen Harper's character annoying. I think it was The right decision to kill them off as they only would have held the show back.

Finally, is the car crash that is Miracle Day. This is an awful season, where I suspect they were trying to build a series that had a greater appeal to the American market. But the show loses its way massively, the American influence really undermines it. And the story is SOOO dragged out. It shouldn't take 9 hours of television before you're told what is actually going on. The whole season could have been covered in the half the amount of episodes, and this would probably have made it more watchable.

I wish now they'd ended it on Children of Earth, which was incredible. It feels like everything they got right with children of earth, they got wrong with Mircale Day. It provides a twang of disappointment that that was how they ended such a brilliant show. Did not do it justice at all.
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A really good documentary - told in a really refreshing way.
25 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a sad story, but a brilliant composed documentary. In an age everything has been done before it's great to see a new and innovative way of telling a story - and it's this originality that makes this stand out for me - in a way that had me hooked from the very beginning. What a heartbreaking story that I don't recall from the news.
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What the hell was that ending?!
25 October 2020
This show is decent, an okay thriller - the main character is really irritating though. And then just as it reaches its conclusion it's ruined by one of the worst endings to a show I can recall.
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Good coverage about a predator that needs stopping!
12 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Thought this was a really good documentary - well presented - covering a topic I didn't know a lot about. I'm assuming the lower reviews on here are from his fans as it seemed to explore a lot of angles with a decent level of depth and have some interesting interviews. Evidence appears very strong and pretty scary that he's been allowed to get away with what he has for so long. The presenter does stop short of really going for the jugular in a few awkward conversations - where the best documentary presenters keep going - but he's a lot better than some of the drivel BBC have given airtime too recently (Reggie Yates)
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Trump in Tweets (2020 TV Special)
Fairly interesting
12 September 2020
Interesting suggestion at how a man has used social media to become the most powerful person on the planet - decent watch - although could they not have found a better Trump impersonator to do the voice overs?
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Average documentary
5 September 2020
Just a bit average and pointless. Doesn't dig deep enough into anything just basically highlights that this vigilante activity happens with mixed levels of success and impact....which we all already knew. Presenter is a bit odd too.
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Stick with it.
4 September 2020
First 2 episodes are utter drivel, but gets better and funnier. Last episode takes a turn for the weird though. Would watch if they make a second season.
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Good thriller - twist at the end ruined it a bit
2 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Found this a good, dramatic horror/thriller. Gripping and a bit different - doesn't go too far on the 'horror' side of things. Found it a really good show up until the final twist at the end when Wakefield's accomplice is finally revealed. Found the reason for said individual weak and the character prior to that didn't connect either. Then it got a bit weird. I don't know what would have done the rest of the series justice, but that wasn't it. That aside, it was a very good watch. Maybe a bit ahead of its time given the success American Horror Story has had since.
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Reggie taking cameras places
20 August 2020
Isn't really a lot of point to these documentaries. Reggie appears in some locations, with some cameras, tells us it makes him sad/sympathetic/realises life is hard for some people - then Reggie goes home. Doesn't cut through and ask the tough questions like the best documentary makers.
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War & Peace (2016)
Never read the novel - not really a fan of period dramas, but....
6 July 2020
This isn't my personal cup of tea normally, but found this pleasantly good television. Gripping and dramatic. A bit slow in places and the balance between war and love in places I didn't love. However, it was a really good, heart breaking watch - this is mainly down to a good story, excellent script and wonderful soundtrack
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Noughts + Crosses (2020– )
Started with a lot of promise...then it a cliff
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This started off so impressively. A thought provoking alternative reality. Made even more powerful by recent events in the real world. A great concept, bought to life imaginatively with a great set. After the first episode I was so excited to see where this went. But oh my word did it fall away! I found episodes 2-5 boring and slow. Took 4 hours to tell what they could have done in half that time. I felt there was something in the story but the amount of padding out made it a very tough watch. Then we get to the final episode, which is an okay climax, but it suddenly feels rushed - and zips through what could have been a tense heart moving ending. Really poorly choices structure to the episodes.

I also agree with the consensus on here re the cast. I can't say I felt as strongly about Sefi as some have on here, but agree she's not great. My biggest issue was how Ryan McGregor seems to 'change' in the space of 30 seconds from a loving, emotional character into an LM thug. I thought the actor was doing a good job of the character, but the 'change' felt uncomfortable and impossible to believe from the outset. And then there's Stormzy. I didn't know it was possible to look wooden when you have 2 lines to read - but he managed it....and then became the poster boy of the show!

Basically I think there's a good story in here and I'd like to read the books, but this is poorly done, with a frustrating episode structure and a weak cast. Gutting after such an interesting 1st episode.
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Bancroft (2017–2020)
Series 2 a BIG improvement
15 June 2020
I rated the 1st series of this a 5, but there is a night and day difference in the quality between the 2 seasons. I'm not sure the reason, but gone are the dodgy accents, the awfully miss-cast actors and actresses have been replaced by quality - Charlotte Hope in particular - that suit the role that's been written for them, and Sarah Parish has evolved brilliantly into the role - helped by a plot that stops trying to turn her into something she cannot be but instead allows her to fit into the role and show off her abilities.

The story Is moodily brilliant - shocking and gripping. It's all incredibly well done. There's still holes - it's not the best thing I've ever seen - Joe leaves a lot to be desired and some of Bancroft's antics remain too far from police policy to ever be deemed possible - but it's entirely watchable and enjoyable.

The biggest problem this show will have is that the first series is needed to be watched to fully understand the background of the story - and the first series is a complete and utter car crash. There will be a lot of people that will give up a long time before they've given the second series a chance. Which would be a real shame.
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Bancroft (2017–2020)
Season 1
12 June 2020
Just binged series 1 and what a waste of 4 hours.

I think it's admirable this drive ITV have to have female led police dramas - but you've got to get the casting right. Sarah Parish is a brilliant actress - but there's something really out of place with her - and the actress playing Katherine Stevens was even worse. It's not convincing.

And then you've got the accents - which is a trivial thing to get hung up about - but it really bugged me - it was like the directors would forget about the northern accents and then on the odd scene remember they needed to put them in. It's one of the worst accent continuity issues I've ever seen.

The plot is riddled with holes. Its way too far fetched to be believable - this could never actually happen. And then it just ends - with a whole host of questions unanswered.

It did improve as the series progressed - and I will give series 2 a go as there is potential for this to improve. But my conclusion thus far....Complete and utter drivel
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Good - but not for me.
7 June 2020
I think there will be an audience who will love this - I'm just not in that category. I did stick with all 6 episodes - but i just found it slow and a very dull story at its core. Felt to me like it belongs on daytime tv. I can see why people who like that genre of television would enjoy it, Keely Hawes is a pleasure - in what is a different sort of role to what I've seen her in before - but she wasn't enough to make the show entertaining personally - and I can imagine people who lives through that time will find this interesting - but I didn't personally enjoy it.
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The Program (II) (2015)
Really enjoyed this
31 May 2020
But I must confess to not being a supremely dedicated cycling fan and wasn't aware of the details of Armstrong's case prior to watching this so part of my entertainment was fuelled by finding out more about what actually happened and went on, and I can appreciate you may feel differently if you already know the details
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Responsible Child (2019 TV Movie)
30 May 2020
A thought provoking, moving, deep and heartbreaking show from the BBC. Really nicely done. Sad state of reality about the criminal justice system in this country.
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Devs (2020)
29 May 2020
I quite liked this. I wouldn't bother if you don't like a bit of sci-fi though.

It had a decent story and was a bit thought provoking, but for me the ending ruined it a bit - one step too far-fetched for me. Still a decent watch, Nick Offerman is brilliant. I thought the actress playing Lily was very wooden and I didn't understand the need to have her wondering round in her granny panties all the time, very weird.

But decent watch, a good level of weird but I would have preferred a different ending.
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Taboo (2017)
I didn't love it - but I'm not sure why
27 May 2020
I can't quite put my finger on why - but there's something about this that I just didn't like that much. I found myself not really enjoying it, and almost a chore to continue watching - despite the fact I can't really explain what I didn't like about it. Strong cast, story - albeit a bit strange at times - is a good one, Tom Hardy is exceptional, as always. Perhaps it's just personal choice.

It is a bit slow at the beginning - and you are rewarded for sticking through it with a much faster paced, exciting, final 2 episodes. It's possible the show burns slowly at first in order to fully set the context, in which case I would hope season 2 picks up where episodes 7 and 8 left off...and if so I would applaud the start.

So I'm review, I'm not really sure what I made of it. Last 2 episodes good, found my attention wandering throughout the rest. But there's definite potential for this to become an excellent show, especially with Tom Hardy at the helm!
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It won't win any awards, but it's good fun.
22 May 2020
Okay so it's poorly scripted, some fairly lazy attempts to make the story seem believable, and has an under-current script of famous rematches against the German's - that I don't believe even Harry believes, and it would be nice to have some bigger names on show.

BUT it's brilliant fun. It's great to see some former characters of the beautiful game back on the screen - and it's humbling to watch them experience some of the troubles we all do. There are some heart breaking moments watching some of them deal with mental health issues - and I think we all have fallen in love all over again with Paul Merson, who by the way - has still got it!
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