
6 Reviews
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Simply Exceptional
11 August 2023
A deeply moving story of humanity and healing. The acting is brilliant by all, with excellent character development where you become deeply invested and supportive of every character and story despite their flaws. Nicole Kidman is particularly strong but the entire cast are incredible. The story develops at a necessarily slow but deliberate pace which enables the actualisation of the empathetic human aspect of the series. There is enough drama to maintain interest for the average viewer but the core of the series is about the nature of healing and growth, every single one of us are fighting our own little battles in some form, especially the more important ones within.

I think the negative reviews come from the mis-anticipated/sold genre, expecting a dark mystery thriller instead of a meaningful very real tale of human suffering and growth. I suspect that aspect of the story that diverges from the book was to create a hook for interest and lure in an audience who may not otherwise have been drawn. However, in my opinion this is executed flawlessly and actually adds to the wider message and meaning of the series by adding a further depth of forgiveness, redemption and healing for even the most flawed.

I would recommend this series for all but to watch it understanding the genre and manage your expectations, if you do, you will not be disappointed. It also offers up the current affairs topic of healing through psychedelic therapy, an insightful grey space issue or intriguing at the least.

Simply exceptional.
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Paradise (I) (2023)
Excellent - Surpassed Expectations.
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film, which was 6.3 stars at the time, with an attitude of "good enough for a Friday evening with a takeaway".

The film was fantastic! It far surpassed our expectations, myself and my wife were literally on the edge of our seats at numerous points. 7.5 is a more accurate rating, which will hopefully balance out with further reviews (c. 4000 at the time of writing).

The dystopian theme is thought provoking and original, which further stimulates wider moral and ethical thought. The storyline and characters are engrossing, which creates a deep sense of empathy throughout and sincere engagement for the outcome of the film. Even some of the more minor characters like Judas and Kaya inspire a sense of virtuous admiration. The pace is spot on, the story flawless in my opinion, the production quality excellent and the acting good, all despite the more low-profile credentials of the cast and crew. Even watching it dubbed didn't detract.

I highly recommend this film, I have nothing negative to say about it and encourage further ratings to balance out the score.
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Wonderwell (2023)
In summary - not worth watching
1 July 2023
The production quality of the film is excellent, which gives the expectation for a good film, especially if intrigued by the trailer.

However, the film is just plain weird and not in a good way. The story seems to never really start, doesn't really know where it's trying to go and never really arrives anywhere.

I think, emphasis on think, it's trying to be clever as a metaphorical coming of age warning about sexual exploitation in the fashion industry? But the film doesn't achieve this aim and besides the very start and very end, the fantasy aspect is effectively irrelevant.

If aimed for children/young teens, it seems inappropriately overly sexual with a cast of all young minors and if aimed at adults it's just fundamentally built for the wrong audience with the irrelevant fantasy tale - which by the way makes no sense and I have no clue what happened, something about a key getting passed between witch sisters?!?

My wife wrapped after about 30 mins in, I committed to give it a chance but it never took off and then just ended, whilst simultaneously being weirdly inappropriate for the nature of film.

Don't recommend, even for intrigue.
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The Exocet (2020)
Gritty Life Drama
17 May 2023
A gritty drama displaying the raw difficulties of life in Jakarta, with aspects of philosophical thought weaved in through the intriguing character interactions.

The film is a mildly thought provoking intrigue piece and portrait of life as opposed to a groundbreaking masterpiece. However, that is the intent of the film and it achieves its aim strongly.

The gritty nature is supported by the deliberate and effective style of camera angle and music, as well as the flawed nature of all the characters.

The film seems relatively short when watched and is recommended for an interest / educational watch.
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RRR (2022)
29 October 2022
Absolutely MENTAL!! SO epic! All concept of realism needs suspending but we've been hooked from start to finish!! The movie is oddly inspirational and nothing short of spectacular! Tango and who?!? Raju and Bheem you mean! The bromance in this film outdoes all the Buddy Cop movies combined!

I put this film on in the background whilst eating dinner before doing phys, walking the dogs and writing wedding invitations. It's now midnight, the dogs are in bed sulking, I haven't left the sofa, the invites are a problem for another time and I have absolutely no ra-grets!

All I can say is just watch it, prepare yourself with all the supplies you need for a 3hr shift, sit back and prepare to be blown away!!!
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Unfair Criticism - 7.5
31 July 2021
Good film, should be in the region of 7.5, no less than 7. It takes a parallel timelines theory of time-travel which isn't expressly stated until approximately half-way through. The majority of the negative reviews refer to the illogical nature of the plot, with a parallel timelines theory of time-travel the logic is sound and the plot an engaging and interesting take on an alien/time-travel story. Character relationships are investing with excellent acting particularly from the actress playing Muri, the story with a tone of moral messaging and redemption. Good film, strong recommend to watch, Saturday night type film.
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