
15 Reviews
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Black Adam (2022)
$19.99 to stream was a rip off
13 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The dialogue was elementary at best. 5th graders wrote this tragedy over the weekend. "Don't drop those prisoners!" Says the wing defender to the creature of rage hundreds of miles above earth. Like his attempt at showing authority mattered. Cringy retorts and so called hipped quips made me roll my eyes more than a few times. Y so called mere morals have to remind angry Hercules on steroids to remember is saying? "The gods created us but we always end up burying them." Really? That's the best you had for the arrogant bitter woman "cleaner"? I made myself watch the entirety only the SEE how this mediocre film ends. Regrets.
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Emancipation (2022)
His Pain was palpable
12 December 2022
I enjoyed the realistic view of slavery n America. Someone had the guts and conviction to show truth. NOT ALL slaves were complicit. They fought and demanded to be treated as mankind not animals. That was Peter's convictions. He refused to be treated less than! I enjoyed seeing his voracious determination to be FREE and to be reunited with his family. Hollywood NEEDS to depict movies that show the truth about slavery. Some slaves fought and died for their dignity. Someone had the audacity to write a review calling Peter a disgruntle employee? How convoluted. I implore people to watch the film.
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Indisputable - Very Informative
11 November 2022
Been waiting to watch this movie for over 6 or 7 years. Im not disappointed in the least. Actually I'm about to watch the entire movie again. The movie is NOT degrading anyone or group. It's very informative. I've also purchased the author's books. There aren't many books or people who are telling US who we are. Anyone who is unselfish and brave enough to do as such. Should be commended not persecuted. A people being able to identify WHO they are. There is nothing wrong with that. I appreciate the author of this blessed material. I look forward to other movies and books that he comes out with.
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King Richard (2021)
Could Watch over and over again!! Great movie!
13 December 2021
From the time I saw the first trailer I was reeled in! There was no question that I would see the movie. When I finally saw it. I was NOT disappointed in the least. There were many moments/scenes that made me want to shed tears. I LOVE how he loved his children, his daughters. Contrary to the sigma about "Black fathers" and their children. He annihilated that ridiculous stigmatization of "Black fathers" and their families. BRAVO Will Smith!!! BRAVO!!!
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Sylvie's Love (2020)
Such Delight
10 October 2021
I can't remember the last time I saw a sweet romantic movie where the lead characters weren't the norm. This was such a delightful movie. I rooted for them from the beginning to the end. Their chemistry was believable. Something that is sorely missed in movies and tv shows of today.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
I get it!!!
8 October 2021
I see why the uproar. He says things that some don't want said. He's upfront. That's why I enjoy his comedy. He's transparent. I appreciate him sharing his experiences and views that I relate to.
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Truth Be Told (2019–2023)
I look forward to each season
15 September 2021
I've seen the show advertised a while ago. I just never got around to watching it. Plus, I didn't want to be disappointed. One day, I was looking for something different to watch and I saw the thumbnail for this show. I decided that it was time to check it out. I've not been disappointed.
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Fatal Affair (2020)
17 July 2020
I gave it a five rating ONLY because Nia Long is the star. Other than that there was no oomph! It was barley flat. Anticipation was lost. Bland at best. Very vanilla. I would have THOUGHT there were NO "Black" characters IF I couldn't SEE the actors. For this to be a "Black" movie one would wonder WHO is behind the scenes??! Who directed this oatmeal with NO sugar or butter movie?? Ugh!! The daughter doesn't go. The husband didn't go. The so called close r best friend was yuck! We would never be friends again if you believed a stranger over me. "Black" actors aren't known for being emotionless, boring and lackluster. THIS was a big huge disappointing FAIL!!!
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Sad but True
18 January 2020
I felt this one. How he finessed her then turned to a vicious viper! Men, people like that are out there. This movie was waaaaayyyy believable. Some might say it's a typical plot. It might be BUT it's so real. Aside from the plot, I've seen better productions. The movie did come off like a low budget project. With Perry' exp you'd think Netflix would have given him a better budget or he would have cared to spend a little more money.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Season 3 - GO back to the drawing board!
9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season 3 seems like it's a duplicate of the lives of the writers, producers or someone who loves going on LSD trips. Here's the basis of the new season: An attorney sits inside of a casino to observe, takes a drink from a stranger, not knowing it's laced with LSD. He goes to court, STUCK. He's basically stuck for two full episodes...
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Goliath: The Subsidence Adventure (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
I don't know what I'm watching
9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What were they trying to go for this third season?? LSD trips? Warlock doing witchcraft. Im on the fifth episode and I'm still waiting to find out what's going on with the water and WHY the earth opened up and swallowed the man' wife.
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17 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I very much enjoyed his show. At first, I wasn't going to watch it. My initial thought had nothing to do with anyone's opinion. Matter of fact, I hadn't heard anything good or bad about his show. I just didn't want to see anyone's stand up. Having nothing else to watch, I decided to watch his show. I was NOT disappointed in the least. I completely got the part where he talked about the opiate crisis reminding him of the crack cocaine crisis in the black community.
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House of Cards (2013–2018)
Season 6....
10 November 2018
Season 6 made me miss Kevin Spacey. Sadly, no one could bring what he, as an actor, brought to the table. Most of the scenes had me lost. I couldn't keep up. It was like they spoke in a foreign language unknown to man-kind. I was too disinterested to press rewind and find out what the characters were talking about. Claire did her best, but her character was better with Francis. If season seven is even remotely like this season, HOC will NOT get an ounce of my attention.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
What in the world just happened??
29 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw enough of lies intimidation and foulness to fill every movie concept, now and until the earth stops revolving. I saw lives taken without a conscious. It's like, what's point of having police? You guys didn't even write the script for ENTERTAINMENT. You wrote it to glorify reality? Is there something you're TRYING to tell us? You guys dropped the ball this season. You could at least pretended that their is fairness in the world and EVERYONE, besides Billy, his crew and the judge wasn't corrupt. The criminal woman mayor and her mentally and spiritually wicked brother get to skip and run into the sunset. Next time, tell your writers to WRITE a story that isn't so doggon sad and unbelievably COLD, ruthless. Whoever gave this script the green light should take a much needed vacation and go back to the drawing board. Don't produce anymore sad attempts like this ever again.
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I Didn't Move!
31 March 2018
From the time I pressed play, I DID NOT get up from my seat. I paused the film maybe twice, to explain scenes to my family members. Other than that, I was thoroughly engrossed in the movie. It was heartbreaking, an emotional roller coaster ride. I was drawn back to the 80's when Roxanne raps were on fiya! The film to me, confirmed what is MISSING in rap and rap artist. The only thing is, I wished it was longer! Bravo!!
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