
11 Reviews
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I don't get it, I really don't...
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There maybe spoilers ahead, depending on how passionate I get writing this, but they won't be big revealing spoilers.

I don't get it, for example I see people give this show (and many others they review) 8 or 9 Stars here on IMDB, then write a review that rips the writing, the acting, the directing, the pacing, the visual effects, etc. Why can't people give the rating they really want to give? If all of those aspects stink, step up and give it a low rating, maybe someone at LucasFilms would actually care that the overall rating was down at 4.5 Stars out of 10 instead of 8.2. Another thing that keeps popping up is all the Disney hate, "typical of Disney, they don't understand Star Wars..." or more often "Disney is ruining Star Wars", LucasFilms is it's own division, Kathleen Kennedy is now, and as been in charge through all or the "recent" disasters, the fault lays at her feet, that's where the change is needed. Disney has raised up Marvel Studios, like their content or not, do you really think Disney doesn't want their Star Wars IP to be making highly profitable blockbuster movies again?

Enough of me on my soapbox, here's my review: This show should be a safe "no brainer", but it hasn't had a chance to show any promise yet. The casting, aside from Ewan McGregor and a few returning members from the Prequels is subpar, the writing is worse, it's awful. The acting, the pacing, and the overall direction isn't up to the standard of a big budget production either. I know this is modern sci-fi, and in particular it's Star Wars, but the sets, or lack thereof and the overuse of CGI/green screens really shows, especially in "Part 2" the planet of Daiyo was supposed to be a foreboding futuristic dark cyber city, but it felt like disparate groups of extras randomly herded in front of various green screens, there was no depth, everything felt like a low budget homemade tv show from around the year 2005, this is Asylum quality on a Lucas budget.

The story is weak, the main antagonist at this point, because we know Vader will be there eventually, is poorly written and hamfistedly over acted. Also, enough with the parkour in the Star Wars universe, too much in Boba and too much here. I rambling at this point, I'm sure I'll keep watching this dreck, but I'm also sure I'll keep rating it how I truly see it, I invite you all to rate these movies and shows accordingly, maybe it'll make a difference one day, though I doubt it...
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Don't Look Up (2021)
I believe that was a Bronteroc...
9 February 2022
This movie had so much potential, a great cast, interesting if not original story, and apparently too much of a budget. Netflix, please realize that all of your productions to date have been too long by way of run time. Cutting this movie down to an hour and forty five minutes would have alleviated a lot of the drag that plagued it after the first half an hour. At one point near what I figured had to be the end, I paused the movie for something and then realized I had almost forty minutes left, and they weren't quality minutes either. The best joke is the Bronteroc, pitched about halfway through and landed at the very end. If your bored, and have plenty of time to fill, this movie isn't bad, but please Netflix, shorten your movies, they don't all have to fit the Infinity Wars two and a half a hour model.
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Much better than a decent movie, Collateral
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not really sure what's with all the hate on this movie, yes it's basically a revamped version of the movie Collateral, but with a big twist that makes it so much better. In Collateral Tom Cruise was an unattached hitman making his rounds and working to collect a pay check, One Night in Bangkok is a revenge movie with a grieving father seeking revenge for the death, and cover up of his daughter, and her family. This change makes the movie so much more visceral, and more relatable. I think this is a better movie than Collateral.
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Don't waste your time on this
16 October 2021
This movie was a directionless, meandering, hot mess of burning garbage, don't waste your time. The only positive thing I can say for it is, at under 75 minutes you won't actually be wasting too much time if you're tricked into watching it. Lame story, boring characters, lead like pacing, and ultimately, you don't care about anybody in the movie, so you won't care how it ends.
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The Watch (2020–2021)
Why in Offler's name did the BBC make this travesty to Sir Terry's name?
4 January 2021
I just watched the two episode debut of The Watch on BBC America and I have to ask why? Why did the BBC decide to go so far away from the source material, Sky did a very reasonable job with Going Postal, hell, even The Hogfather (a Christmas time favourite in our home) and The Colour of Magic where infinitely better executed. I had some hope after hearing Richard Dormer was cast as Vimes, I loved him in Fortitude, but everything here seems wrong. The setting doesn't feel like Discworld, their vision of Ankh-Morpork doesn't fit the theme or style of the books (slowly developed and fleshed out over multiple volumes). The casting is off, not just the removal for key characters (Sgt. Colon and Nobby Nobbs) but the unfortunate idea of casting Lord Vetinari as a completely unthreatening afterthought is baffling, Charle Dance and Jeremy Irons are both still alive and have played the part so much better. There are just too many things wrong with this programme, if you want the real Watch, read the books, if you want to watch Pratchett done well, watch Going Postal.
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Moose (I) (2015)
Perfect lite horror comedy film
31 October 2020
My wife and I have been watching Halloween movies all month (October 2020), we've just about watched everything on Netflix and Amazon when we finally decided to watch Moose: The Movie, we inadvertently saved the best for last. This movie is consistently creative, funny, and twisted. It was made on a very small budget, but doesn't feel low budget. If you're looking for a quirky, fun, and entertaining movie, you'll be hard pressed to find anything better, and no, I'm not from Alaska, and I don't have a stake in this movie. Give it a watch, you'll be hooked in the first 10 minutes, and the monster is actually pretty cool, in a good, cheesy way.
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Not bad, but it had a much better ending 29 years ago.
30 August 2020
I was excited for this movie, even though I can't explain why. I won't give anything away, but I'll say this is a sequel that not many people were asking for, but those of us who are fans were really excited to see after almost 30 years, and that's where this movie let me down. I wasn't expecting an Oscar worthy piece of art, but they really should have stuck with the ending they had 29 years ago and made something new this time around. It was temporarily enjoyable, but almost instantly forgettable, I don't think with one will stand the test of time.
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The Old Guard (2020)
Entertaining, but plays a little too much like a TV pilot, and unnecessarily long...
11 July 2020
I enjoyed this movie, but like so many other made for streaming movies, it's about 20-30 minutes too long. Apparently somewhere in the "Big Book O Streaming Movies" it says to add more chases, explosions, and over the top fighting scenes to push up the runtime from 90 minutes to over two hours (see Extraction for way too much of those things). The other issue I had was this move felt too much like a made for TV movie/pilot for a series, I felt like I was watching a 21st century "A Team" TV movie.
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Great movie
11 March 2019
I saw this movie when came out a few weeks ago, I didn't know much about the story before I saw it, but loved it anyway. Not sure why the "professional critics" had a hard time following the plot, it made perfect sense to me. Hope it makes enough for a sequel, would love to see a conclusion to the story.
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Happy that the early "reviews" I saw were wrong, this is a very good movie.
10 March 2019
This is only the second movie I wanted to review, and the reason I wanted to review it couldn't be more different than the first (Star Wars Last Jedi, which was terrible). I went into the theater with a hope that all of the negative reviews and speculation would be wrong, that the always solid MCU movies wouldn't let me down, and they didn't. All of the super negative far right and far left "reviewers" who wanted the movie to be something it isn't, were proven wrong. It's not a man hating movie, far from it, it's an entertaining buddy picture, with a super powerful being and a somewhat cynical federal agent who's been riding a desk for too many years. It's a very good movie that I felt might be getting a bad rep from people leaving one star reviews that haven't even seen it. Go see it, and make your own decision about it, and as always wait through the credits, two good scenes hiding in there.
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Wow, one of the worst movies I've seen in years.
16 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I saw TLJ yesterday (12/15/17) after hearing glowing reviews from the critics and a huge fan boy friend. I went in hoping for the best, I almost walked out it was so bad.


WTF, a single X Wing can attack six battle cruisers and a dreadnaught without a single fighter being launched in defense? Every time the First Order jumped out of light speed why can't they shoot? The universe's worst slow speed chase takes up two plus hours of film time! Why can't they send a destroyer ahead to jump out and destroy the resistance cruiser? Snoke ended up being a little punk, Rey's parents were a nothing dead end story, Luke was just a grumpy old man who died of boredom, etc....

Fin spends half the movie with a weak love interest at a casino retreat weekend where they get thrown in jail for parking on the beach. They spend thirty minutes giving us a lesson on the evilness of greed, then steal some llamas... Because of Fin and Rose's little getaway, more than 3/4 of the remaining resistance fights get killed when they return, way to go hero's!

Rehash, rehash, rehash, this movie is just plain garbage. On the plus side, the porgs didn't ruin this movie, it was already ruined when they showed up... If you're reading this, you'll probably see this movie anyway, go in with low expectations, you'll probably still be disappointed.
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