
3 Reviews
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I don't get the hype.
3 February 2022
Norwegians are hoping for an Oscar. I don't understand why? The movie is okay. The actors are talented and the scenery beautiful. But it doesn't give a lasting impression. I wanted to love this movie so much. (Mostly because it features my apartment building. Stupid. I know). But the story about a normal girl, living a normal life seems pointless to me. (Unless you're from a completely different part of the world and live with suppression, and would like to see what an ordinary life in Oslo looks like). She doesn't really do that much wrong and the title is misleading. Even though I get how anyone can feel like a horrible person when prioritizing their own needs before others. But there's no inner conflict, no regret, no real pain. It's basic at best.
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I love it! For real!
10 September 2021
I honestly don't understand why people hate this show? And why is everyone cringing? This is the best Scandinavian murder show I've seen in years! I love murder mysteries and I grew up reading (and watching) Agatha Christie's work. I'm also a huge Bryan Fuller fan and this show has some of the same qualities as "Pushing Daisies". It's not really similar, but it's got something to do with the colors, the sunshine, the somewhat strange dialogue... I can't explain it. But I guess it's this vibe that makes some people compare it to a kids show. I don't see that, but I do see the quirkiness. I hope they make thousands of episodes. I could watch this every day. I love, love, love it!
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This is a witch hunt.
14 March 2020
To me Paris seems scared, confused and frustrated. The professionals, the crew and his family have already decided he's a psychopath and no one wants to find out how it was to be raised by a drug addicted mother and having so much responsibility for your younger sibling as a child. He gets no empathy and no one really cares why he felt alienated and alone growing up. I'm not saying that what he did was okay, but I think it's strange that not even the psychologists wants to understand his mind. I learned nothing by watching this.
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