
7 Reviews
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Central Park (2017)
This Film is a complete FUBAR mess!
22 October 2020
Well that's time I'll never get back. It's Halloween season so I've been watching a lot of horror/slasher/thriller films and this was truly horrible. The acting was mediocre at best, the lighting and camera work was awful. As for the story, it's so full of plotlines and backstories that go absolutely no where, there's zero character development and so many loose ends it would drive anyone mad. There is literally nothing good I can say about this atrocity of a film. Don't waste your time by watching it! Pass it by!
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Nancy Drew (2019–2023)
9 July 2020
Okay, I will give some credit to the characters of Carson, Ace and Bess. They're likeable and somewhat relatable. However, everything else about this is garbage. CW really butchered it. I grew up reading the Nancy Drew books and this is nothing like them at all. It's really badly written and filmed and Nancy? She is a psychotic, hypocritical, narcassistic jerk! I have no idea what CW was thinking making her this way, but it honestly makes me so angry that I was literally screaming at the tv. ANd don't even get me started on all the sex! Horrible..absolutely horrible! This is an insult to the books and to Nancy Drew!! Whatever you do, DO NOT WATCH THIS TRASH!
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Great Indie film
5 January 2020
As far as Indie films go, this one is great. Considering that, like most independent films, it's budget and financial aspect heavily relies on donations and such..this film is well done. The characters are interesting, though perhaps somewhat lacking in development. The score is fitting and the whole theme gives of the kind of affect you'd expect from this type of film. I would however suggest a bit more background and direction. But overall, for an indie film it's a great choice. I see a ton of potential here for the filmmaker(s) !
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The Rake (2018)
What the heck did I just watch?!
28 June 2018
Absolutely horrible! Where the hell is the storyline? This film doesn't explain anything at all. Aside from the gore and cgi which is okay....everything about this film is just garbage! It makes asbolutely no sense at all! Just another pathetic attempt that basically became yet another failed slasher! Don't watch this whatever you do! Complete waste of time!
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Absolutely Horrid!!
5 April 2018
I've seen some pretty crappy movies...and this is definitely one of the worst!! The acting is awful, the storyline is garbage..and it isn't even scary! Disney movies are more terrifying! Do not waste your time in watching this!
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Awful, All wrong and just plain blah!
27 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the ONLY thing going for this train wreck is that the CGI and look is pretty cool. But outside of that, this is just awful! For being a supposed prequel to ToS, it is all wrong! The ships and technology are way too advanced to have been 10 years before Kirk and the enterprise. A flying suit? Seriously? Also, what the heck did they do to the Klingons(if you can even call those things that)?!!! Honestly, what the heck were they thinking by completely altering an entire race?! Also it really irks me that they had a female captain when in ToS women weren't allowed to be captains of star ships yet! The dialogue is extremely dry and the first episode really explains nothing about the story line, crew etc. I'll be completely honest and admit that I couldn't even get through the second episode before I just couldn't handle it anymore. Perhaps if this was a sequel set 100+ years after the events of Voyager it would make more sense and be a better show. But sadly that isn't the case. The makers of this show should be ashamed for attempting to exploit Star Trek! As a life long Trekkie, this is an insult to the ST universe! It shouldn't even have made it past the pilot episode!
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Horribly slow, boring and confusing!!
23 November 2017
I seriously can't figure out how I managed to watch this from beginning to end! This film is incredibly slow, horrible and very confusing! The story is lacking, with absolutely no explanation for anything! The acting was mediocre at best as well, which made for chronic yawning. The ending was completely horrible with no loose ends tied up. The whole thing made little to no sense and was just overall terrible! Whatever you do, DO NOT watch this film! Oh and P.S. this shouldn't be classified as a horror or thriller since it isn't even remotely terrifying, suspenseful or scary. Crap!
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