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Style and character changes ruin it
2 June 2024
Absolutely love the anime, probably my favorite right now, but the change in art style and character design is awful, just completely ruins it. It's like a completely different show. I can only hope if the show comes back that they change it back to the normal style, otherwise I just don't think I'll be able to watch it. Like why do we have to completely change a perfectly good thing for absolutely no reason? It's just ridiculous. Basically every character looks substantially worse and just the whole vibe is completely off, especially compared to how good it was before. Please just change it back🙏
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Ghost Lab (2009– )
The best ghost hunting show by far
25 July 2021
First let preface this with the fact that the shows probably an 8 but I'm giving it a 10 to boost the rating. This is easily the best paranormal investigating show out there, the methods are more realistic, it way less far fetched, and they aren't just fabricating encounters for added excitement. Some of the episodes are actually pretty slow which is a great thing because they're not just faking it, they're actually showing you what happened even if they didn't find anything. It's a crime it didn't get more than 2 seasons, and it's absurd that it has such a low rating. Ghost adventures and the other shows are nowhere near the level of ghost lab. Give it a shot you won't be disappointed.
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Attack on Titan: Declaration of War (2021)
Season 4, Episode 5
It was pretty good
15 February 2021
This episode was alright it's not the masterpiece 10/10 the hype monkeys keep saying but it is good
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