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I want more..and more
22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Mr. Snyder has given George Lucas a run for his money. This is Star Wars on steroids. I saw Rebel Moon and the ending left me wanting part 2...Part 2 has me wanting part 3 and 4. The imagination involved amazes me and blows my mind. The whole David and Goliath premise given a sci Fi fantasy twist. Watching the making of really tells you the depth of thought behind this movie. Fans of real life merging with CGI will love how this meshes and melds seamlessly. This is a franchise I wish I had the talent to participate in. So Mr. Snyder if you are looking for people message me. I would just like to be in the same place at the same time as this cast!
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The Artful Dodger (2023– )
19 January 2024
It has been 180 years since Charles Dickens introduced us to the orphans at center to the stoy Oliver of course but the Artful Dodger. The more interesting character in the group The Artful Dodger is recreated. Given new life in the portrayal by Thomas Brodie Janger. This story takes you 15years ahead of where Oliver Twist ended. Thomas Brodie Janger has done something unique as did David Thewis portrayal of Fagin. These arecharacters that have been portrayed by Icons. It would be easy to emulate the past incarnations of these characters. . Mr Thewlis who had the most difficult job I believe. His Fagin is a cros between the classic portrayals and Remus Lupinwith a injection Ralf for good measure. Add to this the portayals of Maia Mitchel andNicholas Burtonof new characters thrown into a lively production that leaves you wanting more.
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I am a person with no talent, just opinions. Who happens also to be gay.
16 December 2023
Jonathan Baily and Matt Bomer created a epic story. These two actors have brought viewers 0n a journey story of Love that spans 30 years. A story that makes that 30 years history a 3rd character in the story. It is complex and beautifully crafted story. A story that avoids the common stereotypes and demonstrates the reality of being Gay in this country. What life for a gay man as like before gay rights legislation. What the raelity and impact of HIV/AIDS crisis was like. Some of the events in the series I personally witnessed. Jonathan Baily and Matt Bomer give that history a new perspective to the events. Definitely worth watching. Definitely worth sharing. I guarentee you will be affected.
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Sometimes I wonder if ,after reading the other posts, if the posters watched the same show.
19 September 2023
I'll admit this show needs some work but the potential is there. The characters some developing. The premise is what floats the series. But as CW does it runs away ,pulls the plug and toss the investment. Why I am not an investor. Who would invest in a company that throws away millions,cancels a show. Even as the first episodes are airing. I wonder too if these posters have ever read a DC comic? Have they followed any of tthe other DC shows on the CW. If you look fback,3 of the most successful shows for CW The Flash and Arrow started off slow. That was another set of executives. Executives with testicular fortitude.
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Glamorous (2023)
I wonder reading these reviews if any of these people know LBGQIA+ people.
17 August 2023
The problem with a show like this is how do you approach complex characters with complex issues? How do you jump into a story without a back story ,that the viewer knows, and make it relatable? The main Character Marco, a non Binary 20 something has lived a sheltered and protected life. Suddenly thrown into the deep end of the pool. Marco aspires to realize his dream job in cosmetics not realizing how complicated it can be with real people involved. Outside the safty of his room,Marco finds out how complex Queer relationships can be. Kim Cattral brings her tongue in cheek comedic style to the table. This is a show that needs a second season just to evolve and flesh out these characters. Zane Philips plays Chad,Kin cattrals son, a self absobed Gay man. A guy who is more interested in his looks than in how he affects others by his actions. Parker played by Graham Parkhurst is a Gay man who hides who he is in Prada suits. Not drawing any attention to himself or his own Queer idenity. Like I said earlier these are complex characters. I have worked and worked in the Queer community for over 40 years. I have known Queer people like these characters. By the numbers this show will probably not be renewed. It is to bad ,Netflick once again chooses not to support and promote a show with potential. Why a lot of their good programing gets kicked to the curb.
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Netflicks drops the ball "AGAIN"!
16 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Netflicks needs a new programing staff! I stumbled on to this. What a great series this would have been. It had all the right things. Netflicks missed it. The storyline could have gone in so many directions. We will never know now. Shame! The Thrupple aspect would be interesting. The Supernatural aspects were super interesting. The characters were complex and conflicted. We will never know now wher this could have gone. Watch this series though. It is fast and complex and there are hero's and evil characters that are easy to hate. The effects are pretty good too. But Netflicks doesn't listen to the common guy that pays his fees. What goes on in the Ivory Tower that is NETFLICK programing?
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Bravo to Marvel re thinking the franchise.
10 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am a Gay man with no talent. Just opinions. In my opinion Marvel was kicked in the privates with the loss of Chaz Bosman. Instead of jettisoning the franchise . They re thought it and I think did it well. It is always hard to follow in the footsteps of a great actor. It is hard to jump into a franchise and reinvent it. Wakanda Forever restarts the franchise and sets up a bountiful future. Letitia Wright has stepped into big shoes. Her role in previous outings was small. More of a back story tto Panther in earlier outings. Ms. Wright has stepped up and shown us a Marvel Chaaracter theey can rebuild on. Great Job!
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Hunters (2020–2023)
A Brilliant show and another huge blunder for Amazon
29 January 2023
I am a Gay man with no talent. Just opinions! In my opinion this show is complex and deals with some underlying themes. Themes many of the people that watch this have no idea about anymore. The elephant on the screen: The Holocaust. Hunters touches on the role the US government played helping War Criminals. It is losely based on several groupds that hunted these men and women. Brinnging them to justice in Isreal. Hunters even touches on the phychological effects the survivors had as a result of "Shoah". Brillliantly acted by Al Pacino,as if it wouldn't be. Mr. Pacino creates a very conflicted and complex character portraying Meyer Offerman. Logan Lehrman, the grandson that had no idea of the life his Grandmother lead and was actively involved in, Until she is murdered. Once again Mr. Lehrman shows his talent for finding just the right roles for himself. This role definitely plays to his strengths. The Production is filled out with others in the ensemble. Lena Olin,Carole Kane is a stand out. Mr. Amazon use the other end of the pencil and correct this mistake.
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The Empress (2022– )
Great period the Crown except...
30 September 2022
I am just a gay man with no talent,just opinions. Netflick does its loyal customers a diservice. They get you hooked on a series then do 6 episodes! If they decide to Do more we wait a year or more for more! In this era of tech,audience sampling Do they really really REALLY need to wait to see how many watchers they get in a month before they decide to renew? This was a great show. I just wanted more! It is tough to wait so long for shows we love. Didn't we have to wait long enough during COVID for shows and movies? The Crown and other Netflick shows have proved 10 episodes should be the minimumum.
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Morbius (2022)
This one Marvel jumped into the deepend of the pool..
16 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a GAY man with no talent,just opinions. Well Sony and the Marvel guys might have choked here. Morbius is not a well known character. So we are given a relly quick 5 minute tutorial at the start of the movie. So the watcher has no back story. Everyone knows who Spiderman and Captain America are. !0 minutes in and the show runners and writers dump us into the story. Mr. Smith and Mr Leto were not given a shot to use their talent. I believe if the showrunners had spent a bit more time on the back story I think you'd have another Ironman! The CGI and Special Effects were the movie! The whole ensamble was very talented but given what they had to work with. The viewers is left after watching with more questions at the end of movie. The set up for a sequel is perfectly done and I have to admit more attractive than this movie. Message to Sony and Marvel..don't axe this. Try again with a sequel!
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Tom Swift (2022)
The C W really screwed up cancelling this one!
15 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a GAY man with no talent, just opinions. In my opinion the CW and their attempts to micro-manage a production have gone terribly wrong. The CW and their "Brain"less" Trust in Programing could have had a good thing here. They created what should have been a FALL show and given the proper backing would have had a hit. They the "Brain-less Trust" were looking at dollars and what would make the network more saleable. That is what happens when MBA's run a network and not people with a backround in anything remotely theatrical. Of course that show they worked as stage hands on will qualify in their minds. Tian Richards brings a fresh approach to a decades old character. CBS Studios hopefully is on the line with the streamer networks. I shall not give up hope, quality ,and fun programing win out.
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Love, Victor (2020–2022)
really something special here
6 August 2022
I sam a gay man with no talent. Just opinions and in my opinion they ended this powerful series to soon. I wish there was programing like this when I came out. I loved the Love Simon movie and this extention of the story was very well done. Michael Cimino and George Sear did an amazing job. The portrayals of Victor and Benji were touchingly real and sensative. You could feel the angst in the dealings with some very sensative issues associated with coming out and first time gay sex. We need more shows like this. Shows that grow and evolve as the characters grow and evolve. This is a series that you binge and feel glad you did.
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Uncoupled (2022)
Another Gem from Neil Patrick Harris!
6 August 2022
I am a gay man with no talent. Just opinions! In my opinion we need more of the quality and caliber of this show. The dialogue in many of the situatijons echoed real life experiences. The writting was amazing and the characters were fleshed out early on. I have known or still know so many simiilar characters. Nieil Patrick Harris has been fun to watch grom and evolve aas an actor and in his celebrity.

Mr Netflick you wanna stop hemmoraging viewers. Give them what they want to see. They will want to see more of this!
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Queer as Folk (2022)
LBGTQ+ gets a reboot
17 June 2022
I am just a gay man with no talent,just opinions.

In my opinion 17 years after the first series hit Showtime. We have a fresh vision of the LGBTQ+ community of the 20's. The original American version was breakthrough for the 90's. This reboot shows how far tthe community has come and how it is still the same. The LGBTQ+ community will always have the shallow and vaquous. So does the str8 hetero community. So why are there so many people on here writing negative reviews criticizing the very elements that made the original awesome. Anytime there is a show on mainstream TV that deals with LGBTQ issues. It is a good thing. You may not agree with the presentation. That is afterall the American way. You have that right. However you set a show in a city with as diverse a comunity as New Orleans. Then feature a diverse mixture of characters as this version does. The showrunners have created a hit with legs to go the distance.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
Incredibly wonderful and something else......
6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a GAY man with no talent,just opinions

In my opinion if NETFLICK doesn't do a season 2 of this series they would be fools. The series is taken from a 4 volme set of graphic novels. The writers that brought it to the screen avoided all the LGBTQ cliche. What they produced was a genuine feel good series that will make you smile. Whren episode 8 finished, I was disappointed. I wanted the feeling this series brought out in me to continue. Bravo's to the cast and writers.
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Joe Bell (2020)
Powerful,emotional movie with a message
27 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a gay man with no talent,just opinions Mark Wahlberg demonstrates once again how talented he truely is. Joe Bell is a complex character to bring to the screen. Mr. Wahlburg shows the conflicted emotions that Joe Bell was going through. The walk he untook in hopes of spreading the message about the devestating effects of bullying. Was also Joe Bells way of grieving and making sense of his sons suicide. What most people do not realize is that suicide is often thought of as a selfish act. A suicide often leaves in its wakefor those left behind more questions than answers. Joe Bell demonstrates that harsh reality and Mark Wahlberg explores all of this in his portrayal. Unfortunately Joe Bell is not here to see this movie. Mark Wahlberg has definitely spread Joe Bell's message.
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The Chosen (2017– )
Counting the days till season 3
24 April 2022
I am a Gay man with no talent just opinions.

Today I binged 2 seasons of this series. One word describes what I thought and felt after watching the first episode. BRILLIANT!

I wish I did have talent or could act cause I would definitely want to be associated with this production. Maybe if they haven't wrapped season 3 they might need an assistant to an assistant. Even an unpaid intern. Call me!

The cast is brilliant. The writing is so natural. I felt like Jesus or Mathew were old friends talking to me. Not in the clipped inserted bible quotes of other movies in the genre. I rank this with "The Ten Commandments" or the " Greatest story ever Told" Brought to an episodic series format. Dallas Jenkins, I know ewe will see you on the awards stage for this if we don't somethings definitely wrong. Jonathan Roomie's portrayal of Jesus reminds me of a favorite cool uncle. Paras Patel's interpretation of Mathew, just WOW. To make him like a person living with a mild case of Asperger syndrome and throw in mathematical Savant and you have what can only be called a unique original take on Mathew. Once again fleshing out the man that was Mathew in a very human take. Shahar Isaac as Simon Peter gives new incite to who Simon Peter was as a man. Shahar Isaac helps you to better understand who Simon Peter was. How he would become the "ROCK" the church was built on.
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Elite (2018–2024)
Season 5 is a set up for season 6
19 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am just a GAY guy with no talent. Only opinions.

Well the return of Elite in season 5 did not disappoint. You may when you watch think it is plodding along. That is the set up for season 6 and the way ELITE has done past seasons. So I am thinking December 2022 we will see a bunch of shorts-Teasers about characters. Then in the Spring of 2023 8 episodes of steamy who done it will begin.
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Star Trek is a StarTrek by any other name HOT DAMMED!
8 March 2022
I am not educated. I only have my opinions.

In my opinion this 2 episode arc was one of the finest episodes in the 50 year history of Star Trek. I have been fortunate, I have seen what this series has done. The social change it has helped to promote. I have read some of the misbegotten reviews on this series.

Were we watching the same show?

One of the things Star Trek as a Franchise has done is to persevere in it's championships of social issues. Star Trek the original tv series in 1968 had the first inter -racial kiss. It pioneered acceptance of race relations. This new Discovery series has put LBGTQ. Relationships and issues in main story arcs. While maintaining the fantasy of what will be and what can be. If you watch the original series. Look at Tri-corders =Tablets ,Cell phones as communicators. How about talking to our computers to turn lights onto connect to others? Alexa?

I am not a "TRECKIE" i have never been to a fan event or a comic-con. This new incarnation of Star Trek inspires me to do it!
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Coldwater (2013)
Amazing and powerful
20 January 2022
I am a GAY man with no talent. Just opinions.

This amazing movie is one I wish I found sooner. The story is great! The way the director crafted it in cutaways took nothing away from the main theme. This movie has a hard message and the reality is there too. If you doubt the existence of places like this. Private juvenile detention centers. I received first hand knowledge from a friend. His step brother was sent to one by his father before his Mom's divorce. After 3 years he was sent home for medical reasons. These places do exist even after numerous complaints.

Watch this, not for entertainment for enlightenment!
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I felt a definite need to write this after reading some others
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a GAY man with no talent. Just opinions.

This was a beautifully written an concieved story. The movie deals with some serious issues HIV, Drug Addiction. More than that it deals with relationships and the effects HIV and drug abuse have on the people that love the addict and those around them. I believe the title is a metaphor "HOLDING TREVOR" for the theme of the movie. "What is HOLDING TREVOR?" "Who is HOLDING TREVOR?"

Brent Gorski as Trevor gives a very emotional and impassioned performance. I think the fact he wrote the script is is indicative to his understanding of Trever. It felt very personal. I truly felt we are seeing inside Brent Gorski.

The person you will end up rooting for is. Eli Kranski as Ephram. His first encounter with Trevor is in the ER where he brings Darrell for an OD. Like Trevor I really did not remember him . Then they met up at a party. The gods and stars and lights aligned.

I am a hopeless romantic and I freely admit it. I think they have a 12 step program for that now. Seriously; this popped up on my Amazon "We think you might like" and I did. I think you will too.
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Indoor Boys (2017– )
If you haven't seen this show you will be hooked in the first 15 minutes.
10 January 2022
I am a gay man with no talent. Just opinions.

This show is a fresh well written romantic comedy. The main characters and the ensemble cast are quirky . The protagonists Alex Wyse as Nate and Wesley Taylor as Luke propel this series with quick and witty dialogue. All centering around Nate and Luke's bumpy path to a loving relationship. The situations the guys face are hysterically performed and acted. I watched this on HERE TV. I binged all 3 seasons. You will too!

I am hoping they will make a multi season contract with more episodes.

Alex Wyse and Wesley Taylor Bravo!
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Snowflake (2018)
I cannot believe I am the first review
8 January 2022
I am a gay man with no talent. Just opinions.

I need to say this up front Jack Tracy is an amazing actor, director, writer and composer. I am a follower of his projects and this is one of the bravest and probably controversial work he has done.


I want everyone who reads this review to watch this movie. This film is an allegory to current events. I am so sure the watcher can see the parallels that I will not mention them here. I will not give "he that I will not mention" more print than he deserves. That said everyone that takes the time to read this review, every member of the LGBTQ community owes Jack Tracy a huge THANK YOU.

This amazingly talented man has put on film what the LGBTQ community only talks abo, get pissed off , Watch this movie. Be proud that we have Jack Tracy to put on film, probably at funding risk, what needs to be said.

Personal note to Jack Tracy: If you read this make the beard a go-tee. The offer still stands for a beer if you get to Boston.
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8 January 2022
I am a gay man with no talent. Just opinions.

When there are so many dark things going on in the world JT Seaton came up with this. This is the best 12 minutes I have spent online in since the pandemic started. Noah Brown and Jamal Douglas are two talents to watch in the future. I will be looking for you guys!

SERIOUSLY the best 12 minutes you will spend today!
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Stone Fruit (2020)
What makes a gay marriage ..go off the rails
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a gay man with no talent. Just opinions.

The first thing that comes to mind as I write this review is the dialogue. The two protagonists Rob Warner as Russ and Matt Palazzolo as Manny are a great pairing. The interaction is so natural without pause. A tribute to the writing and direction of Brandon Krajewski. The dialogue exchanges remind are the drive in this movie. There is an undercurrent of love between Manny and Russ .You see the rehashing of their relationship and the feeling that exists for them still. Being a hopeless romantic the ending disappointed a little. Overall this was 90 mins of pure entertainment.
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