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The ultimate story of Love Passion, and of course a few good sword fights.
2 January 2008
A fast paced love story that has everything in it... "Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles..." everything you could ever hope for. It has those corny 80's special effects you just have to love. Brilliantly choreographed fight scenes, Andre the Giant playing a not so bright giant, who is very good at rhyming. There's a lost pirate, an evil prince, a not so willingly princess, and an adorably senile king. Not to mention, the Spaniard with a vendetta, the miracle max with a grudge, and the priest with a speech impediment. As well as a well meaning grandpa, and a young boy who learns an important life lesson. And for the girls it has this... "Since the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind. The End." ... o and of course it teaches us what to the pain means. Now ill leave you with these simple words AS YOU WISH
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Vincent (1982)
A boy who sees the world slightly differently in suburbia
2 January 2008
Vincent (1982) is Burton's first film and his first stop motion production, and is a 6 minute short, about 7 year old Vincent Malloy, an outsider in the world, who idolizes Vincent Price. Price narrates the short in his and Burton's first collaboration. Vincent is Burton's tribute to Price. Price once said that Vincent was the greatest honor, it immortalizes you, and is "better than a star on Hollywood Boulevard". The story of Vincent while being the tribute to Price it is, is also an autobiographical tale of Burton's youth. It explores how it feels to be a different sort of character in the sea of sameness that is suburbia (a theme Burton tends to revisit. The film references the 50's horrors of Burton's childhood many times, both adoringly and mockingly. It features themes Burton often revisits, such as the split personality of the protagonist (and his outsider personality) and the exuberant Gothic imaginary world, which makes reality look and feel boring in comparison.

Even if you don't want to watch the short, read the poem, its very good, in a dark Spike Milligan sort of way.

also if you've seen The Nightmare Before Christmas check out minute 4:45 for a familiar character albeit in a slightly different form.
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Excedingly Boring
11 June 2006
Has to watch it in English class, and thought it was incredibly boring. It is a very informative documentary, and tells an interesting story, but manages to do it in a very boring way! The story is about Mother Antonio O'Brien and the 9 young St John of God sisters who came to the Kimberley, Australia in 1907, and the impact they had on the community over the last 100 years. The nuns have gone through a lot since arriving in The Kimberley in 1907, and it makes an interesting story, but tit is not represented in an interesting manner in this documentary. my recommendation only watch it if there is nothing else to do at all, and you like stories about the hardship of living in Australia. i only give it 3 out of 10 because the story is interesting even if the documentary is crap.
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Cutting Class (1989)
A great suspenseful 80's horror!
4 June 2006
Cutting Class is a brilliant movie!! Me and a bunch of friends were watching it and we all loved it! basically its a classic high school horror, 'who-dun-it'. when people start going missing/murdered at the school, you just cant help but fall into the storyline, screaming in all the right places! the twists and misleadings in the plot, kept us guessing who the culprit was right up until the very end! deciding it had to be one person, and then changing our mind 5 minutes later, just the way a good horror should. and all the hints to the story got let out at the right moments. The acting is not brilliant, but its reasonable, though definitely not Pitt's best job. but you don't really mind it much, and what so you expect in an 80's horror flick. the corny/pathetic dialog, is disappointing, but in the heat of the movie it doesn't really matter, though i found the last lines to be disappointing and just darn pathetic! don't get the wrong idea though, its not brilliant! its not going to get you thinking 'oh my god this is the best movie I've ever seen'. its a good movie, it gets your heart thumping (the storyline that is not Brad Pitt), and if you like a good 80's high school murder horror, you'll love it, but it definitely not A class. Great movie, you should definitely watch it!!
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The Days (2004)
this show is awesome! i loved it!
9 May 2006
the one and only season has just aired here in Australia and i thought it was absolutely brilliant! i love it! all the story lines are so good! and its a much more realistic view on teen and family life today. yet it still kept strong family values of sticking together and being there for each other. their problems were real, and it really drew you into the show. the show is basically about this family called 'the Days' and their lives. the family consisted of Abby Day (mum), Jack Day (dad), Natalie Day (sporty daughter), Cooper Day (outsider son), and Nathan Day (boy genius son). each episodes a day of their life, with coopers perspective on things throughout it. i loved cooper his insight through out the show was just great. he was by far my favorite character. it ended with so many things it could've continued with, I'm really sad another season wasn't made. it was a great show I'm gonna miss it.
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Class of 1984 (1982)
this is an awesome movie, you HAVE to watch!
29 April 2006
this is an awesome movie!! i watched with a bunch of friends and we just loved it. it couldn't possibly have been done in a more pleasing way to the viewer. at every scene we were cacking our selves. even when we were screaming at a particularly disgusting scene (if you've seen this movies you know which one, with a wood-work tool) we were laughing at the same time! there were some scenes that i just thought were a bit gross, but in all i think the hilarity of the movie out ways them. the music could be scene as a good or bad thing. it was bad in the way that there was noway you can take the scene seriously with that playing, but it was good because it added to the comedy of the movie, and in a away made it more enjoyable. i found that the title was informative, but the movie isn't really about the entire class of 1984, its really just about one group of students, but i don't think a better title could have been picked, especially without giving to plot away. i love this movie it is so great! you HAVE to watch it.
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