
7 Reviews
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Spycies (2020)
The Cheap Chinese Knock-Off of Zootopia
13 February 2020
I guess it was inevitable but jeeze. I was really hoping it'd have better writing and production values than this. From the characters to the world itself, there's absolutely nothing to connect with if you've already seen better films that do everything it's trying to do.
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Funny Pets 2 (2018)
Blatant Secret Life of Pets Mockbuster
18 January 2020
Lazy pet videos strung together with lazy pet CGI. Just look up cat videos on YouTube and save yourself the trouble.
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Zoo Wars (2018)
Easily the best film this studio has made so far.
13 February 2019
Which, of course, is not saying anything much. The voice work is bad, the characters are ugly, and there's a lot of stolen assets; the antagonist is just Pip from Barnyarn cosplaying as Darth Vader.

That said, the creators have taken a step in the right direction by taking on a more ambitious project. By telling a story instead of going with the 'instant dance party' format they've been doing, there's actual writing and a narrative to follow. Not all that engaging of one, of course, but it got a few genuine laughs from me.
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These movies by Pippa Seymour are getting worse.
27 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You'd think, given the creator, that this would be a feature-length direct-to-video 'film' where cheap CGI barnyard animals dance badly around a farm. But no, it's set in a forest and the cast are woodland critters. Despite the cover, you will not find a cow, a chicken, or horse in the entire thing. Most of the songs aren't even farm-related; it even ends on 'He's Got the Whole World in His Hands,' for some reason.
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The climax dropped this a full letter grade.
21 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So the antagonist is chasing down the protagonist because he wants to learn a magic song, and has no way of verifying whether any song he's told is actually the one he wants. And the magic gate he needs the song to open? It destroys anyone who sings the wrong song.

The cast all know and understand this.

It just seems like this this whole thing could've been resolved a lot quicker.
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Ungulate fans rejoice
2 December 2018
My name is Hazel and I love goats. If you don't match this criteria, subtract 4 from my (highly subjective) rating.
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Terrible Mockbuster
21 September 2018
This isn't a movie, it's just an hour of stolen CGI assets jiggling around the screen in the same animation loops as repetitive music plays. It looks like a rushed rehashing of it's "prequel," which only came out two years before it and has the exact same format, premise, and even segments.
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