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Camping (2018)
Watch the original, don't let this disaster put you off Camping
19 October 2018
You know what's wrong with Camping and so many other American remakes of British comedies, the Americans struggle with losers.

they can't have their protagonists be losers, you might argue, but what about Leonard and Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory, they're losers, or Earl from My Name Is Earl or any shlub or 'loser' from any American series, you might be saying to yourself, but American comedy is made up of loser protagonists, but you would be wrong, Leonard and Sheldon get all the funny lines, they get the girl/s they (within their own world) are popular and by and large happy, they are not losers, nor is Earl nor Uncle Buck, nor any of the shlubs or would be 'losers' from the world of American comedy, few are true losers, the Always Sunny crew come close, but again within their own strange world they still seem to be winners.

How could America create a true remake of Julia Davis's Camping, when their version of the show refuses by and large to show ugly people, refuses to have its characters roll around in the mud, refuses for its characters to be the absolute losers they are in the original, where we had an insane controlling woman who believes her son is turning gay from eating sun dried tomatoes and forces him to wear a bubble helmet, instead we have the beautiful Jennifer Garner, playing a woman who is very controlling, but not a genuinely insane neurotic, just a woman who is a bit much. Her husband is a well-presented David Tennant not Steve Pemberton, looking like a normal middle aged shlub.

They can't even get the subtlety right, and it wasn't the most nuanced show to begin with, Julia Davis's character, the trendy, vivacious Fay, is supposed to contrast with the other women who are camping, who are much less attractive and sexual, her character is supposed to make the other couple on the trip look and feel inadequate, like losers, she is also supposed to be a loser herself, Fay is a stupid middle aged woman who has never heard of the Nazis and can't help but speak and act like a vacuous 20 something clubber, not only are the campers pathetic but they are made to feel inadequate by Fay who in her own way is just as pathetic as the rest of them. In the remake with none of the characters being true losers how could any of them seem or be made to feel inadequate by the character Jandice, she isn't prettier than the rest of them, her life does not seem more glamorous, her character is too arch to be threatening, her character comes across as a drunk soccer mum not the trendy seductress that is Fay's character.

Why remake a comedy if you cannot neither understand nor bring yourself to recreate the character dynamics that made it funny in the first place, if you can't bring yourself to create characters who are true losers, then don't try and remake classic British comedies.
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Camping (2018)
The British camping by Julia Davis is wonderful, this is horrible and nothing like the original
15 October 2018
The British camping by Julia Davis is wonderful, this is horrible and nothing like the original

That's all I had to say
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Tourist Trap (2018– )
It's another 'The Office' clone and it's bad
5 October 2018
There are mockumantaries in the style of 'The Office' that are very good, most recently the wonder BBC comedy 'This Country', but you've got to do something different with the format and most importantly it has to actually be funny, this is neither funny nor original which is a shame because I like Sally Phillips.
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Defending the Guilty (2018–2019)
Shallow, trendy, dramady
30 September 2018
Between the trendy music choices that underscore nothing, the cool shots of our protagonist commuting that add nothing to the tone or story, the drama that fails to ever by really compelling or dramatic and the comedy that fails to ever be funny, Defending the Guilty cannot even be said to be unique in its own awfulness, trendy vacuous dramadies have come and gone before, what irks me is this is getting a full series off the back of a very poor pilot episode, and to all those singing this bland crap's praises, you are I am afraid merely defending the guilty.
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Taskmaster (2018)
Prefer it to the UK version, except the ones with Mortimer and Phillips
7 May 2018
Prefer it to the UK version, except the ones with Mortimer and Phillips.
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Silicon Valley: Tech Evangelist (2018)
Season 5, Episode 4
Middling episode, with a lazy 'satirical' premise, that panders to the ego's of mainstream USA
16 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe in a way the atheist intellectual liberals of the tech industry are just as bigoted as christian fundamentalist conservatives, hmmmm makes you think doesn't it, well no, because what happens in the episode is not even an exaggerated version of what happens in liberal atheistic industries, it's just a straw man made to help the average not so liberal certainly not so atheistic person feel better about themselves and sadly once you take out the lazy religion jokes the rest of the episode doesn't really hold up either, it's all a bit crap in an other wise often consistently witty show.
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Damned (2016–2018)
Let it grow on you
9 April 2018
When I saw the first episode I thought, great another bland, poorly written, dramedy, but give it time to grow on you and you quickly realise what a well observed, well acted piece of work it actually is, almost every comedy show I love I didn't like my first taste of, but over a year after seeing the first episode as has always been the case something made me come back to this show and I am very glad I did, it's allot better than it gets credit for.
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Atlanta: Teddy Perkins (2018)
Season 2, Episode 6
Donald Glover he is, Garry Oldman he ain't
6 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When we first see Teddy Perkins, it's obvious who is playing him. Glover has quite pronounced body language and vocal intonation and they are not disguised well in his portrayal of Perkins.

The episode feels slow on account of how unbelievable the character of Perkins is due to Glover's acting, this is not to say the Glover is a bad actor, far from it, but he is not what you would call a chameleon actor. So far I have loved Atlanta, but this is the weakest episode I have seen so far.

The humour is heavy handed here also, digging his finger in the ostrich egg is a version of well worn abusrdism and shock humour and the Breakfast Club reference was ill timed along with the referencing of real abusive parents was all heavy handed in delivering the message of the episode which itself was hitting the audience over the head with the episodes message.

To all who don't like my review is ask, u mad?
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A real hidden gem
24 March 2018
There are a lot of shows similar to this, plodding documentaries about airport staff and emergency wards, they all seem to be about enjoying a kind of mundane mellow-drama and invoking a sense of superiority as you watch tattooed morons getting caught trying to smuggle cocaine through customs or being treated after getting in a fist fight with their landlord or some other rubbish

this show is nothing like that, every episode follows either one case or a two or three cases, most of which are truly horrifying and you get to see how clumsy and clunky the justice system can be while also understanding that it has to be that way to maintain impartiality and fairness, it's a wonderful insight into a world that really matters.

I never would of heard of this show if it wasn't for Bob Mortimer's hilarious Athletico Mince podcast, I recommend both this show and the podcast highly
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The phrase is non-sequitur
15 March 2018
To all the people who gave this movie a poor review saying the joke is suppose to be that it's terrible or that people only like movies like this to belong

1. I don't know anyone apart from myself who has seen the movie and yet I love it, I am in not online group and have no online friends or community that know about, talk about or like this film and yet I love it, so there goes that theory

2. The type of humour in the film is called non-sequitur if Jim Hosking the creator (who is British) was inspired by anyone in regards to the type of humour it has to have been, Reeves and Mortimer, the comedy itches a certain scratch, it's not scratch everyone has, but for some people it's there, if you don't have it, that's fine, the films not for you

If you want to see something that this film I am sure owes a debt to, watch Catterick (2004) for a showcasing of Vic and Bob's non-sequitur absurdist style, that this falls into the same school as, this is a school of british comedy that started with Spike Milligan and the Goon show and was carried on by Python and Rik Mayall.
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Hold the Sunset (2018–2019)
Not dated, not poorly acted, just poorly written and directed
21 February 2018
There are comedies like Bottom, the young ones and father ted which are funny in an anarchic way and there are slow burning comedies about relatable characters you fall in love with, like Him and Her, Mum, The Royle Family, early doors and Rover. This is neither, it's not funny because there is neither anarchy nor relatable characters, in the US they get round this problem by adding laugh tracks and soap opera style drama and romance to cover the cracks of two dimensional characters and bland writing, but Hold The Sunset has neither, it is a show without appeal. It is crap.
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Get Shorty: Grace Under Pressure (2017)
Season 1, Episode 7
Good as usual for the show, but some dodge British accents
18 September 2017
The show in general has been fun and compelling, but a couple of the actors playing the parts of Brits were not just not British (if they can act well enough it doesn't matter), they were not passable as British, mainly my problem is American actor, Billy Magnussen, who plays a fool who turns out to be a "great actor" and wows everybody by nailing the part of a colourful British character, now poor impersonations of accent aside, he is a fine actor, not really much more than that, he's no Alec Guinness or Marlon Brando, no Garry Oldman (unless you are talking about his more recent roles), but he's fine, he's certainly not bad, but to get to the point real British people (the kind in the script reading) would not be at least sincerely impressed (unless they were particularly stupid) by a quite frankly inadequate impression of a British accent, to point out the kind of pronunciation mistake Magnussen makes, he pronounces dog as dug, Americans pronounce dog dawg (no offense) a British person who speaks the queens English as the table read character was attempting would pronounce dog, dog, any way other than this nitpick it was a fine episode.
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