
11 Reviews
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Halloween ends....... More like Halloween trash.
24 October 2022
Man..... if I could rewind time I'd make sure to never waste my time with this movie. I enjoyed the last one that came out a good bit, but this movie right here is for the birds. Not the pretty birds either. I think this is the biggest disappointment in a horror legacy to date. The amount of disrespect they showed Michael throughout the whole movie is unspeakable. The director should be ashamed of themselves in every aspect of the word. So much disappointment and anger from one movie. I'm not someone who reviews movies much but this is a cash grab piece of trash if I have ever seen one. If I could rate this in the negative I would.
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Elden Ring (2022 Video Game)
Persistence and patience tarnished.
21 April 2022
What a game. Post end game here, and I wanted to say to you tarnished is prithe be careful. What a game. Full of ups and downs. Just be ready for the big ups.
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Old (2021)
26 January 2022
This movie really is bad. M Night back to his old ways. Sadly he has returned to the old way he makes movies. If I were you I'd avoid this movie at all costs. Don't make the same mistake as I did and rent this movie.
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Great animation, movie was a hard ehhhhh
8 March 2021
First off. The dragons looked so weak. The animation was great, but the story was not on point. Btw main dragon annoyed the hell out of me. Don't spend 30 bucks to see this. Wait till it's free to stream on Disney plus.
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Feminism movement not needed
28 December 2020
I don't care if it's a woman or man playing the superhero, but when you push an agenda the movie will not be liked. I could care absolute less about the feminist movement as well as the trash movie I am reviewing. Dull and boring movie overall.
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What a disappointment
27 December 2020
I enjoyed the first one, but when it comes to this you might want to wait till trash day because that's where it belongs. Such an incredible disappointment. Start to finish. Very boring, bad CGI, storytelling is bad and the main villain is a joke. Overall even though it's free to watch I'd pass this movie up. 2 1/2 hours of my life I will never get back.
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Scoob! (2020)
Weak sauce
18 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It doesn't matter if you're hardcore to the series or new to the scene. This doesn't really hit the scooby doo series right. They are split for majority of the film, and add a super hero film aspect to it all. It feels as if they really tried to make it a new age scooby doo which I can respect, but missed entirely. Pretty sad. I would wait for it to come out free to watch.
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The Lion King (2019)
Good movie questionable casting.
1 March 2020
Good movie, but my only dislike and I mean serious dislike is Beyoncé who plays Nala. Terrible actress/music artist or whatever you want to call her to play such a iconic character. Absolutely loved Seth Rogan as Pumba.
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Untitled Goose Game (2019 Video Game)
Great time to be a mischievous goose
28 December 2019
Fun, innovative, short and simple game. Not much else needs to be said. Doesn't take much to get going. A ton of fun.
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Hellboy (2019)
Really enjoyed it.
25 July 2019
This movie was fun, and had good pacing. Plus it had great one liners. I don't understand where all the hate comes from. Yes there is some goofs, but unless you're really trying to find those you will enjoy this film. Be ready for the gore though.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Great tension builder
14 July 2019
Constant atmosphere building, Gritty horror and no beating around the bush. The kind of horror movie it try's to be. I throughly enjoyed this film. Great summertime flick.
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