
2 Reviews
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Excellent Navy Seal adventure. Minor spoilers
3 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Nice directing job by Roel Reine, who also was the director of photography. All the actors did decent jobs and held their weapons properly. Lots of great shots in South Africa. The Operation Delta Force movies from 15 years ago also filmed in South Africa and I remember that same bridge being used. Cool explosions and great use of slow motion during the battles, especially from the .50 caliber machine gun firing very big holes. The opening raid on the evil general's compound was very well done. Gigantic body count - showing just how bad ass these Seals are. The boat chase and waterfall scenery was fun to watch. The story was pretty simple - if anything, just watch it for the cinematography and the battle scenes. I never knew that tower in Johannesburg was hollow in the center. A well done Special Forces adventure. After renting it, I might buy it.
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Warhead (1996)
Director Mark Roper does a great job
7 September 2007
Mark Roper's directing style often reminds me of John Woo and that's not a bad guy to emulate. Cool slow motion, stylized gun fights to a dramatic score. This movie also had the Woo like quick flashbacks and a slow-mo white bird, another Woo trademark. The actors here do a nice job. A lot of them appear throughout the fun Operation Delta Force films, also by Nu Image. Frank Zagarino will never be confused for Bruce Willis, but he does a fine job as the leader of a U.S. Special Forces unit. Mark Roper is definitely one of the best low budget action movie directors around, along with Issac Florentine. I hope Nu Image lets Roper do another one.
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