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Beacon 23: Song of Sorrow (2024)
Season 2, Episode 5
Lame Episode
27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I used to cringe at those episodes on the various Star treks, were every person on a planet was exactly the same and followed 'whatever' law/culture thing to the letter.. And then this episode came along, the strange "space suits" that look like the result of a 3rd grade costume contest, the crazy 'sign language' and just d.o.a. Dialogs.. This episode took what started out being a smart'ish sci-fi story to 'Galactica 1980' oddness. I miss the days when shows ran longer than 15 episodes and didn't follow an arch with every episode. So when I a show that has a short run and an obvious story to tell, spins in something so underwhelming, I start to drift from the need to see the next episode.
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Fauci Unmasked: The Trial Run (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
16 May 2024
I started to watch, to see for myself, but soon turned it off as it gave no objective proof of any wrong doing.. It is more of the right giving their constituents people to hate so they can be in DC and do no work actually governing. I do find it ironic, that not a single shred or sound byte is included of the the 'president' making ridiculous statements to those around him that (paraphrasing here people) "'we should look into injecting people with household cleaners" and telling the nation that everything is under control, then heading to the golf course. It doesn't mention the then office holder, telling his followers that he was in the best health of any president and didn't get the vaccine, but goes behind the curtain and gets the jab.. Not very objective at all.. No party or person is 100% infallible, Fauci may have some issues, but his advice or directions didn't indirectly murder Americans by in-action and lying to the citizens....
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I thought the behind the scene's would help
2 May 2024
I though watching this would maybe, give me a different outlook on the movie; I only made it about 20 minutes into the movie, when I just nodded off from dis-interest and just blah, blah, bland.. Nope, this in no way gave me a different outlook on the movie, it really just solidified my view that these studio's do just back some junk, simply for product to put in the library, get some tax credit for bad investment, and just keep people working. Usually effort in the behind the scenes production is impressive and really adds a fine edge to a production, in this case it does drive home the point.. You can put all the makeup you can on a Pig... It's still going to be a oinker. Though I would find looking at a dolled up Pig, much more enjoyable than watching this or the production it is attached too.
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Zombie Town (2023)
Came for Akroyd and Chase... but a hard watch
24 October 2023
Many reviewers state one has to be in the 'demographic' or target range to 'get' this flick... huey! I'm a man of a certain age and love a great kids/young adult flick! I've watched many series 'targeted' for young adults and wholeheartedly loved the watch.. I watched it 2x, just in case my mood had any effect on my perspective.. Nope, it was still a stinker.. If it were 'intended' for younger viewers, the 2 main teen characters apparently weren't told or even given direction.. their performances were phoned in and just bland. I'd also have to argue and/or point out that Disney and Pixar flicks are 'intended' for young audiences, yet appeal to a much larger audience. So that defense of this flick is imo indefensible. I'd argue the production just didn't know what they wanted the film to be. It wasn't straight enough to be ironically funny, it wasn't wonkie enough to be campy, it didn't even have the bones to be carried by Akroyd and Chase. There will be some that look at it differently or see something the rest of us don't, so if you're unsure what lot you fall into You'll know within a few minutes whether it's for you or not..
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The pro-trump media machine trash
16 October 2023
Up until this ________ president (insert your own adjective) I had never thought about or regretted being a republican.. Until he asked Russia for help, Nazi's were decent people and called on crowds to use violence on a person of color and any media he didn't like. Btw He uses the same tactics to control his disciples that abusers use.

For those that claim this is 'fact-filled' and 'evidence' of wide spread corruption, there is a flaw. While there are many problems with our judicial system especially for us little people.. When it's as high profile as this it tends to be a little more concerned about getting it right.. So if all this rubbish was indeed facts and evidence, it would be included the court proceedings. There are no facts presented, just the pro-trump media machine churning out more fodder for his devotees..
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Not so fast paced and a little boring
25 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Usually a big fan of Alan Carrs shows, so we couldn't wait for this to hit the air. There is just something missing. I get the format and the goal of naming the pictures, maybe I've just been programmed by glitzy game shows and a simpler one doesn't land the way it was intended.. I can't say for sure why it didn't seem to be engagable, but we were tuned out in a matter of minutes and just didn't seem to care to go on with the next episode. In all honesty, I wondered why we weren't given another season of 'There's Something about Movies' or 'Epic Game Show'. We always make the time to sit and watch 'TSaM'. We'll pass on this one....
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American Horror Story: Multiply Thy Pain (2023)
Season 12, Episode 1
A real snooze
23 September 2023
After a few months of anticipation We Just couldn't wait for this season to start. The episode started and a few minutes later I was nodding off. Maybe they should have done that 2 episode release for this one, because this just can't be from the creators that brought the earlier seasons. It seemed pretty amateur. I just didn't get the normal spooky, creepy moodiness. Does someone think just filming every scene in low light equates moody? For me, the atmosphere really makes everything else shine in the stories, so perhaps this story doesn't need the atmos normally seen and the story will become a little clearer. So hopefully epi 2 will setup whats to come a little better...
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Mrs. Brown's Boys: Miserable Mammy (2023)
Season 5, Episode 1
Great Episode!
8 September 2023
After last years odd Christmas special that upset alot of viewers, I had a brief thought that maybe they'd take the show off the rails down a unrecoverable rabbit hole. Not only was it a great show, but we get 3 more and the specials this year! This episode went back to the typical Agnes and family ups and downs fun with a bit of a be kind message. Most of the usual faces were back, but still missing ''Rory'' and ''Dino'', and wondering if ''Trevor'' will be coming back after the off-camera life changes. While the show isn't everyone's cup-o-tea, fans should be pleased to see the return to fun episode.
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Meh, but a few good bits
27 August 2023
Someone says in episode 2 or 3, Sherry Vine is The 'Carol Burnett' of drag.. maybe for some on something while at a party.. Each episode "introducing" us to Bianca Del Rio... I don't get that either.. So a harsh rebut, the only similarity to the Carol Burnett Show is the sketch/singing bits. For me the only thing saving from a switch of the channel is the sketches with Bianca Del Rio and the guests. I like the low-budget/early days of a new program for some types of stories; but seriously is it that hard to put up some folding chairs, post some flyers in Clubs, bars and small venues and get an audience to film in front of, regardless of where you're filming?? It really might help in writing actual funny bits, instead of a funny bit someone with a singular whit gets.. Maybe it will get better, but as most have some streaming platform access... Go watch the real Carol Burnett after a few watches.. After all there is only one Carol Burnett...
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The reviews were wrong...stinker
11 August 2023
I checked over the reviews (and make sure they hadn't only ever reviewed this title) and everything looked legit... So I sat down hoping for a decent lo-budget good watch.... it didn't happen... I thought I could deal with the ancient CGI that looked like it was yanked right out of a 1st gen Xbox console game... Laughed it off.. Then there were the set props and details.. in the first "cockpit" scene the set details were not even "B movie" clever. What looks like 2 aluminum water pump spacers were glued to a black board with the other "details"... Its not an uncommon thing to see auto engine parts cleverly made into prop pieces, but come'on make me look for it!

I endured the opening 'great escape' and only made it another few minutes until it just couldn't be watched any more... It might have improved but I just couldn't endure the supporting casts bad acting.. Pare deserves some good movies... but this isn't one isn't.....
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Great camp and some funny moments
31 May 2023
I had no idea that a show was coming to the little screen that wasn't connected to RPDR or WOW.. I just happened to stumble across a preview on a search and couldn't wait to sit down and start watching. Jinx Monsoon and BenDeLaCreme are up against Jackie Beat and Sherry Vine in the first episode. MC'd by Murray Hill, with Neil Patrick Harris, David Burtka and Haneefah Wood as hosts-judges. I particularly liked the mix of faces I know and the queens that I don't.

Let me start with.. I don't sit down to be some arm-chair critic and if I'm not in the mood for a particular show/movie, I wait before I post anything if I feel compelled too.

For me this show has a little hint of the days when LGBTQ media was underground but it did have enough polish to be contemporary. I also enjoyed that the production doesn't take things too seriously, just campy fun. There are plenty of funny moments between everyone, in particular when Bianca Del Rio lets that tongue loose. What I enjoyed is seeing that the cast/crew were having a good time doin' what they do.

Episode 2 was a lil wonkie in the dining room skit but over-all I can't wait for a season 2.. Just sit back and have a good watch..
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Silo: Machines (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
An episode for grade-schoolers; a Technical flop
21 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The past few years great science fiction stories have some sort of technical accuracy or at least plausibility. I like this show, it shows great potential..however I and I figure others also get disconnected when there is an obvious error or something written just for the story.. A Silo Habitat is built sometime in the near future that will be home to thousands, contain environmental services, commerce and life support....and it's only built with one generator and a small backup not capable of "backing up"... That is an absolute fail... Not only could the story and 'crisis' been much more but it shows that there is no concern for technical research.. No power generation facility has just one generator, nor would a compound that has such needs just have one. Its just a big no-no.. 140 years of no off-line maintenance and the story says it's tilting and has been..At the point that it started tilting..the bearings would have been unserviceable, by the time this "crisis" occurred, destroyed.. No quick fix..days at least.

What we are shown is a turbine.. and a bad bearing in a turbine..bad news.. They find a bent blade, and fix it.. and it goes back to being ok.. Sure it may go back to being balanced..but the bearings are still bad.. so now the whole thing is just a massive disaster in waiting.. but they carry on, carrying on.

The steam source.. was shut off at a main valve..preventing any steam to enter the conduits.. So why are they showing pipes beginning to burst beyond the shut off valve.

The shut off valve is glowing red enough that it should be molten... they spray a garden hose stream of water on it and that cools it???.. WOW what bull.. It's steam, so the main problem would be pressure not temperature. So back to the garden hose.. if it's that hot Miss Thing would have been thoroughly cooked.. It takes days to traverse the silo..why? If this thing was built anytime in the last 100 years there would have been elevators.. If there weren't.. some smart engineer over 140 years didn't think "hmm we have all this open space in the middle beside the spiral ramps... lets build an elevator!"

Personally I'd use the writers strike to off-load the baboons that wrote this travesty.
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Call Me Kat: Call Me Fatty Patty (2023)
Season 3, Episode 13
Gideon gotta go..
10 February 2023
That Gideon has got to go,, I'd love to meet the boneheads that thought that the character would be "funny"1 an insult to the rural Amish community.. My family roots are in an area that has a Amish community; and while I find a bit of bewilderment at the life choice a funny thing...making the character a complete baboon is a failure on the writers and producers.. It would be much more 'comical' to write a character coming from the community and acclimating to the suburban environment. If they keep that character I'm signing off..what a disgrace to replace Leslie Jordan with this garbage writing. Jordan was the main reason we continued watching and the show did get a little better. But honestly were did they get the writing staff from??
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The Ark (2023– )
Thought it might be... but it wasn't
2 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think SyFy had it's glory hour with BSG/Battlestar Galactica.. but this is just cheese.. My first trigger was hearing 'protocol'..a small thing and some may not even notice just how often it is used/and abused.. It must be a mindset that it makes a scene sound better over using 'procedure'. Someone pointed it out to me a few years ago and its now just something I can't seem to tune out!

The environment just did not have a realness to it.. It just looked cheap and thoughtless. Look at the BSG TOS/2003 command area's, Master classes in something that is 'real'. Come to the external scene with the stuck superstructure in the revolving section, the 'fix it with a hammer' approach was just stupid; were it struck would have mangled the main structure the section revolved and that's just an elementary observation. By current conventions and those that appear to be used in the model of the ship, structural components are chosen and used to be as light and structurally sound in a 0g environment, the force of banging the revolving structure against the rogue part would have done irreparable damage to the section. I'm just an avid tech guy.. Major points knocked off for not having a science/ tech consultant to fix these goofy things.

The costumes just looked shabby, and it's nothing I can say definitively about what made them come across like that either. Perhaps when they put the helmets on and then go in a pressure compromised area.. Not even a little sound effect that hints 'something sealed up'.

The CGI was meh.. it's the 2020's...You want me to get drawn into your story?.. take me there!

The acting was so-so, but their script was dull and came across as vacant of originality.. Then the casting formula started showing.. kids doing engineering work; yes kids are smart but no-one else knows how to plant seeds??.

Overall it just added up to being very amateur, boring and a waste of their budget.

If you're going to give us ridiculousness then make it absurdly funny.. This Ark just didn't make it to its destination, We watched for about 10 minutes jumped ship...
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Monster (2022– )
Evan Peters, top shelf acting....scared me to death
27 October 2022
I usually steer clear of movies that cover the lives of the most gruesome of people and acts; one never knows who's getting the money. We do like Evans acting from AHS, so we gave it a look.

I have to admit from the very first scene, I was tense. Only out of high school a few years, this event was all we talked about. At times I'd think "While I was doing something fun somebody out there lost their life"... The atmosphere immediately kicked those thoughts back into gear. The first episode truly was creepy, un-nerving and 'real'.. Hats off to Peters for taking on a role like this.. After the episode finished I sat down and reviewed what was coming up.. We chose not to continue watching, Personally, I don't need to know beyond what I have already learned over the years of the times preceding the capture of the monster.. It was certainly a controversial character to play and he did it well.
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Sketchy Queens (2022– )
Will the Real Jinkx Monsoon take the stage?!
20 October 2022
I was really excited to see Jinkx have the space to do his thing.... but after episode 1 I felt like I had tuned into the wrong show or in some Bizzaro world. Who is this!

The first episode had 2 great bits.. The Jennifer's and Sunrise Blvd.. I kept in mind it was put together during the height of covid, but still it fell flat for me.

I'm not even an avid follower on social media; My expectations are based on appearances on Drag Race/All Stars and some other shows/youtube videos. So I was expecting the Jinkx that unashamedly loves old Hollywood. Then I wondered how and why WOW/RuPaul didn't swap some things around. I can't see Junkx wanting a side kick that can't deliver either vocally or comically. Apparently they are good friends, but if something doesn't just don't work...NEXT!

I 'get' a wide array of comedy styles/subjects, I honestly felt like I was just waiting to be let in on a private joke. As much as I tried to keep in mind it was an effort of 2 friends/cohorts, it just fails. I think Liam may just be in acting school and no one has the heart to say "hunty Ya need to look for sumthin' elseses". I love a great deadpan monotone routine, from someone that knows the nuances. In subsequent sketches of Sunset Blvd Jinkx character didn't hold true to the one in episode 1 and just came off like random non-sense.

So I revisited the Jinkx appearances on DR and DRAS that are inspired masterpieces, hoping to muster the will to watch the remaining episodes of Sketchy Queens..
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The Block (2003– )
BIg fan for awhile
8 September 2022
One show I looked forward to, among a few others; it had a colorful group of contestants and a lil bit of fun drama..That said, the past few seasons the "judges" have been been erking something. One particular episode they were criticizing a kitchen and Daren Palmer made some dribbling comments about the 'flow' between the appliances and some other areas around the sink and trash bin being being incorrect... Having been a draftsman for some time, I knew it was nonsense here because the work flow is set in the pattern the contestants used, so I double checked the aussie design principles and found they also follow the work flow pattern.. That started a snowball in my brain.. Shayna Blaze a "style guru"!?..imposter I say! Season 18 rolled around and by episode 15 I had had enough of the judges dribble.. I paused the dvr until next season.....
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Resident Evil (2022)
Not even a dyed in the wool fan...
18 July 2022
I've seen a few of the movies, so I know a little about the 'world'... this had the same annoyances that the new "Stand" had..back and forth between "then and now" with no hint.. And why ooo why does everything have to involve teens.. if its not teens/kids saving the world, its angsty tweens.. Why couldn't they have just made a story about the lab..techs n scientists get bit and bam the world goes to vacation....

Why do teens need so much "representation" when nearly 90% of them have those noses in a cell phone app???
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Alan Carr's Epic Gameshow: Bullseye (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
A nice break from the day
21 June 2022
I have liked most of Alan Carr's ventures that I can get access to, and I enjoyed this also.. It's nice to have something that isn't heavy or requires a lot of plot following, just switch off the brain and enjoy people playing a game.
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A good watch..
18 June 2022
When I first saw this come across the documentary suggest list the rating was at 3.x and 17 votes.. Now at 2.8 and 20... As someone fond of the cousins across the pond.. I found the documentary pretty enlightening; I've met several Aussies that somehow think their country is so much better than Us here in "Merika"... I digress.. As a doc its got a decent pace, shows the struggle of a group of citizens and an outcome.. A summer block buster it is not.. But a great snap shot of the Aussie LGBT!-Z struggle.
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Halo: Inheritance (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Why do they do this garbage..
13 May 2022
There are times I miss some of the twiddle from the 70's.. Never to heavy with the drama,, lots of stunts and action.. Why do these new breed of writers think we want all this 'side street' story arcs about someone other than Master Chief.. I'm in my 50's..played Halo quite a bit and I did not get school kid giddy about this show because I wanted weird backstory on, who again? I want a story about USNC.. and Master Chief!!!
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RuPaul's Drag Race: Snatch Game (2022)
Season 14, Episode 10
Wow what a stinker!
19 March 2022
For awhile now, I've noticed all the "queens" must be learning their "dance moves" (moves is a stretch btw) from the same boozy 'professional' on tiktok.. Really it's all the same..side to side,, throw an arm out, up, rub the other arm..swish and repeat... Thats easy to cope with using the FF button.. but the Snatch Game.. there's usually ONE seriously funny stand out, that makes all that cookie-cutter drag worth it..... Not this year huntie!

Ru might wanna start gettin' some real queens that live in the real world that have some real life experiences up under them girdles!! I have a fondness for a few of this season.... but when the season is over, I'll forget all about them I think.. these gurls throw around the cliche monikers, walk with the swish but they just ain't got "that thang"
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Just inching out some cash the best way he knows how..peddling junk
23 November 2021
There are a few old school 'journalists' around fox..Chris Wallace has always been someone I feel I can consume what he conveys as news... tucker isn't 1/1000 of a percent as good as a news journalist. For those "Please provide us with YOUR investigation and results of why his claims in his documentary are false.." Unlike any other time in history, We (that means everyone) have access to astounding and troubling video evidence for a civil unrest event, people see and hear what transpired.. and listen to a president give hugs and kisses to those that were intent to hang the Vice President and kill Pelosi.. If this were the "Great America" that trump eludes to (presumably the 40's/50's) He and everyone associated with this event would have already been jailed. Carlson like any other propagandist from any authoritarian time period, marches to the Masters beat for recognition and or profit.. I wonder how many people teach their children the same value system of these people.............
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Lacked something..
20 November 2021
I admit I sat down expecting something with some "atmosphere", that something that draws the viewer into the world.... I found it was about the same as watching the syndicated action shows of the 80's/90's.
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Star Trek: Prodigy (2021–2024)
Kids fare..
28 October 2021
It's 2021.. so the animationis going to be great..story was decent... but a Star Trek story it is not.. Almost everyone knows if you're going to do a 'universe''s got to have some hints, clues, references to the franchise.. I didn't see anything.. What I did see was animation style that looked straight out of the flock of Star Wars cgi animation universe.. I did take a double take of the video info mid way just to make sure.. Some of the vehicles had hints of the vehicles from Matrix. Hmm IMO It looks like they got the pitch for a different show..figured the sell would be hard; so they made the ship a Voyager class and stuck "Star Trek" on it to get the fans..
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