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And Then There Were None with a twist!
13 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Back in 1939 Agatha Christie published a book called And Then There Were None. In this book a group of people are trapped on a deserted island. Even though they are quite sure that they are the only people on the island one by one they start to be murdered. There was a great deal of fear in the hearts of each of the characters because they knew that the most likely scenario was that one of them was the murderer. But there was also the nagging fear that there might indeed be someone else on the island that they didn't know about. And Then There Were None is considered to be one of Agatha Christie's best novels and is by far her most financially successful. As a result of this fame there have over the years been numerous horror movies made based on the same premise of a group of people trapped on an island being killed off one at a time with no way of getting off.

In 2009 CBS aired this single season, 13 episode show called Harper's Island. When I first heard of this show it looked like just another cheap carbon copy of the template Christie employed in her classic novel. However, it turned out to be a very different and interesting take on the trapped-on-an-island-with-a-nutcase-killer story. The story is set on a fictional island off the Washington coast and features a previously supposed dead, serial killer named John Wakefield. The difference that I found so fascinating about this was the fact that this was not a deserted island. Harper's Island was an inhabited island with hundreds of people with all the normal stuff that one would find in any other town.

I found that way of doing things interesting because this type of story has so often depended on the fact that the characters are cut off from any help or escape. The way the creators of the show were able to make it all work was by keeping the first several murders secret from the characters. The people that were killed early on in the show were people who were supposedly about to leave the island anyway, flighty people who had a habit of taking off suddenly and without warning and people who most of the characters didn't know were on the island anyway. One murder was even disguised as a suicide. Of course, eventually people start realizing what is going on and, like any good mystery, suspicion falls on several people before it is finally revealed who is behind it all.

In the end, in addition to John Wakefield there was also a bad guy among the main group of characters that was committing some of the murders himself. Though this was a pretty good show, there were several things that I didn't really like that much. First, when our crazy man finally shows his face and starts killing people openly you have one of the most annoying horror flick clichés. That is the whole thing where five people with loaded shotguns can't seem to kill one kook with a long ugly knife even though he is standing ten feet away from them. The other thing that bugged me was in the second to the last episode when we found out who Wakefield's accomplice was. I know with these types of reveals it is supposed to be a huge surprise but when Henry turned out to be Wakefield's son and accomplice it was so unexpected and such a big surprise to me that it didn't really seem plausible.
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Extinct (2017)
Looks Promising
5 October 2017
I have watched the first two episodes of this show and it is off to a pretty strong start. It has a great premise and solid performances by the lead actors. Being that it's a BYUtv program the production values are not the highest but that's not a problem. Big budgets can only do so much for a show and will never save a badly made one. This show is well made. I look forward to seeing how the show continues.
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18 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw this movie in the theater I had just finished reading the book. If 16 year old me hadn't paid my hard earned $3.50 (wouldn't it be nice if that were still the price of movie tickets?) I would have walked out of the theater.

I think that some time before this came out there must have been a law passed that stated that if you are going to make The Three Musketeers into a movie that you are not allowed to make it resemble the book in any way.

If your whole concept of The Three Musketeers comes from this little farce than you really know nothing about this great story. The Three Musketeers is an exceptional piece of historical fiction filled with political intrigue, great heroes and sinister villains. What it doesn't have is an overabundance of slapstick jokes, "Porthos the Pirate," a wimpy Lady DeWinter, the nauseating overuse of the line "all for one and one for all" (they say it exactly one time in the book) or D'Artagnan being played by Chris O'Donnell. Shame on you Disney, shame. Watch the 1948 version starring Gene Kelly; it's a million times better.
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Midnight, Texas (2017–2018)
Hoping for Season 2
15 September 2017
Over my years or television watching I have followed many summer shows. Though these shows have varied widely from comedies to dramas to reality shows there is one thing that every single one of them has had in common. None of them has ever lasted past a single season.

I am hoping that Midnight, Texas will end up being the show that will break that unfortunate trend. This is a good, solid show that is highly entertaining with great characters and a fun premise. I will keep logging on to the old information super-highway in the hope of seeing the glorious headline "Midnight, Texas renewed for Season 2." Fingers crossed!
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10 Year Old Me Remembers
14 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was ten years old when this show premiered on FOX. At such a young age I had no real appreciation for just how smart and silly this show was. The comic violence especially was lost on me.

There was a scene where one of the "terrorists" was dangling a man out of a high window by his ankles trying to get some information from him. Once he found out what he wanted to know he dropped the man head first to his death. Yep, scared my little boy self somethin' fierce! Then, there was the Halloween episode with the kids turning into zombies due to subliminal messages. As cheese-ball as I'm sure the spinning head would look to me now, it made me a little on edge as I went back out trick-or-treating after it was over. And yes; I went out trick-or-treating, came back to watch the show and then went back out. That's how big of a fan I was.

I think my parents must not have been watching it with me. I can't imagine that my mom would have allowed me to watch much past the "I just saw Miss Universe naked" line.

Overall, in spite of my inability to understand the cleverness of the show at the time it was one of those shows that I still have some pretty fond memories of and that still brings a smile to my face even after 30 years.
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