
4 Reviews
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The Iceman (2012)
Well done, but disappointing
8 September 2013
The Iceman is a great film overall, with very skillful "execution" in most categories. Unfortunately, if you know anything about the real Richard Kuklinksi, you may find yourself disappointed. I saw both parts of the HBO documentary, The Iceman Tapes, and because of that extra knowledge it left me wanting after the film ended. The main flaw here was that they didn't depict what a truly sick bastard this man was. Such disturbing anecdotes that were described in the documentary, such as a day when Mr. Kuklinski decided to test out a crossbow on a random citizen's face "just to see what happened," and a time when he let a man be eaten alive by rats, filmed it, and watched it later, were not depicted. I still found this movie to be worth watching, and deserving of high marks, but if you know anything about the true story, don't go in with unreasonable expectations.
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The Hit List (2011)
Wasted Potential
17 July 2011
This film had potential to be outstanding, but it couldn't sell me. I didn't buy much of the dialogue to be realistic or believable. I didn't buy the killers motives either. I understand they tried to explain it away with various reasons but it just doesn't seem believable. The whole plot plays out to be a bit silly. On the good side, Cuba plays his part pretty well here. He looks worn out and dead inside, and I'm betting he didn't need to strain too hard to portray such a character. The action scenes are well done, as well as the sound design. That being said, I found myself wanting to see what was going to happen, and I wasn't bored. If a movie bores me I will easily fast forward or turn it off, and I made it through this one easily.
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A solid effort with an exceptional performance from Stormare
17 July 2011
I'm not sure I can grasp how anyone could possibly rate this movie as low as 1 or 2 stars. I saw the angry reviews and thought I'd give this movie a chance since the trailer interested me. This movie has solid acting throughout, and exceptional acting from Stormare, who most of the movie is focused around. There have been complaints about the music, and I'll admit that the music did seem out of place at times. Since the music was to my taste and very soulful, I can give that a pass, but if you don't like glorious musical creations, it could get annoying to some. Although some elements of the story -- especially towards the end -- were left a bit too open for me, the beautiful cinematography, cast, and solid acting make it well worth a viewing.
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Laid to Rest (2009)
Satisfying Slasher
6 April 2009
If you are looking for some pretty graphic and realistic gore porn, this does the job. The fx are well done and really make you cringe with all the various cerated edge knife slayings. The killer is pretty cool with all his gadgets, he kinda reminds me of Deadpool from Marvel Comics (X-Men Origins: Wolverine). Accept instead of two katana blades he has two shiny knives as his main killing devices. Yeah the plot is full of gaping holes but its a fun movie if you're into this type of thing. The acting is decent, and the main female role is actually pretty humorous with how stupid some of the lines are. I recommend it for the kills.
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