
4 Reviews
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Touching story, brilliant acting
4 April 2021
Especially the performances of Tom Hanks and Helena Zengel, I enjoyed watching this movie so much. In particular, I pondered the wonder of how a child who from the outset seemed to be a burden for a struggling man, eventually proves to be the blessing of his life.
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Coherence (2013)
Not entertaining, Not scientific
18 August 2020
The movie is low budget, so you can't expect much. The cast are mostly armatures and terrible in acting ( except for the main character). The story may seems scientific, but it's not. It's purely fiction. In general I found the movie boring and not worthy of spending time to watch
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Fascinating movie with lovely heroine
12 August 2020
One my favorite movies all time. Believable and interesting science fiction concepts ( such as Mars colony and cyborg) along with picturesque visual features and of course lovely character of Alita herself, result a enjoyable movie. highly recommended for the fans of this genre
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The Church (I) (2018)
Almost worst movie ever
2 August 2019
The cast was disastrous. They are seem to be amateurs, even school kids can do better. And even though the plot was childish, it may offend some religious people. For me, it was just a terrible way to waste my time watching it.
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