
2 Reviews
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Never met a preschooler who didn't love this movie!
13 December 2011
I doubt anyone will see this review as this is not a popular movie - not to mention old - however I feel it is unfair to only have one review for Candy Klaus, and a very negative one, at that.

This movie could have been very good, had the writer and producer FINISHED the movie in ONE segment. Candy Klaus was always meant to be a two part movie - at the very beginning of the movie it clearly states PART 1 - The Beginning. I can't imagine why they decided to split this story into two parts and only create and release the first half. Did they think people would then line up to buy the second half? I've never heard of another Children's Christmas special being left open-ended like that. It was a terrible disappointment for all of the little viewers and a huge mistake on the part of the writer and producer.

Even as is, the movie itself captivates preschoolers and toddlers - I have shown this movie many times through the years to different groups of children and they all sat spellbound through the entire show. The characters are engaging and rounded, the voices are well-done and the animation is fine for the late 1980's. If you have a young child and you can find this movie at a thrift store, garage sale or an online auction and you have a young child... buy it. I keep hoping that someday someone will want to make the ending.

I can only give this movie a 6 out of 10 because of the lack of resolution - and 6 was generous for that very reason.
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I enjoyed it.
25 September 2010
This is actually a nice little film. I felt that some of the actors did an excellent job. The viewer understood why Ruth was willing to follow Naomi to a strange town and leave everything she had never known. Naomi was extremely kind and good-hearted, and the actress was very good at portraying these qualities. Likewise, the actor playing Boaz was very convincing in his genuine love for Ruth. The music was absolutely incredible. Just beautiful. All of the scenery looked genuinely from that time period, and the clothing was very authentic. I did feel the movie dragged in several parts where there was no dialogue, but on the whole I feel that this is one of the better Biblical stories.
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