
178 Reviews
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Abigail (2024)
Gore gore gore
19 September 2024
Wow, that was bloody. The concept of Abigail is very interesting and has a lot of potential. Unfortunately, they gave away almost the entire movie in the trailer, which significantly diminishes any suspense or wonder going into the film. There's not really any horror, but if you want blood and guts, you came to the right place. This may be the goriest and bloodiest film that I have ever seen. I feel and for the actors and actresses and how much cleanup they probably had to do after each take! The lead actress did a fantastic job and was very believable. The film could've been a whole lot more. It was entertaining, but didn't follow through on its promises.
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Minari (2020)
Simple and powerful
14 September 2024
This was so much better than I expected. Not that I expected it to be bad, but it didn't expect it to be one of the best films I've seen this year. The story of family, resilience, and assimilation which is told with humor, love, and streaks of reality. It was beautifully acted, wonderfully written, fantastically directed. I love the fact that they kept the dialogue in its native language rather than trying to Americanize it which would've made it seem very artificial and fake. Instead, it comes across as very genuine with true moments of laughter and drama. It was brilliant and left its mark on my heart. .
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Speak No Evil (2022)
On the verge of being brilliant
1 September 2024
This was a chilling, very uneasy movie. Throughout the entire film, there was always a sense that something was truly off and something very very bad was going to happen any moment. In the end, the fore shattering obviously came true. The movie was on the verge of being brilliant and one of the best horror movies I've seen in quite a while. However, there are jumbo plot holes, and characters that do things that simply would not occur in real life. However, the overall mood and execution of the movie was so good that despite these flaws I would give a very positive review. I wonder if the American remake will be as good. This one was fantastic.
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Relic (2020)
A very smart horror film
28 August 2024
I'll be honest. I really enjoyed watching the movie. It set up a very suspenseful, creepy tone throughout. The cinematography and sound effects were excellent. The last one third of the movie kept me on the edge of my seat almost continuously. I enjoyed watching it a lot. Then, I read about it. Wow. I'll be honest as well about this, the movie went over my head for the Deeper nuances. On reading some of the reviews and explanations, it made so much more sense and only escalated and enhanced my impression of the movie. What an intelligent, thought-provoking, heartfelt film making endeavor. I wish I'd been smarter watching the movie the first time! Definitely something I would consider watching again with a deeper understanding.
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Dishoom (2016)
How do you say garbage in Hindi?
24 August 2024
This was truly an awful, terrible, horrible movie with almost no positive sides to it except for one lone scene. What is there to say? The directing was bad, the editing was bad, the storyline was bad, the acting was get the point. A bunch of famous actors must have wanted a quick paycheck, because they sure as heck didn't care about the script or production. Miserable movie. There was one scene involving a character on a jet ski that was so cringe it was funny, and that was it. Waste of time and money. Time to toss this heap of junk into the garbage disposal, turn it on, walk away, and never look back.
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Thelma (2024)
A cute little movie that could've been more
19 August 2024
The premise here is very interesting and very original. The movie itself, unfortunately, falls short. The movie could've been better if the storyline was tweaked. The movie would be better suited if it was all pure action comedy with a senior citizen going rogue and taking vengeance on those that did her wrong. Instead, it takes a wrong turn and tries to get emotional and sappy and nostalgic. It tries to make a statement about senior citizens, and in doing that it falls off course. The movie needed more spice. It needed a little more "John Wick", if you will. It's a fun one to watch, but it could've been terrific with just a few changes.
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Brightwood (2022)
Oh, what could have been
17 August 2024
I watched this movie based off of what I read about it on the Internet very briefly and decided to give it a shot. Let's be honest. The quality of film-making here is terrible. It looks like it was shot out of someone's phone or home movie camera. The acting is atrocious as the guy underacts while the girl overacts all film long. They're annoying and not believable. But hidden in all this garbage, there is actually a gem of a very good idea. The concept and ending made me bump up the movie a few points in my rating. I can easily see this one being remade by a director with better vision and a bigger budget. Done correctly, that would be s movie to watch.
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Creepy and interesting
17 August 2024
It's very hard to make a good horror movie. It's hard to scare someone when they expect to be scared. This one came really close to being fantastic. The plot itself is disturbing, and the acting is superb. The direction is good as is the pace. I just wish the plot has been somewhat more coherent and that the ending hadn't left so many loose ends to be tied. Overall, it was a very good attempt and came close to hitting a homerun. I'm not familiar with this director, but I will be looking up his films to see if there's any more movies to watch as he showed tremendous potential in this one. By the way, it's fantastic title for a horror movie!
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Boring and unneeded
15 August 2024
I don't think I'm a Marvel guy. I have liked some of the Marvel movies, but the vast majority have struck me as just being comical and stupid. However, I liked the first two Deadpool movies a lot, and I thought I would like this one as I like Wolverine. However, it ended up being a bunch of nonsense and garbage with a weak storyline, violence for the safe of violence without enhancement of the plot, and a predictable ending. This was just a reason to put Wolverine on the big screen with Deadpool with no thought given to how to develop a story and actually make it make sense. I was shocked by how bored I was during the movie and how meaningless it felt. Maybe the last Marvel movie I'll ever go to.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Mindless fun
5 August 2024
This is the prototypical summer movie. Big stars, lots of action, funny jokes, dramatic sequences, and a romance to boot! It's like someone put all the typical blockbuster ideas, put them into a blender, and made a movie. The cast is excellent and fits the roles well. The dialogue is zingy and pretty funny at times. The problems with the movie center around a really slow first half, a contrived plot, completely unrealistic action, and a conclusion that just was too easy. The storyline was predictable, and there really was no suspense throughout the film. You just knew it would end all right. It's an entertaining film, but don't think too hard about it lest you sprain a neuron.
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Caveat (2020)
I don't get it
3 August 2024
So this didn't make any sense at all. The central plot pivots on a protagonist that does things and agrees to do things that no person with a neuron of a brain would ever agree to. Then, all sorts of supernatural stuff happens that doesn't have anything to do with anything else. The bad guy has motives that are unclear and confusing. A bunch of action then ensues in really dark lighting that makes it really hard to see what's going on. Finally, the movie concludes with an ending that is vague and adds to the confusion. Overall, the concept was original, but it was very contrived. Some creepy scenes save the film from being utter nonsense, but they're not enough to salvage a poorly written and directed effort.
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Stopmotion (2023)
Good, gross, could have been great
1 August 2024
The movie is an original offering with a unique idea that unfortunately was not developed properly and turned into more of a gross out fest than a horror movie. The images that are meant to be terrifying are simply disgusting at times with not very many scary moments in the movie itself. The idea behind the film is actually really good, but the movie feels disjointed and underdeveloped. Even though I knew the general idea of what was going on, the details of the film didn't make much sense and actually made me look up what the ending meant. There was symbolism everywhere, but sometimes you just need to drive the point home in a coordinated fashion. Nice try, interesting watch, but fell short of what it could have been.
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Original and well done
1 August 2024
This was a really original concept that was developed pretty well. It felt like I was watching a 1970s talkshow, and things went awry. Thought the concept was executed very well. The ending did leave me a little bit perplexed, but overall the acting was solid as was the direction. Not a lot of terrifying moments, but just a generalized undertone to the entire movie which felt creepy and menacing. It took me back to the good old days of television with a twist that felt pleasing to a horror fan. Some of the subplots felt a little short to me, but they didn't detract from the film. Overall, a really good effort with a really neat idea.
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The Evil Within (I) (2017)
26 July 2024
I was surfing to try to find something good to watch and came across this flick. I decided to watch it based on its 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. What a mistake that was. The reason this was not a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10 was because of the decent acting job by the lead and the few original ideas that were present in the script. Otherwise, it felt like a home movie gone bad. The acting was awful as were the special effects. I had no idea how it got such a high rating until I realized that only six critics had reviewed the movie! I've got to do a better job of picking movies because this was a waste of an evening.
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Twisters (2024)
Boring predictable garbage
26 July 2024
You know it's a bad sign when you can predict the entire movie based on the very first scene. From the moment the movie began, I could've plotted out almost every step along the storyline. It was predictable with cliché dialogue and no tension or drama. I understand the concept of suspending one's disbelief for a movie, but apparently there were no laws of physics in whatever universe this movie was supposed to be in. It's basically the same movie as the first except for more emphasis on the love aspect. Overall, it was too formulaic and schlocky to be any good. This wasn't a disaster movie. This movie was a disaster.
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Pearl (2022)
Ok movie, tremendous performance
22 July 2024
I wasn't a huge fan of the first movie in the trilogy, and overall this movie is not much better. It really didn't explain the origin of the character to me. Also, I personally did not like the fact that they used the same actress for two different roles in the two movies. There was nothing very suspenseful or scary about the film. What stood out and elevated my rating was the performance by Mia Goth. Two scenes in particular, a monologue near the end of the film and the final scene of the film, were amazingly portrayed. Those two scenes showed the potential of what could have been but unfortunately was mishandled by the director. The musical choices in the overall tone of this film was offputting for me. I'll end up seeing the third one just to complete the trilogy, but so far the first two films in the franchise have felt to me like a lot was left on the table.
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Longlegs (2024)
Don't believe the hype
17 July 2024
This is supposed to be the scariest movie of the decade and possibly of all time? What in the world was everyone talking about? The director certainly has a good job of setting the mood with tension that atmosphere. However, the movie was all bark and no bite. I kept waiting for something dramatic and terrifying to happen, and I kept waiting until the end of the last scene. There were way too many loose ends and unanswered questions. Way too many plot holes. The idea of the movie is very similar to The Silence of the Lambs, but the execution and the storyline itself didn't come anywhere close to that classic. This movie was all talk and very little action. Not what I was hoping for.
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CODA (2021)
Finally a Best Picture that lives up to the title
12 July 2024
All too often, movies that win the best picture award are artsy, technical, and not crowdpleasers. They get the award more on there characteristics than actually any entertainment value. This one lives up to the hype. It was funny, touching, and heartwarming. There were several moments in the movie where I actually teared up. You never realize how much you have until it's gone, and this movie was a reminder for me to be thankful for everything I've been blessed with. It made me admire those that have less than I do in certain ways around me and realize that those individuals have been blessed with capabilities and strength that I could not even begin to understand. Great movie.
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Potential and lost chances
10 July 2024
Talk about an uneven movie. The beginning was quite slow and had me questioning whether I had picked something worth watching. Then the second third of the film kicked in and wow! There were some intense and harsh scenes that set a great tone for a horror movie. It was bleak and dramatic with actual moments of jaw dropping. The final part, unfortunately, did not live up to the high mark set by the preceding section. There were too many plot holes and story lines with loose ends. A little more exposition would have been helpful. I still am not sure that I understand the core concept of the film. Overall, it's an entertaining film with some really well-done scenes that needs some glue to hold things together and make a good movie a great one.
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CGI = Complete Garbage Idiocy
10 July 2024
I hated the movie before this one in the franchise, so guess what I thought about this one? You guessed right! Complete and utter nonsense. The computer graphics are awful and cartoonish, but the storyline and acting are even worse. The plot is incoherent, and honestly even after reading about it I'm not 100% sure what happened. Ridiculous trash. Godzilla is almost an afterthought in the film despite taking top billing. The franchise is completely dependent on mind-bogglingly bad special effects of monsters fighting, and the humans and any concept of a story are afterthoughts. Save yourself some time and keep on going when this film shows up on your watchlist.
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Monkey Man (2024)
Revenge movie with meaning
5 July 2024
Wow. I was blown away by this one. The first half starts out a little awkwardly and doesn't seem to have any direction. There are ultraviolent scenes and action sequences to make your head spin that are fun to watch but seem to lack focus. Then, the second half of the movie starts, and everything clicks. All the violence, anger, nuances fit in place, and you're left with a great action movie with a moral and a meaning. The action sequences are sometimes too frenetic, the dialogue a little hard to understand in places, and too many religious references. Otherwise, this is a movie that makes you sit back and soak it in when it's over. Super intense film that will leave you shaken. One of the best films I've seen this year.
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Damsel (2024)
Better than expected
4 July 2024
So that was not at all what I expected. After seeing the title and the opening, I thought I was in for a B movie quality, low budget fantasy adventure. The movie actually had pretty decent CGI and good acting. Although formulaic and predictable, it was interesting and entertaining. It didn't end like I expected to, and that was ann extra plus. Overall, it was not bad at all for a Netflix movie and a good time spent with the family watching a movie together. Netflix has come out with its share of garbage, but this is actually one that worth spending some time on. It won't win any awards, but it was time well spent.
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One of these things is not like the other
30 June 2024
The two previous movies were fantastic, particularly the first one which was almost groundbreaking on its originality. This one felt completely off kilter and didn't fit with the rest of the franchise. The first two movies were excellent in their buildup of suspense and originality. This one was just a creature feature to a certain extent, but mostly a dialogue on grief, loss, and death. It's a standalone film, and one that really doesn't belong with the other two movies. Also, it was completely unrealistic as characters were doing things that would simply be impossible given their health limitations. This is a skippable movie. Watch the first two, ignore this one.
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The Killer (2023)
Somebody get a muzzle
29 June 2024
This one was not what I expected to be. The trailer looked fantastic. The director is well renowned . The cast is stellar. But the movie does not live up to the hype. The plot was on the surface simple but somehow became very convoluted and confusing to where I couldn't follow exactly what was going on. And then, the lead actor kept talking and talking and talking. The same boring conversation in his head that meant nothing and lead to nowhere. Imagine the movie if there had been silence throughout rather than an inane monologue. That would've made it much harsher, darker, and grittier. Instead, I had to put up with two hours of droning and meaningless talk. Skip the movie and move on, or watch it on mute to make it a better experience.
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Convoluted contrived CGI
30 May 2024
I've never been a big fan of the Marvel movies, but I really liked the first Doctor Strange movie. This one was just confusing and underwhelming. The movie started out in the middle of a storyline, assuming the viewer already knew certain things which made it hard to follow. The plot itself was very convoluted and contrived, and I had a hard time following along at times. When the main plot of the movie became evident, it seemed kind of silly. The villain did not really have a strong motive for her actions. The CGI was good, but there was no heart or depth to the story. An entertaining watch, but not something that's memorable or worth watching again.
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