
3 Reviews
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Bluffmaster (2005)
A take on a Hollywood film not watched by many Indians
24 December 2005
If you have liked Bluffmaster for its "different storyline" heme... this movie is based on a Hollywood film called 'The Game.' In fact I feel the reason why the movie is called Bluffmaster is not Abhisheks profession in the film, but bcos of the movie itself. You will know what I mean once you see it for yourself. overall the movie is good. It is entertaining, and the dialougues, script and screenplay is good. The characters too have been developed well. The one thing about the film which struck me is its international look. Not only does it have a different style of editing (like the cuts, the fade-outs or the character introductions) but also the songs are mostly Jay-Z-ish. Unnecessary songs, but good nonetheless. Watch it if you are looking for a movie to pass your time. It will leave you feeling good, mainly because everything turns out just fine...
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Not a movie for the weak hearted. May leave you feeling a little queasy... Strictly for Mature Audience.
12 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
We often mistake regional language movies as "cultural" and in that sense 'Antar Mahal' was a great... shock! Probably that is why I went for this movie with my parents (which made me very uncomfortable later on!, even tho it was rated A. Antar Mahal is a rude awakening to the sexual secrets a traditional zameendar Bengali shares. From the cinema pov, the movie is very good. It has a good story that is supported by a good, crisp screenplay. The cinematography is good and the characters have been played really well by the actors. the entire movie is shot within a bungalow, most of it in a bedroom, but it captures your attention and doesn't let it wander at all. The pace is fast, especially for a Bengali movie. All in all, it is good cinema.

Spoilers contained from here on:

I felt very queasy after the movie. It is a little hard to swallow a movie as graphic as this. when i say graphic, i dnt mean the body parts in a sex scene, cos there is none shown, but in the way it has been subtly portrayed. I personally found the goddess sculpting scene very offending(you will know what I mean when you watch the movie), but that is my view. What led to the queasiness of the movie was not the sex scenes, but the circumstances faced by the protagonists. whether it was a woman forced to sleep with 5 priests or have sex with her husband in front of one, I found it a little too much to take in one movie itself. So if serious movies which revolve on such topics are not your type, you get easily offended by sex scenes or you are in mood for something funny and light, this movie isn't for you. But you must watch it once at least...
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Garam Masala (2005)
EEEEEwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! What was that!
9 November 2005
The movie was a huge disappointment. Especially since it was directed by Priyadarshan, it was sad to see such dismal standards. Poor screenplay(almost non existent) and song sequences with bad songs every minute and at the most odd times killed whatever humor the movie could offer. some of the scenes were funny, but it amounted to probably only 5 mins of the whole duration. The editing was pathetic. Dismal! overall the movie disappointed as the lack of story was only too evident. In fact only a few people stayed to watch the second half of the movie after the interval.

One wouldn't miss anything at all if you don't watch the movie. Not worth spending valuable ticket money on this movie. wait till it appears on TV...
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