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Escaping Polygamy (2014–2019)
Documentary vs Reality Show
30 July 2017
In a time where Americans are overwhelmingly disbelieving or outright ignorant of the fact that polygamy and child marriage are still an issue here, I applaud a major network willing to take on the topic.

As a former Kingston Group member, I am pragmatic enough to understand that not having professional actors involved would likely beg the arrangement of scripted scenes in order to achieve a level of ratings to keep the network interested in continuing the series.

I feel so strongly that this is one of the only options left for raising awareness and exposing wrongs left by society and the State to continue and fester for so long.

I don't care if these women are getting paid for their stories or activities. Good for them if they are. I don't care if some of the situations seem like 'bad acting' because you're dealing with a group of people who are overwhelmingly taught to subvert or misdirect their emotions in the first place, for their WHOLE LIVES. Don't be surprised if their response to a situation isn't what someone never involved or having had the experience would expect.

How unfair is it to project your own emotional expectations upon a whole society of emotional cripples? People are leaving bad reviews because the show isn't immersing them to their own ideal expectations and entertaining them to their heart's content, when, as a retired actor, I feel it should be highlighted that in order to do so, you'd firstly need professional actors to convey those situations, and Hollywood sets, directors, etc. By circumventing all that and indulging in some scripting/coaching when necessary, the network is doing their best to please both their shareholders and consumers. There is no way to please them both equally so the network walks the middle ground.

Which I have no problem with. As a former Order member, who has seen Kingston family members give their court statements or press releases, yet where the voices of any dissenters are consistently silenced, why be surprised when people turn to the venue of network television to get their story told? 10 out of 10 for the simple fact of raising awareness. The fact that people are debating the veracity of the show on IMDb means that there is more awareness today because of the show than there was without it.
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