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Possibly the BEST movie for fans. NOT so great for non-fans.
18 November 2011
Non-fans will find this movie slow, and even boring. However, for the fans of the series, this is definitely one of the best. It fulfills all of their most important wishes, and does so with style and great beauty.

Fans will walk out feeling warm and happy. Non-fans will wonder why nothing is happening, and why it is important. So everyone should expect that there will be a very great dichotomy of opinion about this movie, depending on which group is evaluating it.

I'm a guy, who read the books and enjoyed them, despite their obvious (though unimportant) flaws, but I wouldn't be at such an early showing if it weren't for my wife. Yet, because of my understanding of the books, I can see the beauty of how this was done.

If you liked the books, or like the movies, then go see this. You will enjoy it and find that it moves you. But don't be surprised that many many people won't 'get it' because EVERY bit of the "real" (non-emotional) action is being saved for the final movie in the series.
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Scary and creepy enough. Worth seeing.
23 October 2010
If you liked the original Paranormal Activity, you'll like this one. Myself, I was not really that impressed with the original, and I liked this one quite a bit better. The mood and creepiness was pretty intense at times.

It is NOT just a remake of the original movie, as some would have you think. Yes, it uses that format, and follows it pretty closely, but does it better and takes it a few steps farther. Just because it uses the same format doesn't mean it is the same movie. That is like saying all 'Cop' movies or all 'Buddy Pictures' are the same, just because they also follow the same format.

If you saw the first movie, you will recognize everything that is happening here, but that doesn't decrease the sense of dread and hair-raising-on-the-back-of-your-neck scariness. Instead, I think it will increase your enjoyment as you watch things develop. Talk about things that go 'bump in the night!' And sometimes in the daytime, too! I thought this movie was more intense than the original, and it helps to put the original into a context, and makes more sense out of it all.

Is it a perfect movie? No, but show me a perfect movie. They all could be better in SOME way, and this is no exception, but I think it is a pretty darn good movie, and worth the time.

Oh, I should also tell you kind of "Where I'm coming from." I LOVE a good horror movie. I LIKE to be scared. But I hate slasher, torture, vicious movies or movies that get too overt about hurting people. Give us something we can feel, something we are afraid of, but don't make us sick. I think Paranormal Activity 2 is just my kind of horror movie.
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Fun and well worth watching
2 July 2010
I see that the Avatar: Last Airbender Cartoon Fanboys are all over this movie like sharks in a feeding frenzy. Well, do yourself a favor and don't believe them. Go look at how the votes shape up in the ratings section for this movie. Scores are mostly 1s (the fanboys) and 10s (normal people). Yes, there are also a much smaller percentage of votes on every number in between, but the 1s and 10s outnumber all the rest, by far. That should tell you that a lot of people REALLY liked it.

This movie was much more than a kid's movie, despite the original kid level source material. I found it to be magic, mystical, entertaining and fun. I rarely go to see movies twice, even movies that I like a lot, because I just don't feel that most movies have much to offer on the second and third viewing, but I do plan to see this movie again, because I feel that I can get more out of it.

The Last Airbender has a lot more to offer adults than it offers to 10-year-olds. Is it perfect? No, not at all. But how many movies really are perfect? This movie is much more like a typical oriental folk tale, told in a way that may not make complete sense to our western eyes, but it is engaging and diverting none-the-less, if you will just accept what is, sit back, and go with it.

If you can't sit back (in a fantasy) and relax and be entertained by the sense of wonder all through it, then maybe this movie isn't for you.

And if you can't get over the fact that this movie started as a cartoon and then grew into something more, if you insist that it must conform to your own fantasies, or if you think magic is something dreary and deadly serious, then you should probably stay away from this picture.

Overall, I think it is a movie worth watching, which speaks more to adults than to children,so see it if you still have a sense of magic in your heart.
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A Classic that never dies
8 January 2006
It is surprising to me that more people don't know about this picture, since Zorro the Gay Blade is one of the great funny movies of all time. It is certainly George Hamilton's most memorable movie, an over-the-top spoof that never takes itself too seriously. This is NOT Jerry Lewis or the Three Stooges, but an entertaining social commentary written and performed as slapstick. Of course they do all of it firmly tongue-in-cheek.

It does seem that a few people just don't get it. Well, to each his own. But if you liked Hamilton's Love at First Bite or most of the work of Mel Brooks, then this movie is for you. Personally, it reminds me of Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day and the Austin Powers movies. The writing is witty and the one liners are things you will remember and repeat for years. If you haven't seen this one, then you don't know what you are missing.
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Threshold (2005–2006)
Just Wandering, or Lost and Sinking?
4 November 2005
The Premier Episode ("Trees of Glass," in 2 parts) blew my socks off., but since then, Threshold hasn't lived up to its premise.

We have seen a few nice bits, however, overall it is starting to disappoint me. There is a lot of potential here and a lot of creepy stuff going on, but we don't get to see most of it. Too many details were hinted at in the opening episode, and none of them have been followed up. Instead, we are being treated to 'CSI Light' in the form of, "Okay, who is the monster this week and how did they get infected?" They keep showing us all the different ways that the signal can be passed and people can get infected. I really wish the stories didn't CENTER around this. Let's just accept that people can get infected. Now show us what happens when they do get infected! We have hints that the infection can take many forms and do very different things to different people. Let's SEE it.

I like how the characters are developing overall. I would like to see more of Ramsey and his perverse predilections. His humor is great. Nigel Fenway's character is showing a hard edge, that is slowly evolving. Molly Caffrey has seemed a bit soft the last few weeks, not 'Brilliant' at all, and I want to see more of the genius who came up with this plan. Cavanaugh is very good as the super competent tough guy with a soul. Lucas Pegg can be the 'everyman' but he also needs to be a little smarter than he has shown.

Please get away from the, 'Manhunt of the Week,' and show us some new and fascinating stories. Last week's episode, "The Order" (aired on 10/21/02) has been the best of the 5 regular episodes so far, but it still comes nowhere near fulfilling the promise of the first episode.

The best things so far are the creepiness, the witty dialog, and the unusual ideas that this show has presented, at times. Don't generate into mediocrity.
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