
4 Reviews
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Not perfect but close
13 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers

From looking at the reviews for this on here and around the web I was sceptical going into the movie. I purposely avoided spoilers and only looked at reviews to get an idea of the general feeling towards the movie, which was not great.

However, to my shock I was amazed by the film. Coming put of the cinema I was extremily happy with the final product. After viewing the film two more times I still really liked it.

Now I understand some of the criticism's towards the film. I agree that DJ, played by Benicio del Toro, is terrible and the whole subplot with Finn and Rose doesnt work. It seems like it could have been taken out entirely and the film would not have suffered.

However, I do disagee with a lot of the criticism's towards the film. First of I really liked the characterisation of Luke. I felt like I really understood why he was so reluctant to take part in this war. He was the one that helped create Kylo Ren and was ashamed, he realised that the idea of light vs dark, and the Jedi were wrong, and he believed that the only way to solve it was to let it all die naturally, so he cut himself off. Despite this he still got his redemption he went from being a scared man ashamed of what he had done to the Luke Skywalker I grew up with. I loved the idea that just the sight of Luke Skywalker was enough to bring hope back to the galaxy, he didnt need to fight anyone he just had to be seen. He was an always will be our hope in the universe, he was the new hope that we got introduced to in Episode IV. He is my Luke Skywalker and seeing his return to glory was everything I dreamed of. And the complaints that he was going to kill Kylo is something I dont understand, to me he was never going to kill him. He had a small moment of weakness and thought he could do it to save everyone, but here is the imorant part, HE DIDN'T DO IT. He didn't kill him, he never came close he just had a moment of weakness and fear.

The idea that Phasma was wasted isnt something I had a problem with. For me the idea of her was to be a visually stunning character and thats it. This isnt new to Star Wars, she is compared to Boba Fett and if you think back he never really did much, he just looked cool.

I also liked the twists with Rey and Snoke. I love that her parents dont matter, I think it is a good thing for Star Wars not to have every character connected. I also liked the Snoke twist, because this trilogy is not about Snoke or Rey's parents, its about Kylo Ren and Rey and I love that my expectations where adverted. I love that I never saw it coming and was suprised by something.

I really liked the new characters, other than DJ. I also like Rose deapite not liking her subplot.

I even thought the message of the film was perfect, let the past die, especially after The Force Awakens, which I really liked, a film very much about appreciating the past. It was a great idea to have a film about letting go of the past follow one all about throwbacks.

Overall I love this film more than I thought and will continue to love it despite what many other people think. I believe that one of the films biggest achievements is leaving me without any idea what is going to happen in Episode IX.

  • Luke Skywalker
  • Rey & Kylo Ren
  • The Twists
  • The Visuals
  • Poe & Leia
  • Yoda's Cameo (I had a tear at this point)
  • The opening sequence
  • Everything with Rey and Kylo in the throne room
  • Chewie being an amazing pilot on his own

  • DJ
  • Canto Bight
  • Finn & Rose's subplot
  • Admiral Ackbar's death
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Pleasantly Surprised
13 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I must say going into this film I had very low expectations, I was sceptical of Gareth Edwards, I wasnt a big fan of Godzilla, and didn't really see this as a story that I needed to see, the whole plot of the film was explained in one line in A New Hope.

But I have to say I came out of the film happy with the end product. Visually it was stunning and looked like a war film. While the plot wasn't amazing I enjoyed the new characters, with Donnie Yen's character standing out in particular, and really liked the new villains.

I loved all of the references to the original trilogy, with the nod to Obi-Wan being a highlight. Sidenote both the Ewan McGregor and Alec Guinness versions of the character are my two favourites in Star Wars.

And finally, the ending Darth Vader scene is easily one of the best scenes I have ever seen in a Star Wars film.
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Such a fun time
13 January 2018
J.J. Abrams did an amazing job with this movie. I find it a lot of fun and a really enjoyable watch. I love all the new characters introduced and find the stories of Rey anf Kylo Ren particularly interesting. I also love how they have introduced the new characters and built up the mystery surrounding Luke Skywalker. The film is stunning and the use of practical effects breathtaking. What an achievement.
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The Goldbergs (2013–2023)
What a Show
9 July 2017
Despite the fact that I'm not a child of the 80's, having been born in the 90's, I have to say I freaking love this show. The main reason it has quickly become my favorite thing to watch is because of its characters. All of the main Goldberg family are likable and relatable in their own ways and this really helps the show, also in a rarity for these shows, the supporting cast are equally as interesting, I'm a massive Dave Kim fan. I also find that the stories in each episode are great because they are also relatable and have a meaning behind them, it truly captures the heart of growing up in a way that not many shows do and this is a major bonus. I find that its very rare nowadays to find a sitcom that has as much heart as this one, largely due to the fact that they decide to focus on characters like the young bachelor dating a supermodel, but what helps it is the fact that everybody can relate to having a family that annoys them. For me this is one of the best shows on the air and I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about watching regardless of age. A fun filled show about a realistic everyday family that has clearly been made with a lot of love.
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