6 Reviews
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So Disappointing!
18 January 2018
Here's my one word review - AVOID. Now here are a few more words - this movie looked like it was a going to be a lot of fun but it just wasn't, it was terrible. The cast is great and it looks like they were at least having fun, but pity that can't be said for anyone who watches this. When you see a movie on its opening day and it's being screened on the smallest and worst screen in the 16 screen cinema complex near you, that should be your first clue that it ain't gonna be great...

There isn't really a story and what there is, it's just not interesting - the half-baked key-swapping of the parents, the kid with the camera, the miserable girl, the beached whale - it was all meant to add up to something more than what was delivered. It's really a shame because there was a lot of potential for this to be a really good look back at a time that a lot of us can (sort of) remember either as kids or as parents. If it was trying to be satire, it didn't work. Straight up funny? Nope that didn't work either.

Too many animals being mistreated in this movie as well - not funny back in the 70s, not funny now.

Maybe this should have been marketed as a mystery because I was honestly trying to figure out how so many good actors got roped into this. The costumes, hair and set design are on point though, so I'm giving 3 stars for that.
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Halt and Catch Fire (2014–2017)
More than a show about computers
23 October 2017
I'm so glad I discovered this show and got to enjoy it through 4 amazing seasons. It's such a shame that the show didn't find the bigger audience that it deserved, but I feel privileged to have experienced this story play out.

For those that dismissed it at the start as being a show about computers (and season 1 did take a little time to find it's groove), it became so much more than that and really was a story about the connections we make away from the computer screen.

The final episode just ended the series so well - it was perfect for me and I'm still thinking about it even though it's been a few days since I watched it. I think I'm still in mourning!
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White Gold (2017–2019)
Who knew 'windas' could be so entertaining?
20 August 2017
My partner and I were looking for something to watch on Netflix last Friday night and came across White Gold and decided to give it a go. So glad we did! Funny and entertaining, this is a perfect show to binge watch on a Friday night (or any night really) - episodes are short and sweet (although why only 6? could have done with a couple more!), and there are some laugh out loud moments.

Set in 1983, the music is great too - usually just an intro or a few chords - usually enough for you to say "I love this song!".

Overall, this was a surprising and entertaining little show about double glazing salesmen in the UK and the lengths they'll go to for a sale. We've just put a deposit on some double glazed windows (or should that be windas?) and had suffered through a sales pitch like that shown in the show so maybe it was funnier because of that...
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A Documentary Everyone Needs to See
19 July 2017
We're killing ourselves with what we are eating and there's no more denying that. I don't know how anyone can watch this and not be moved to make better choices in their diet and lifestyle! We all really need to be better educated about the food we buy and eat and we need this to happen now.

A must watch, it could save your life.
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GLOW (2017–2019)
Loved it from start to finish!
6 July 2017
What a great little show. I just wish more than 10 episodes were made for this first (and hopefully not last) season! I loved the authentic 80s feel they captured with the hair, wardrobe, sets and music - they definitely got that right. The characters were all interesting and there were some great comedic moments. Each episode is quite short and moves along at a cracking pace and is loads of fun. Looking forward to more!
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Gypsy (2017)
Intriguing, interesting and ...different
6 July 2017
When I heard about this show it was being publicized as a psychological thriller, so when I'd made it through the first couple of episodes and there were no thrills to be had, I was wondering if I'd missed something. Gypsy is more a psychological drama - it won't be to everyone's taste due to it's slow pace but there's something about this show that kept me watching, and even looking forward to seeing how it would all play out. Mostly I think it was Naomi Watts that kept me coming back - anybody else in this role probably would've bored me to tears - but she's good here. Some of the dialogue and scenes are a bit on the clunky side, but otherwise Gypsy is something just a little different and I'd like to see where the story goes if there is to be second season.
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