3 Reviews
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The Project (2009– )
Progressive, Positive, Real
20 April 2020
One of the only news programs I will tune into that isn't drummed up with media hype to scare audiences. News is real with a positive spin where possible, something notably lacking in similar news programs. The panelists views range from quite progressive to quite conservative. It is refreshing to view a news program that asks questions that appeal to both ends of the spectrum.
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19 April 2020
Fascinating insight into abuse and the intricacies of adult relationships. A refreshing perspective - you cannot be sure of any one characters innocence in the broader scheme of things. Everyone is guilty in one way or another - though not in ways you'd expect. Character development across the board for all protagonists was rich. I do think that only a particular audience will appreciate this kind of series. There are definitely twists throughout and anyone who says different is missing the point. Fantastic acting.
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Hilarious Duo
11 September 2019
10/10 worth watching. Season 3 looks great already. Big fan of season 2 as well. Good, light hearted humour
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