
5 Reviews
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The Big Sick (2017)
one of the dumbest most poorly acted comedies I have ever seen!
13 September 2017
one of the dumbest most poorly acted comedies I have ever seen! Unbelievable how many fake reviews this has garnered! I'm guessing the entire comedy circuit was asked to promote this film.

What a let down.

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This was actually quite good!
28 July 2017
After seeing the trailer, I figured this would be one of those movies I'd see if nothing else was on, and so I did. I have to say, I was really impressed! The story was eerie and well done and acted. It seemed very real as if the events actually happened. Thankfully I saw it before reading all the negative reviews, or I may have missed out watching this. Not sure what everyone expected, but this was a fun and well put together movie!
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@midnight (2013–2017)
Absolute garbage!
29 June 2017
Absolute garbage! Where is the comedy? Where is the game-show portion?

This has got to be the worst show on TV right now.

How drunk or high does one have to be to A: be in this 'game show'. B: come up with stupid answers that are not funny. C: be able to score said stupid answers.

Some reviewers said it's good exposure for the comedians... no it's not! It makes them look dumb, not funny, and most of all desperate.

This is the show you get on when you've reached the bottom of the barrel!

Had it been a panel where they just sit down and come up with stupid comments, it would be entertaining! But to add a nonsense scorekeeper to responses that no one has any clue how they are scored, is just plain stupid! Sure, it's not a real game, OK, so then it's not damn funny either, it's stupid!

WOW, the crap that networks fund is astonishing.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Loved this!
29 June 2017
Wow Gal Godot was excellent in this role!

I really wasn't expecting it to be this good, especially with all the hype, but I really enjoyed the entire movie.

The chemistry between Gal Gadot and Chris Pine is what kept me interested and entertained.

Some of the effects where a little overboard, but the humor made up for it.

I hope they come out with a part 2 very soon!

My rating is 8 out of 10!
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Lucky (VI) (2016)
How many fake reviews can one movie have?
28 June 2017
I've never written a review before, I only just rate any movies I see, but felt I should for this one so no one else gets fooled! So I've read all the reviews and as the only other 1/10 mentioned, all are fake except for the 4/10. It's funny how even after the 1/10 reviewer posted their honest review, more fake accounts were created to increase the overall score, again! So what the reviewer that also rated it 1/10 said, they took the words right out of my mouth... this film was total amateur hour and a waste of my time!

This movie is really slow. The acting is very bad and looks like the actors are struggling to say their lines, except for Fernando. He starts off OK, but then just gets too into his role and over does it. The worst actor here is Sunny. Where did they find this guy anyway? Again, way to over-reacting. The background music is very dark, again, too much for a drama. I really couldn't finish this movie, it was that slow and boring.

It's sad to see such fake reviews. Don't waste your time, even if you see it for free like I did, my time is more valuable!
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