
7 Reviews
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
A New Hope
12 November 2019
A new chapter for Star-Wars, one like we haven't seen before. First of all, you can feel the star wars vibe from a mile away. The beautiful world-building production- and costumedesign, the thrilling cinematography and the great (sound)editing. There are however some aspects that divide this artwork from the trilogies. the type of storytelling for example. focusing completely on one character, and making this one character so interesting.

With a great cast and great producers, I have high hopes for this little show. Thanks in advantage, Mr. Favreau.
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Hilarious that I actually enjoyed this.
11 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I never thought i'd write a review about a Lego-animated serie, but here I am.

Believe me, this is actually quite funny. It has actually clever easter eggs to both the MCU movies and the comics, some fun gags and jokes for kids and adults, lots of great Marvel characters, a Wilheim and Stan 'the Man' Lee!

Voice acting, animation and directing were al alright, nothing spectacular.

Fun for kids, fun for Marvel fans.
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Shazam! (2019)
He's not so serious
28 March 2019

First of all I feel obligated to tell you, I'm a big Marvel fan, and i'm gonna be comparing this to Captain Marvel (Marvels one). And this movie is better.

This film is not a masterpiece. It's an okay film, and a good superhero flick. It's no Dark Knight or Avengers obviously, the tone and production is way different. Shazam! is a comedy. And a good one. Now the key to comedy is timing, and this movie is nailing it. Its not pushing it (Guardians Vol. 2 anyone?) knows actually when to say what, the screenwriting is on point.

But the best thing about this film is it's self-awareness. It knows it's a film about a kid becoming a superhero, you should realize that. It knows it can make jokes about hitting your head and peeing in the suit but also make clever comic book references.

So really strong points; comedy (timing, consistency) Zachary Levi was born for the role, screenwriting and script. Directing, Jack Dylan Grazer and the rest of the supporting casting, visuals were all alright, nothing to complain about.

I didn't really like the third act, but can't talk about it without giving spoilers.

All with all, a flick you can easily enjoy without taking it to seriously. Sets an example and new tone for the DCEU, it might just be my favorite film so far. 8/10
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Good movie, nothing we haven't seen before
6 March 2019
Captain Marvel is a fun and enjoyable movie. It's as action packed as any Marvel movie. And, just as most Marvel films it's has his ups and downs. The plot is original but it could have been better executed. Sam Jackson, Brie Larson and Jude Law are all good actors, no complaints there. There was some rapid editing at times and the music and sound effects weren't perfect either. Visual effects were fine, not Infinity War-level but better than Black Panther for example. There were some fun easter eggs for both comic book readers and movie-goers, and man was the post-credit scene good. Last thing I wanna point out is that the humor was really on the spot, clever and not at all forced (like in Guardians Vol. 2 or Infinity War).

All with all, I enjoyed the film a lot, it wasn't extremely fancy but quite well executed and performed. I recommend it if you're a Marvel fan, or just like action movies!
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Creed II (2018)
like father like son
6 February 2019
'It ain't about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit, and still get up. That's how winning is done.'

  • Rocky Balboa, 1976

Ever since the first Rocky movie the series have been one of the most popular and most influential series of all time, and since 2015 in a new colour of Creed. In December we got to see the second adaptation of this action flick.

In Rocky (1976) we met Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) as opponent to protagonist Rocky (Sylvester Stallone). Now it's his son, Adonnis 'D' Creed (Michael B. Jordan) who's in the spotlight. In Creed (2015), directed by Ryan Coogler we saw a old and sick Rocky meeting main character Baby-Creed. With ex-champ Balboa as coach you see Adonnis fighting to the top, and Rocky fighting his disease.

This prequel however is even more personal. Rocky VI (1985) 'If he dies, he dies'. In the fourth adaptation of the Rocky movies Apollo Creed faces the Russian Ivan Drago. He doesn't survive the fight. Rocky defeats Drago later in the movie on own territory, and Russia turns against Drago. Now, 34 years later, Viktor, Ivan Drago's spn, challenges Adonnis for the title of Heavyweight World-Champion. But the title is not the only thing they're fighting for. Can Adonnis avenge his father? Or will Viktor earn back the respect of his country?

2018 was the year of Michael B. Jordan. In February he shined as antagonist in Marvel's Black Panther (also directed by Coogler) where he received an Saturn Award nomination for. He also got nominated for an Emmy for the by him produced TV-film Fahrenheit 451. And yet in Creed II he gives his best performance of the year. The chemistry between him and 3 time nominee Sylvester Stallone (who also wrote the screenplay) is even better than it is in the first movie. Jordan shows he can play the role of the victim as well as winner.

Despite it being the first big movie Steve Caple Jr. directs, he handles it like a professional. Loyal to the directing of both Stallone and Coogler, but with an own touch. Modern rap music processed un scenes like the training montage, or the, often literally, fall down, get up and run through. Building up tension with long takes, change between shots inside and outside the ring. A trademark of Coogler you can see back in this picture. Whether it has the same ambiance as the first Creed, is arguable, but Caple doesn't disappoint.

Creed II stays loyal to the storyline of the original Rocky movies, acknowledges the quality of previous directors, and has it's own touch. With excellent performances and a good storyline this films is absolutely recommended, especially when you're a fan of the other Rocky films.

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Robin Hood (2018)
Awfully mediocre
23 November 2018
Let's brake everything down:

Things that were good in this movie:
  • Jamie Foxx performance
  • Training montage
  • Costume Design
  • Some parts of the final fight (mostly the civilians part)

Things that were barley mediocre
  • Directing
  • Egertons performance
  • Editing
  • How much it relates to the original story

Things that were simply bad
  • All other performances
  • Sound editing (waaaaay to much in attempt to set an exiting tone)
  • Dialogue could've been written by a 13-year old
  • Character development
  • Humor
  • It was extremely predictable

All with all, the bad thing outweigh the good things. Foxx' role was with a distance my favorite thing of the movie, the should've given him a lot more screen time. Most of the screenplay was terrible, lot of improvement there.

I'd give the movie a 4,3/10 which obviously is not good, but not as terrible as most critics say it is.
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The Flash: Lose Yourself (2018)
Season 4, Episode 18
Pissed off, but not bad
18 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert !!

So, the first big battle: team flash vs team thinker. The concept really wasn't bad, with the dope new (hella powerful) hippie-meta, who was portrayed by quite a good actor (never heard or seen the guy so worth mentioning) but his powers where underused. Team flash could've used him in the fight for example (would've been though to write).

Than there's this thing i have to mention what really really pissed me of. When Joe, a pretty standard detective could take on The Samurai with a freaking sword !! They didn't show how, obvious what really stressed me.

Than, i hate what they did to Ralph. He was a fun, bit annoying (more annoying by the episode, probably because they would kill him off, so he would get hate) but i liked him. He was really powerful and had one of the funniest and coolest powers. So it was stupid they killed him, but the way they did it was terrible. First off all, lotta trash talk before and during fighting, what is accurate to comics but annoying and a really really idiotic way to eventually kill him. wrong cuffs? for real? and not killing him is understandable, because of the PG-13 but why spend an entire episode saying he would? Another bad thing bout the episode.

Than some unnecessary but awsome flash stunts, good fight scene between iris and mechanic, good dialogue and hippies which all are dope.

last, i was really surprised with what they did with killer frost, did not see that coming at all.

all with all, not a bad episode. some lazy or bad writing that pissed me off. would've given a 6.5/10
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