
2 Reviews
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The Magnificent Ambersons (2001 TV Movie)
17 December 2007
The idea of redoing a classic movie is an intriguing one and the idea of doing one that allegedly got chopped by unfeeling studio hands, such as purportedly happened to Orson Welles and his version of this, is provocative, especially if they say are actually going to shoot from the original precut screenplay. At first, things seem promising and there are some fine actors doing some interesting things, and the production is handsome. But I could not figure out why I was not enjoying what was obviously a well- intentioned and lavish production. Then it dawned on me -- Rhys-Meyers performance was not simply of an unpleasant character, but a callow-seeming actor frowning and grimacing his way through an entire movie -- poisoning the drama at its core. It is truly the most painfully misconceived performance I can ever recall seeing in a major serious movie. It sinks the entire enterprise. The casting director and overall director must take responsibility. How could they not see at least halfway through the shooting of this that Rhys-Meyers work was an empty annoying hole at the center. Was he cast a a personal favor to someone? It seems inexplicable.
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Jacob's Ladder (I) (1990)
What about 1973 version?
20 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have a bit of a mystery that I would like someone to help me solve. I distinctly recall seeing an excellent movie with this same plot and I am fairly certain with the same title (soldier in hospital, confused and bizarre memories, final twist having to do with all the flashbacks and so forth being his final conscious memories prior to letting himself die of his wounds.) I am quite certain that it was in the the period 1972-1974 because of where I was in my life and the people I talked to about it after seeing it and being impressed with it. . Has no one else any recall of this earlier version, rather than this Robbins remake--which I have not seen)? It is rather mysterious since I was describing this movie recently to someone and he alerted me to the existence of the Robbins version which I had previously been totally unaw3are of. I am not making this up! Thanks for your corroboration.
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