
3 Reviews
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A thinking persons comedy! Wicked and wonderful!
6 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A thinking persons comedy! Wicked and wonderful. This movie full of delightful innuendo of the comedic and sexual kind! Don't miss a word, or you'll miss a joke! I can't rave enough about it. I've heard idiots out there who won't watch a movie because it's a black & white picture. What a shame, they won't see this brilliant film! Don't miss Alec Guiness! Actually, if you miss him, you're blind!

As IMDb requires ten lines to meet their criteria for a film review, I'm forced to ramble. IMDb, get a grip. Some of us are a little more succinct about writing opinions. Brevity is the Soul of Wit! Anyway, did you know Alec Guiness played Obi Wan Kenobi in a little known, independent film called "STAR WARS"?
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The Vampyr: A Soap Opera (1992 TV Movie)
A Full-Blooded Revamp! *chuckle*
6 January 2006
This glorious tale of Ripley the Vampyr, a gorgeous, but deadly creature of the night, performed in a lavish Opera originally written by Heinrich Marschner. This BBC production is out of print, but you can find it on Amazon and Ebay.

Even if you don't think you'll like opera, director Nigel Finch gives us an a great story told through music. The story has some sexual scenes, and some violence. But Ripley the Vampire has a debt to pay, lest Satan recall him back to the Underworld.

The Vampire Ripley has a big problem: he has to kill "three lost souls in three short days!" Ripley's master, "The Lord Of Darkness" will call him back to underworld if he doesn't deliver those innocent souls. All that and coping with the modern world. Omar Ebrahim as Ripley is brilliant!
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Closet Land (1991)
Brilliant. Not for people easily upset by intense material.
5 January 2006
Even the trailer for this movie makes me cry, like the first time I saw this movie. Not for people who are easily upset by intense material! The finest performances by Alan Rickman and Madelaine Stowe, without a doubt. This dreadful tale of a society with the power to kidnap and torture it's citizens for ANY reason, whether they are anarchist's or the writer of children's books will chill you to the bone. I saw it when it first came out 1991 and I remember every frame. It still scares the hell out me today. It's happening now.

Apparently, IMDb requires ten lines to meet their criteria for a film review. IMDb might want to GET A GRIP! Some of us are a little more succinct about writing opinions.
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