
7 Reviews
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SEAL Team: Drawdown (2020)
Season 3, Episode 17
One of the worst episodes yet!
9 April 2020
I can't believe that we had to wait two weeks for such a lame episode! This show is starting to become more about the drama of the character's personal lives than it is the action. Consequently, I am fast losing interest in it!!!
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Prison Break (2005–2017)
A good show but...
13 June 2019
This is a good show but, the plot has more holes than a sieve and the scenes have so many glaringly obvious mistakes that it is sometimes difficult for me to watch it!
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Legion (2017–2019)
The weirdest and worst television show I have ever seen!
6 June 2018
If you are expecting a normal super hero kicking butt on super villains type of show, then you will undoubtedly be highly disappointed since both the writer and the many different directors seem to be intent on producing a show that is as weird as possible! In fact, rather than developing a proper plot, the entire show seems to be intent on providing the viewers with an insight into what it is like to be insane! Plus, each episode is directed by a different individual. Thus, after suffering through the entire first season waiting for it to develop into a proper Marvel superhero show and, then season two starting out with the main character getting zapped into, and trapped inside of, a floating metal sphere with no explanation and then, the introduction of another character who is supposed be an Admiral but, who walks around with a basket on his head followed by three women with mustaches who apparently have computers in their head combined with a dance scene that seems to have no bearing on the plot, I have lost all interest in watching any more of this idiotic show! In fact, I simply cannot understand how this show has achieved such a high rating here!!!
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Animal Kingdom (2016–2022)
A of Sons of Anarchy ripoff
28 May 2018
This show strikes me as a lazy, limp-wristed, attempt to capitalize on the popularity of Sons of Anarchy (which kept me glued to my screen during each episode and eagerly awaiting the next one) since the plot is essentially the same but is not nearly as well written. Thus, while I may continue to watch it, I was bored with it halfway through the first season and I am truly surprised that it has been renewed for a third season.
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Bright (I) (2017)
I absolutely loved it!!!
25 January 2018
After being disappointed with so many movies lately, I have finally reach the point where I am convinced that today's writers are completely incapable of writing a truly compelling movie script. Therefore, I had come to the conclusion that it was a complete wast of my time to watch any new movie and thus, I would simply stick to television shows instead. However, I decided to take a chance with Bright and it turned out to be one of the absolute best movies I have ever seen! Thus, I am extremely glad that I did decide to watch it and I will definitely be watching it again!
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A huge disappointment!
6 January 2018
I attempted to watch this movie yesterday and now I understand why it did so poorly at the box office! Although I absolutely loved the original, this has got to be one of the worst squeals of all time. In fact, in my opinion, it rates right up there with Dune, Conan The Destroyer and, Krull which were three of the worst movies I have ever seen! Thus, after watching the first hour of this worthless movie, I got so bored with it that I actually turned it off and I see absolutely no incentive to watch the rest of it!
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Strike Back (2010–2020)
A Pale Imitation of the Original!
22 November 2017
I am a huge fan of Strike Back and I absolutely love the original version! However, the new version (season 6) is a pale comparison to the original and, in fact, after watching the first three episodes now, I am so disappointed by the actor's lack of presence, the writer's inability to compose a compelling plot and, the director's armature effort that I have no further interest in watching any more of the new version!
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