
49 Reviews
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Smile (V) (2022)
Not my cup of tea
30 September 2022
People nowadays are genuinely so easy to be scared. The movie focuses on sound effects and jump scares to scare the audience. And it was a "NO" for me. This formula just... doesn't seems to work for me lately. After few cringy jump scares, you will be getting bored like it is on repeat or something. The movie has almost 2 hours and i was at some point ready to leave the theater.

If you are easy to scare by unexpected sound effects used on cringy jump scares, then this movie is for you. If you are bored by jump scares all over place, then you can pass this one and watch "Barbarian" instead who is miles better than this!
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Speak No Evil (2022)
22 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
BIG SPOILERS!!! --------Well...the actions and..well, to say it better: the non action of a father and a mother to save their family is atrocious unrealistic! The survival instinct is more powerful than the fear and every human or any animal will fight to survive. So many stupid scenes that doesn't make sense in real life situations! Of course in real life situations, if you see two people acting weird and aggressively with their child(BIG SPOILER AHEAD!!! Not their child, as we found at the very end) you will take your... everything and you will immediately leave the house! Well, they tried somehow but they returned bcz the little girl lost his toy?????? And they decide to stay one more day bcz the creepy couple says: "sorry" and...what? Oh, well...3 stars from me for some decent acting, some creepy moments and that's all! The rest is just stupid and unrealistically decisions from the tourmented family!
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Pearl (2022)
Decent prequel
16 September 2022
Mia Goth really has the potential to become an Oscar contender. She definitely delivered some amazing acting in this one, as well as in "X"! (Hardly wait to see her in the next movie: MaXXXine). About this movie? Well, is the story of the old lady: Pearl from the "X" movie, being now a young girl! The story about a young girl's life descending into madness! The movie has everything: amazing soundtrack, good cinematography, some good kills(maybe not as brutal and gory as we have seen in "X"), very decent acting and..oh boy, the croc is here again! It really deserve your attention and if it is possible, watch this movie in a cinema theater!
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Jaws (1975)
What the...?
6 September 2022
The acting on this one was atrocious!! Maybe in the '70s the movie was a big hit but when you watch the movie in our days, you see how terible the acting, the music, everything is!! It is like a messy parody. It is praise just by the ones who were teenagers then and now they are 60+ old years men/women! People like me, who came in this earth in the late '80s can't see in this movie anything but horrible acting, horrible music, horrible special effects! You all the nostalgic ones, can praise this, but sorry, not me. There are better shark movies those day, many times better than this atrocious ...thing. Of course i will get so kany thumbs down from the nostalgic ones and i don't give a spit! I have seen better acting in short movies.
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
26 August 2022
Absolutely boring movie! The trailer make me want to watch this and now after i watched it, i am disappointed! This movie was ment to be R rated! But it's a terrible PG13 with some mediocre action scenes and some bad cgi! Not recommended to spend your time in this one!
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From the acting to the fact that this is a PG-13 so called: horror/thriller, and very mediocre cgi with lomg boring talking scenes, this movie is TERRIBLE! And no, i am not a "upset man cuz the lead is a female who goes warrior to save his skin beating guys and mad again cuz i don't see nude scene", i am a man who was waiting for something fresh, original, good acting and a freaking R rated movie, not a PG-13 parody with fake vampires.
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14 August 2022
Why this kind of garbages are even made? What is the purpose? Bad special effects, atrocious bad acting, atrocious forced humor (at least better than Marvel Cringy Universe), bland and boring.. why they even spend money on creating such garbages? WHY?????
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Bullet Train (2022)
8 August 2022
If you like Deadpool type of action scenes, you will love this one! Doesn't matter if the action in the movie happened in a train, the movie delivers some cool action scenes, very decent special effects, humor is not overused it's just the exact amount of, some brutal scenes, blood and gore, high octane. It is entertaining and not one minute of boring! :)
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Nope (2022)
Very decent
1 August 2022
It was a little slow at some parts but..oh myyy! The movie was something different in a good way! Very suspenseful, some really scary scenes, very good acting from almost all the cast, good special effects, amazing sound design! Not a fan of Peele but i really liked this one! I recommend for everyone who want to see it, to go to a cinema theater for the best feelings! Ignore the ones who hate this bcz it was a slow burner! Not every freaking movie must be full of action scenes to be entertaining! Look at Quentin Tarantino's movies: lots of dialogs, slow action but very good movies! Not compring Peele with Tarantino(Tarantino being a master and a genius) but Peele has some good imagination! 7/10 stars from me! One of the best movie this year until now!
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Very decent
28 July 2022
Very decent prequel but unfortunately too short! The first movie has 2 hours and this just 1 and 39 minutes! Some very good brutal scenes, but i was kinda waiting for more! Some of the special effects on the actress was kinda visible and bad executed but overall it works! I recommend to anyone who have not seen the first movie from 2009 to watch it and then come to see this so they can understand a little bit more of the story!
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The Gray Man (2022)
25 July 2022
The fact that they make this PG 13 and not R rated, RUINED the movie for me! It was ment to be R rated! You see little to no blood when there are ment to be gore and blood! Disgusting! 2 stars for some decent special effects!
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Watcher (I) (2022)
22 July 2022
The romanian cast, the romanian actress and actors acting are atrocious(i am romanian and i can tell this). The rest is bellow decent. A boring movie with annoying romanians actress and actors! Their acting is bellow amateurish! Maika Monroe acting is okay. Some nice camera work and that's it! And the ending??? My gosh! I was expecting a big twist but noooo, it was predictable even for a second i was thinking "she is really dead"
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9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Waititi and Disney transforming Thor: The God of Thunder in Throll: The God Of CRINGY! Gorr is weak and slow! The cheesy cringy jokes every 3 minutes make from this movie a jokefest! Now MCU is a joke and real marvel fans are left behind by the Generation X: full of snowflakes who know nothing about Thor or any marvel character! For them it's enough to see cheesy cringy humor, doesn't matter if the movie doesn't respect the comics! The first and the second (yeah, i am talking about Dark World, my favorite Thor movie) were the best! Ragnajoke and this Throll: Joke and Cringyndher are horrible! Of course it will make big money at the box office! What is cheesy and cringy will sell good, unfortunately! And, oh my goosshhh, what have they done with Zeus? What was that joker? Really, Waititi?
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Garbage with a big G
25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"haaaang off the phone NOOOOWWW!" Well, you can easily remove the phone from the wall so the kid won't get help from the ghost anymore! A dumb movie with a dumb script and dumb decisions!

2 stars for the little girl's acting. Anyway, better than all the marvel comedies garbages!
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The Sadness (2021)
Gore fest!
13 May 2022
The movie is one of the goriest movie i have seen in the last years! My favorite remain The Evil Dead remake! The movie is fast paced, action scenes are decent choreographed, lots of blood and gore very good realized, the acting is kinda amatourish but overall is entertaining! Give it a chance! :)
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Firestarter (2022)
13 May 2022
People are so harsh on this! They cry because it is a remake and the overused: "it's nothing like the original and the original is better" and i bet many has not seen the original! Well, for me, it was better than the original, better acting, better special effects, the little girl did a decent job.. Efron as well! It is not boring and has some cool action scenes! Don't expect a masterpiece! It is a simple movie with a little girl with some special gifts. Better than that overrated marvel crap named: Dr. Not So Strange: In the Multiverse of Nothing! Hope i will not triggered the marvel fan boys! Give it a chance! It delivers!
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The Northman (2022)
A viking tale
24 April 2022
Some decent acting, good soundtrack, cool cinematography, the costumes are on point, the filming location is on point, but the brutal scenes so many talk being "brutal and gory" are just a few! The most of the ones who say this movie is "brutal and gory" definitely EXAGGERATING!! I have seen PG 13 movies more violent than this! A little bit disappointed bcz i was expecting much more brutality, but the movie has just 3 or 4 scenes with mild violence! Two decapitation and a nose being cut off and some neck slice does not means: "brutal and gory". Those snowflakes, this new generation of young adults doesn't know what "brutal and gory" really means! This definitely was not "brutal and gory" as they saying! You want "brutal and gory", watch Saving Private Rian or 300, or Watchmen! This was a PG13 more like. 5/10 from me.
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15 April 2022
Terrible! Bad acting, i know the actors/actresses are mostly unknown but i have seen unknown actors/actresses with a decent to very well acting! In this joke of a movie, no one act convincing! Some good costumes and practical effects and that's all! Army of the Dead is a masterpiece compared with this!! Does not worth to spend your time, you'll definitely regreted it the time spending watching this joke of a movie.
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Morbius (2022)
2 April 2022
Another character ruined bcz they don't have the balls to make those movies R rated as they are supposed to be! First Venom now Morbius! They ment to be R rated characters, for the love of the Universe! They rushed the movie and they create a mess! 2 stars for some good special effects! Me being a DC/DCEU fan i really enjoy watching R rated Marvel movies like: Logan, Deadpool (even this is Sony the characters are from Marvel) i really liked old Hulk movies as well and some X-Men movies, but the rest are just childish full of cringy cheesy lame jokes movies making billions at box office ripping money from kids and dumb adults! I have read some reviews about this movie and lots of triggered marvel fanboys being really mad bcz the movie does not have lots and lots of jokes! The heeeeeck???? They hate this movie bcz it isn't funny and cheesy like almost all marvel garbages? At least this movie is a little more serious but still bad bcz it was ment to be a freaking R rated!
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20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe this is a movie directed by Ti West who just give us his recent movie named: "X", who btw it's one freaking good slasher with miles better acting than this crap: "House of the Devil"! The acting in this movie is beyond atrocious! Nothing happens until the las few minutes! It's weird how this trash have 6.3 rating! One of the worst acting i have ever seen! The only good thing was the part when Megan was killed in her car! That was unexpected! I was force myself to watch the whole thing thinking something good will happend but NO! Just cheap suspense and i repeat: atrocious unrealistic acting and with some blood at the end but i must repeating my self: ONE OF THE WORST ACTING I HAVE EVER SEEN! PLEASE AVOID THIS GARBAGE!
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X (II) (2022)
Brutal flick!
18 March 2022
For a movie to be good, the acting must be good, even it's a comedy, drama, horror! This movie has some really good acting from the actors/actress and this is a very positive thing! I am a hardcore horror movies fan and this delivered everything: brutal kills, scary scenes, suspense and eerie atmosphere with some very decent acting and story! A little fun fact here: I have heard Mia Goth plays the old lady as well with lots of makeup and prostethics! That's awesome! The rest of the cast did their job very well! Not a big fan of Ti West movies but this one was one of the best horror movie from the last 2 years! Definitely recommend this to every slasher fan!
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Fresh (2022)
Chewing chewing
7 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Accidentally find this movie! I have never seen the trailer just read some reviews before watching and..oh boy!!! What a weird funny disturbing flick! The acting is so good, the twist after the first 30-33 minutes is....cannibalistic! Sebastian Stan is amazingly evil in this movie! Daisy is such a good actress! The music, the cinematography, everything in this is top notch! Little humor, little violence(but when it comes, it's brutal), suspanse, dramatic..and chewing, lots of chewing! I don't want to write more about the movie, but prepare yourself for a weird road watching this movie! Strong 8 from 10 from me!
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Dark and violent
6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I recommend the movie for every horror!/thriller fans but becareful: it's a very sad movie with very sad situations and unexpected gut wretching scenes! A very dark and brutal australian survival horror flick! It's not brutal in terms of gore and blood, but more of a brutal psychological thing, there are little scenes of physical violence but when it happens, it's brutal and upsetting! The acting was very good, very convincing! The villians are so diabolical and sadistic!

Spoilers ahead !!!!!!!

I felt so mad about the family of the little baby being killed so brutally! And for the main couple, i was waiting for some hero things from the boyfriend of Sam but he was just a weak silly man! Sam was the hero(if i can say it like this) here but the movie is so sad and depressing! Every actor and actresses did their jobs really well! The scene when the baby boy walking in the forest crying broke me! A strong 7 out of 10 from me! Unfortunately they don't show us what really happened with the baby boy!
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1 March 2022
In my top 3 TCM movies: the first is the remake from 2003, second is "Leatherface"(2017) and third place is this movie! This one is one of the most brutal and bloody and i like that! Very awesome brutal kills! Decent acting and cool cinematography! The bad reviewers are just annoying little kids who wants to act smarts! They cry bcz the characters make stupid decisions! When you are attacked by a gruesome killer with a chainsaw, of course the feeling of fear bring down your reflexes and your rational thinking and the stupid decisions are inevitable! 8/10 stars from me! Give it a chance, it deliverers what a true horror fan want: bloody kills, fear, suspans and gritty atmosphere!
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The Batman (2022)
A mess!
1 March 2022
What we've got from Matt Reeves? Emo Batman! Being a PG movie, you see a man is beating to a pulp, being hit so hard but not one single scratch on his face???? Batman is shoot with many bullets but the bullets doesn't hit his face??? This is the reason PG/PG13 movies are horrible and far away from reality! The Batman movies musy be R rated! Look at Snyder version: The best version of Batman i have ever seen, i don't care what Snyder haters says! A very bad interpretation of The Ridler(many of us, including me expected a very good performance from Dano, but it fails) who btw, he kinda disappear from the movie for about one hour(whaaaaat?), Cat Woman is horrendous as a b1$3xu@l ebony(in 95% of comics she is a white woman), The Pinguin is not what we see in the comics, it's just a guy with visible prostethics acting weird and boring), Officer Gordon being a black dude (nothing against black actors) is just...silly(when in all the comics, he is a white dude, why can't you RESPECT the comics?), unconvincing twists, the movie try to be dark and gritty but the feeling is, they tried too hard and the almost 3 hours we get almost nothing impresive. Pattinson as Batman it's even worse than Bale(who btw, was so cringy as Batman with that goofy voice and the most overrated Batman ever). For me(i will get so many thumbs down, i don't even care) Ben Affleck was the best Batman/Wayne till date! 4 stars out of 10 for the good music score and for e few action scenes, the majority are just bland and chaotic mess! Nothing compare with the Snyder warehouse Batman fighting scene who is one of the best fighting scene in a superhero movie!
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