
13 Reviews
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Elementary: How the Sausage Is Made (2016)
Season 5, Episode 8
Seriously, numerous plot holes
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So much creativity in this show, but here it seems as though they worked out the ending and simply half-assed their way back to the starting point. So why was horse tranquilizer was it delivered, and how much was delivered to them kill some who ate the victim.? And speaking of the victim, where did his body go? Nobody noticed a massive amount of fresh sausage from this guy's body? And what about everyone else who ate him? And why did this guy decide to kill him and make sausage of him rather than some alternative disposal method? And why choose sausage making to dispose of the body? And why use anise? And what background does this guy have in sausage making to make him want to use this as a disposal method? Sorry. Interesting overall story, but serious holes in the premise. Beyond preposterous. Seems like by the later seasons, the writers get super lazy.
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Elementary: Murder Ex Machina (2016)
Season 4, Episode 9
Amazingly prescient and truth-exposing episode
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this in 2024, it is wonderful to see so much TRUTH exposed. Honesty about the fact that the Ukrainians are dependent on foreign aid to fill their coffers, need to have the war continue, need to pretend to be the victim, etc. Even better seeing a character representing the US State department say this. The US State Department used to understand what was going on in Ukraine before certain people started getting huge bribes from them to think differently. Also correctly pointing out that those who profit from war do whatever is needed to promote it.. Then to show car computers being hacked and people murdered by others using the autodriving technology. For sure it was already happening in 2016, but likely a lot more common today, and no doubt something being created for that and other nefarious purposes. Best episode to date. These are truths more are more people are waking up to. In our censorship society, it is shocking to see this episode not banned, especially considering the policies supported by Hollywood.
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A great documentation of Europe before the infestation
4 December 2023
So wonderful that Rick went over and documented these wonderful cultural treasures before the Muslim and African invaders came and were enabled by their EU protectors in destroying, banning, and otherwise abolishing the Christian heritage of Europe and its nations. At least we will always have this to look back on. What a tragedy that centuries of heritage that gave the world such cultural marvels has been destroyed in only a couple of generations. Rick always does a great job of showing how exploring and celebrating the cultures of others can bring us together, while intolerance and destruction of cultures through "diversity" is what is dividing us all.
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Medium: You Give Me Fever (2009)
Season 6, Episode 10
Life imitates art
7 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine someone paying for gain of function research to create a virus that "gets loose" only to then do everything possible to suppress, ban, and lie about therapies to fight the virus all so that the only "solution" to the problem is a vaccine whose sales directly benefit you and your government agency and even cause serious, even deadly side effects. Life imitates art. Seeing this show in year 3 of the plannedemic is quite creepy. Even Hollywood sees how easily a pharmaceutical company can justify murder for profits but can't fathom it happening anywhere but on television or in the movies. A great episode that gets even better the more the truth comes out.
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Divided (2017–2018)
Worst game show ever created
5 August 2021
I guess if your goal is to appeal to and exploit the worst of human behavior, then this is the perfect show. Otherwise, simply horrible. Watching ths show just further supports the truth that this country needs to be divided, but the show needs to go. The beauty of a capitalist country is that people interact and agree or simply go their own way without harm to the other. Nothing about this show supports any of that or any sense of mutual support.
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Ice Sharks (2016 TV Movie)
Insulting horrible
25 December 2020
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An above ground station that can handle being submerged, kelp beds in artic waters, sunlight when they are supposed to be really deep, a station that shows air bubbles leaving it in every shot but 4 people who supposedly have a day's worth of air with no water penetration and I could go on for as long as this horrible movie lasted. Was the goal to try and see just how much they could insult the intelligence of the audience? Watch literally ANYTHING other than this movie.
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Fargo: Storia Americana (2020)
Season 4, Episode 11
Subtle but perfect tie back to season 2
1 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not the best of the 4 seasons, but still good. Loved the tie in to season 2 by having "Satchmo" take the last name of his dead Irish protector. Very creative.
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Documentaries about the holocaust are funnier
15 May 2020
Thankfully the amount of money donated was not dependent on the amount of humor displayed by the so called comedians featured. One has to wonder what special magic was being applied during some of these folks' careers that was grossly lacking in their performances for this festival. Just send a donation and don't subject yourself to this two hour misery fest.
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Nothing has changed in 23 years - FBI/media collusion and corruption
21 December 2019
An outstanding movie that is beautifully timed given the horrible collusion between the FBI and the mainstream media we are witnessing on a daily basis (and have been for at least 50 year now). Well-acted, well-edited, and well-directed to convey the utter frustration felt by the victim of this media/government witch hunt. The only unfortunate part is that the film did not come out sooner, before Mr. Jewell and Kathy Scruggs passed away. Everyone should see this film, if nothing else, to send a message to Hollywood that we all want to see more films of this quality and subject matter.
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Marooned (1969)
Life imitates art....again?
3 March 2019
Plenty of serious questions and doubts remain about the entire Apollo program and what really went on. A film that envisions similar circumstances to the Apollo 13 incident the following year only adds to the long list of doubts. Overall not a bad film, but nothing like the far superior 2001, especially for one that also won as Oscar for special effects.
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The Bionic Woman: The Pyramid (1978)
Season 3, Episode 13
Early geoengineering?
2 March 2019
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While researchers today propose spraying chemicals into the atmosphere, and anyone looking upward on many clear days can see that they have been spraying us for well over a decade, the writer of the story put forth the concept all the way back in the 70s. Creative, or just someone who already knew what the government was planning? Even in this story the unforseen effects of their plan threaten all life on earth.
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A typically missed opportunity
22 February 2019
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It is the FREE MARKET that makes sure that the consumer is in charge of what a company sells, while central control, whether by central planners in a communist/socialist government, or manipulation of business activities by a duopoly of the Republicans and Democrats, delivers to the market what the politicians want. This could have and should have been explained to Sheldon, but that is probably too much to expect from an entire industry that embraces powerful government central planning over freedom, free choice, and consumer power.
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Not the 70s I grew up in
2 August 2018
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Mom was divorced in 1975 and we were living in the LA area not far from where this supposedly takes place. Mom was too busy keeping food on the table, taking me to school, and keeping her life from falling down around her ears to carry on like Alicia. Truly a grossly inaccurate representation of life, and disgustingly filled with shallow stereotypes of 70s mom's, women, men, bosses, etc. For sure it could have been better.
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