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The Twilight Zone: The New Exhibit (1963)
Season 4, Episode 13
Best of the Season 4 Episodes
27 May 2024
Season 4 had a mixed bag of ok to good episodes, but this episode definitely was the best of the one hour episodes and for good reason.

The atmosphere and setting of the episode is well executed, along with the performances of it leads and also the 'wax figures'. The expressions of the actors portraying them, is absolutely priceless and chilling at the same time.

Martin Balsam was a great character and this episode displays his talents to the extreme and his portrayal of an obsessed and desperate man, is well drawn out. The one hour length, was perfect for this episode.

Not to be discarded or missed by the TZ fans!
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A Solid Entry
8 October 2023
Not sure what the public was expecting with this new film, but based on what I read, I was not looking forward to the sequel.

By the end of the movie, I was wondering what everyone else had watched, since I thought this was a great film!

The movie's pacing, is almost similar to the original movie, which slowly builds up its characters and story into a thrilling finale. Although, it definitely can't live up to the original, its definitely superior to the sequels that have been released. Some may find it slow and derivative as a result. However, I remained interested in the characters and thought, perhaps it could have built up more of a story in relation to the two children that ended up being possessed and the main focus of the last half of the film.

The movie will not please a modern audience, since it's not gory, nor fast pace and action oriented.

However, it is well acted, suspenseful, filmed and executed.

For those that appreciated the '73 original, this movie is made as a tribute and definitely worth seeing. I was pleasantly surprised of the finale of the film and hope that there will be a sequel.
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Expend4bles (2023)
Good Actioner
27 September 2023
What can be said about the Expendables series other then it is meant to entertain a certain fan base for those that love their action movies from the 80's. Definitely very late in the game with a sequel, some 9 years later, not sure what the studio was thinking, this movie would have done well during the pandemic!

Part 4 is definitely entertaining, albeit, silly with some poor CGI effects and painfully acted.

It's not to say that the movie is not entertaining. This is by far, better then the non-bloody part 3 and there are some definite pluses to the movie.

Megan Fox is a 'visual' asset to the film, despite her dismal acting skills.

The one liners are painful, but there are some good chuckles along the way. Yes, the one liners are absolutely corny.

The action is definitely entertaining, on par with the earlier films, but some of the actors from the previous movies are solely missing; Arnold Schwarzenegger, Terry Crews, Jet Li and Wesley Snipes are amongst them.

The action is over the top as usual, very over the top and comic bookish, and some of the CGI effects are quite obvious in more then a few sequences.

Definitely for fans of the series and I did enjoy this overall, just ensure to leave your brain at the door and simply enjoy the show and you will have a good time. I don't see any foreseeable future for the series, due to the low crowd turnout, which is unfortunate. Sadly, it seems we're now in a 'Barbie' generation of movie goers, as evident with the recent box office disappointments of recent action movies.

A horrible period for us action fans, unfortunately!!
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The Twilight Zone: Walking Distance (1959)
Season 1, Episode 5
Beautiful Episode
26 September 2023
Having seen this episode multiple times over the past four decades, it packs an emotional punch every time I view this and it becomes more and more of a tearjerker with each viewing.

Now viewing this being in my early 50's, a bit older then the main character of Martin Sloan, I've had this character's mindset for the past decade and longing for the 'good ole days' recalling my childhood and realizing that when our parents tell us not to rush things and 'These are the good old days', cannot ring more true during these troubling times we're living in, post pandemic.. The episode is beautifully written and scored; perhaps one of the best musical scores in TV history, for a 30 min episode; and very well acted by actor Gig Young.

Young captures what some men go through as.rheh reach their mid life crisis and recalls their youth and it's painful ending truly defines that you cannot go home again.

This episode is very personal to me and drives some emotions that as children, we don't appreciate our youth and enjoy the simple things in life, which we all wish we could go back to, after a certain amount of time has passed in our lives.

The Twilight Zone has always been a wonderful series and this episode is a prime example why the series continues to expand our minds some 65.years later!
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Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980)
Be Here, Aloha!
2 June 2023
Hawaii Five-O is the epitome of cop shows for a vast amount of reasons and although it lasted 12 seasons, I still believe that it nor the star did not receive the recognition it deserved.

The series starred the late great Jack Lord as Steve McGarrett, the no nonsense lead of the Five-O team. Jack Lord appeared in all 12 seasons of the series and even took over as (uncredited) Producer of the series from season 7 to 12, following the series Creator Leonard Freeman's death, whom passed away in 1973. Lord is the star of the show and carried the series to the very end. The supporting cast, definitely deserve some credit, but Lord was crucial in regards to the success of the series.

Although the series was internationally extremely popular, and on CBS, quite often in the top 10, the series never won any Emmys, although nominated numerous times and surprisingly Jack Lord was never nominated for Best Actor or any other types of technical awards. There was some solid episodes, which he displayed his talents, which didn't get the recognition it deserved.

The series did run out of fuel by the 10th season, had it finished it's run at the end of the 9th, it would probably have been even more popular in syndication. The 11th and 12th seasons were fillers for CBS and although there were some decent episodes, the show peaked at season 6, although as I've gotten older, season 8 has grown to be my favorite season, for various reasons, including some of the seasons musical scores (cues) and other technical merits.

Political ego on Lord's part may have been the problem as to why he was never nominated. He did keep a low profile in his personal life and didn't partake with the Hollywood actor set. Lord is barely mentioned on any platforms in the 70's other then being a 'wooden' actor or poked fun about his hair, which was probably more out of jealousy then anything else.

The cinematography was spectacular for a 70's TV show, to the point where it equals or excels to many Hollywood movie productions. The technical crew assigned to the series, definitely had the eye for detail and color! Not to mention, Hawaii is also a 'costar' of the series, which adds to the appeal of the series.

James MacArthur was also a great asset to the series as Dan 'Danno' Williams. On screen Lord and MacArthur were perfect and realistic with their character interactions on the series. When MacArthur left the series at the end of season 11, his lack of presence was deeply felt and season 12 was not the same.

The theme song, by a long shot, is the best TV theme ever created. The opening tidel wave is probably one of the most memorable TV openings of all time.

Regardless, the series is a product of it's time and may not continue to flourish with future generations, but it's been a huge part of my 50+ year life and I will continue to enjoy the show in the years to come!

Hopefully future generations will continue to give this a watch and will appreciate the series as their parents and Grandparents have enjoyed in decades past!

Sad to see that all of the major stars of the series have now passed on. Their legacy will continue to be appreciated by it's fans!!
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Hawaii Five-O: Welcome to Our Branch Office (1974)
Season 7, Episode 11
Strictly for Laughs
19 May 2023
You have to look at this episode as a humourous satire, which works quite well in that context.

Yes, the plot is completely absurd, but quite hilarious at the same time.

James MacArthur in the dual role, is particularly entertaining and the voice dub overs for him and the faux 5-O team is done with the extreme focus on satire.

The episode was essentially an escape from the routine which may work for the hard core fans of the series.

The 7th season, did have a few weeks episodes, the series still had some ammo to keep the fans entertained for the next 3 seasons.

Musical score is quite excellent and works well with the tone of this episode.
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Hawaii Five-O: The Case Against McGarrett (1975)
Season 8, Episode 6
Solid Episode
20 May 2021
Definitely a solid late episode in the series, with some tense scenes and great acting by its leads.

Someone mentioned in their review that this was dull, which is hard to understand, considering, there are many episodes in the upcoming seasons that definitely relate to being 'dull'. This episode, once again, shows the comradery between the 5-O team and in particular, Dan's continued loyalty to McGarrett.

This is a nice follow-up to the 'Vashon Trilogy' from season 5 and true fans won't be disappointed.
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Mom: My Kinda People and the Big To-Do (2021)
Season 8, Episode 18
14 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely not meant to be a series finale, it's evident the show was cancelled, after this episode was recorded. Some unresolved character plots will never have a conclusion. There was plenty of time to record a true conclusion, since it's been months since the series was announced as being cancelled.

Wish that Anna Faris had made some sort of an appearance, to make this a true finale!
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Green Acres: Hawaiian Honeymoon (1971)
Season 6, Episode 25
Turkey Time
9 April 2021
An absolute dud in the series. Horrible script, acting and minimal screen time for Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor.

Meant to be a pilot for a new series, which CBS smartly passed on it. Switch to the next channel, should this ever air during reruns!!
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The Spy Who Loved The Bionic Man
20 April 2020
The final TV episode of the series. Plot is somewhat similar to the highly successful 1977's James Bond classic, 'The Spy Who Loved Me'.

Season 5 is a definite mixed bag for the highly popular series from the 70's, unfortunately. This episode, is entertaining and cashes in on the 'Cold War' era of the time. The 5th season tried something different, from the previous seasons and in some cases in did fairly well, while others, simply seemed tired and contrived. Less Bionics and more plot in many of the episodes, which may have also turned viewers off in the 77-78 season, where the series fell completely out of the top 30!! The previous two seasons, the series had finished in the top 10.

This episode is simply decent, but fails to conclude the series with a proper, well deserved finale it should have had. We had to wait 10 years for the return of Lee Majors as Steve Austin!
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Amazing Stories: The Cellar (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good Start
14 March 2020
This was definitely a good launch for the series and this was definitely a well written, wonderful episode. The time travel story has been told so many times, but this one took the time and developed the two lead characters effectively, given the 50 minute time frame. I enjoyed the original 80's series during its original run and this definitely echoed some of the tales told in that series. I prefer the one off stories, like shows of yesteryear and look forward to the next episode!
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Star Trek: Discovery: New Eden (2019)
Season 2, Episode 2
A welcome return to Star Trek
26 January 2019
The best episode so far, although the previous one was equally good. Anson Mount is making Pike his own character and steals every scene that he is in. Jonathan Frakes continues to prove his Direction skills and love for Star Trek continues. Hopefully he will be directing more episodes soon.
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Glass (2019)
Solid first 3/4
23 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Overall a decent trilogy, with a semi disappointed ending. Final confrontation was definitely well conceived and the outcome, although with a twist, was somewhat underwhelming, with no redemption. Was hoping for, as I'm sure as many others. The storyline is definitely not the ordinary and I'm sure the ending will grow on me, but for now, the score is definitely accurate.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Brother (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Solid Season Opener
18 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Looks like the season has launched with probably one of the best of the series so far. Had a cinematic feel to it and the action, character interaction and script was top notch. Aspect ratio is also different, shot at 2:35:1. Not to give anything away, but it totally ignored the uniform color theory from the original series.. 😊 Hopefully the series will continue in this direction. Nice to see Captain Pike in action as well!!
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Halloween II (1981)
Amongst the best of the sequels
28 October 2018
This movie has had a bad reputation for years and was undeservedly compared to the slasher films that the original had spawned. Incredible efforts were made for this to take place, immediately after the original, despite being filmed three years later. The pacing is deliberate, but there are some good solid jumps and the kills are both inventive, for 1981, and stands out amongst the best of the series. The musical score continues to build the tension and it feels like a Carpenter directed movie. The Dolby Stereo soundtrack, adds ambiance to the film and the surrounds add substance to the film. The fact that the 2018 sequel, ignored key points in this story, is very disappointing, since the other films essentially built their story on this premise. This film is a must watch and is definitely a good way to celebrate the Halloween season.
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