
2 Reviews
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Homicide Hunter (2011–2023)
Fantastic show, especially for us True Crime Groupies
10 February 2016
Oh wow, when I first discovered this show a few months ago, I couldn't believe I had never watched it or even heard of it before. I'm a true crime addict and I enjoy reading stories that are non- fiction and all of the true crime and forensic science programs that are on cable. Being a retired pharmaceutical scientist, I really get a kick out of the dialogue when the actors talk about gas chromatography, UV and IR spectroscopy, microscopic analysis, and on and on. It's like I'm part of a secret decoder club, lol.

Anyway, I do so love me some Lt. Joe Kenda! I think I am turning into a real fan-girl for him!! He has the 'cop face' for sure (I've been married to one for 25 years so I ought to know) and his demeanor is spot on (reminds me of my uncle- retired NYPD).

Lt. Kenda, may God Bless you and Keep you. You seem like an awesome man and I'm quite sure you never met a guilty perp that you didn't have the satisfaction of throwing into the klink.
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Limelight (2011)
Peter Gatien as NYC's and Federal Govt's Sacrificial Lamb
10 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is a very well-researched and unbiased summary of the rise and fall of New York nightclub genius, Mr. Peter Gatien. Kudos to Billy Corben and Jen Gatien for creating this fascinating glimpse into the pre- and post-Guiliani worlds of NYC nightlife.

That being said, I feel I must interject my own biased opinion into the mix. It is patently clear that Mr. Gatien was served up as a sacrificial lamb to those in state and federal politics at the time. Everyone hung their career aspirations on Gatien's head as if he were a trophy. He was made into the poster child for all of the evils in Manhattan at the time. Then, when the trumped-up drug charges didn't stick, when the jury found Gatien 100% not guilty, NYS went after him for tax evation like a petulant child who didn't get a pony.

A decade after being deported back to Canada, Mr. Gatien petitioned for a pardon and was DENIED by the likes of then-Governor David Paterson, a self-admitted adulterer and cocaine user. Whatta disgrace.

You might ask me, why all the vitriol? Simply this- Peter Gatien was singled out among many, many other people involved in various aspects of the entertainment industry because of his visibility and success. As was expressed in the documentary, has anyone from the Meadowlands, MSG or any other public venue been so persecuted because an event-goer took or bought drugs there? BS! Yet it was oh-so-satisfying for US govt to take a man like Peter G. and break him and his family. I'm disgusted.

Just one person's personal opinion, but for me, I'm waiting for Peter to rise from the ashes like the Phoenix he is.
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