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Red Widow (2013)
Red Widow - Overall Basic Summary (So Far)
1 April 2013
So here it is, fine. I return to the IMDb, after some months -- or is it years?? Planning to make comments about a specific "Red Widow," character (irwin). But then the, IMHO, totally inaccurate ratings score, for the whole series, so far?? its bogus. It caught my attention. And what was that number??..I FREAKED OUT!!, lol! Because, WTF?? Reason??: the IMDb rating/score, was way too low!! Again, because, IMHO, this TV series is not anything less than AWESOME!! Newbies? Do NOT believe the seemingly eligible or the hype, that the moms demographic, is true! It is NOT!!.. And it's not their fault, OK.?? Because, maybe yes, I'm just a random video participating human movie director/producer who could use - in a gazillion different ways - a ratings boost? Fine. But plz. don't judge me & also pray the sincerity my super sincere coaches is easily revealed.
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9 August 2010
"Persons Unknown" turns out to be an unexpected surprise for the better! When I first read that it took place in a ghost town I decided (at first) to never watch it. But I discovered this is no ordinary ghost town (it's fairly modern). I saw that Kandyse McClure would be in it and right away I remembered an interview she had given. In it she mentioned she'd be playing the role of someone very opposite of her Battlestar Galactica (2004) character, Anastasia "Dee" Dualla. This is what got me to watch because I thought that detail alone might make it worth a viewing. But by the time her "Persons Unknown" character arrived on the scene I was hooked. A small group of people under a lot of pressure confined to a tiny, fully intact but otherwise unpopulated hamlet? Makes for great drama and a compelling mystery. Good casting/talent overall makes it all the more interesting. This one season 'mini-series' will keep me watching until the last episode. I do appreciate when a well acted show gives us at least a handful of seasons. But this model (13 scheduled episodes) is much like the incredibly well received Korean 'k-dramas' that are becoming popular in the west (many are from 16 to 20 episodes). With the right story it's definitely a model that works, too. Would love to see more well made serials that are similar re: this format.
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Great Show!!
16 August 2009
Pray ABC keeps this one on board. It's already an interesting drama/sci-fi/mystery and I'm really wanting to know who (I really suspect it's a "what") Beta is: the one that makes major decisions for the human astronauts but has remained in shadow so far...The cast is excellent and well seasoned (I do not mean old!) -- this automatically lends a trusted measure of character to the series. I rarely watch anything on a regular basis - but I have remembered to view "Defying Gravity" every week... and if you want to know the overall 'climate' of my other IMDb comments check the other posts attached to my account - always a good idea around here (O; .
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Lie with Me (2005)
What A Surprise - Possible mild spoilers of theme
6 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Not long after I learned of this movie I also learned about something else that was supposed to be a big deal about this film: "unsimulated sex." Somehow I had not heard of this before, regarding mainstream movies. Gratuitous sex - unsimulated or not - is sometimes written into scripts and can actually get in the way of what otherwise might be a good story. Not so with this film. Ultra-erotic scenes are in there - no doubt about that. But this time around it contributes to the storytelling as well as the climate of the overall arc. The twenty-something protagonists are full of discovery & angst. They both suffer life - her pain being more obvious. Though we do not know why since none of the usual reasons are ever evidenced. This film shows us a love - initially bent so out of shape as it gestates within the story of itself - that it's hardly recognizable as such. It's a tapestry, their dream, the weaving together of which seems wild & haphazard as they learn about each other, for better or for worse. Because what do we know when we are in our twenties? How capable are we of loving ourselves or unselfishly loving another - at any age, really? ---- In the end, this movie turned out to be quite a surprise & definitely deserves applause. The acting was brave, superb. The mapping of the story reveals itself as meaningful and outcomes become secondary to the journey as a whole. Be in the mood for this motion picture, expect to be affected.
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No Such Thing (2001)
Wonderful Story, Beautiful Film
23 August 2008
This simply told, yet beautiful story sends the viewer on an oddly compelling journey. Iceland somehow feels like the top of the world in a manner unexpected but close in symbolic alignment to it's location on the globe. We visit an alternate reality where even monsters can have insightful things to share with us mere mortals. Though *this* monster is far more than reluctant to get involved in our protagonist's intractable quest. She wants answers to a mystery and finds the the seemingly tiny universe 'up there' contains within it a reality larger than is initially obvious: questions beget more questions. Crisp, gorgeous photography is the canvas for this modern day, grown-up's fairy tale & and incredibly talented cast. Sarah Polley is, as usual, at the top of her game. If you enjoy her film work you won't be disappointed. An easy 10 stars.
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Well Worth A Viewing: Time concepts
23 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Rented this film on VHS(!!) from a small town video store a few years ago - would like to see it again on DVD (and even own a copy). If anyone is wondering about the original title this is a non-religious film with story relevant references to religion. So really more of an archaeological beat with adventurous extras. A German-Indiana Jones-in-the-desert, perhaps. Well worth at least one viewing and for the following reason I would have preferred to have given it 10 stars: The time travel aspects + the arc in the story addressing concepts of non-locality and spherical time. Don't want to say more on that for fear of adding spoilers and ruining the fun details. I may have been a little generous but 10 stars would definitely be misleading. Though the acting was good there seems to have not been much of a budget. But I believe they did the very best they could with what funds they were given. No doubt. And an on the ball cast, crew, director, etc. can make the difference between a total bomb and a worthy 'B' movie. I saw a version dubbed into English. They did a pretty good job (good timing, believable character voices) and for the action this made it nicer than having to read subtitles. I was not familiar with the actors - maybe if I had been and knew what they really sounded like it would have been a distraction. If the locales are 'exotic' for you it will be a fun ride. And (because of the discussion of the alternate paradigm regarding the nature of time) if you are into 'the new' quantum physics, the holographic model of the universe and related topics, e.g., the studies re: praying for the past affecting medical patients in the present, then you might find this an enjoyable film~~
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The Nephew (1998)
A Film To Fall In Love With
14 April 2006
A spirited young man from New York, Chad (played by Hill Harper, very worth your notice), takes a trip to an island off the coast of Ireland. This after the death of his only remaining parent, to fulfill a promise to meet his estranged uncle: he is a local man full of his own ideas about how life should be lived, for himself as well as others.

They embark on a personal journey full of challenges, surprises, family secrets and an uncertainty as to whether or not they will ever find common ground.

All of the main characters have been convincingly developed and they each have something conceivable and worthy to offer. This may not have been a super-high budget film but the acting is superb. Pierce Brosnan (one of the producers) gives a generous and compelling performance as the conflicted, village bar owner trying to balance parenthood and an amended life from behind the stone wall of a guarded heart. Veteran actor, Donal McCann, in one of his final performances, adds an authentic and credible edge as our protagonist's uncle. Sinead Cusak, Phelim Drew, Niall Tobin, Lorraine Pilkington and Aislin McGuckin also deliver command performances as the villagers that are comprised of both the kindred and not-so-kindred spirits in Chad's new world.

The soundtrack is a compilation of beautiful Irish ballads, old soul and rock as well as various and sundry other scores that lend a tight musical canvas against which this story is painted. It was disappointing to learn that there are no plans to make this soundtrack into an album that could be purchased.

What keeps me coming back to this sweet and gallant movie is its soulfulness and honesty. The map of the human heart is ultimately universal and the characters in this story endeavor to draw their own lines to determine what defines friendship, family and honor.

This is a wonderful, interesting and thoughtfully structured comfort film. It begs to be watched from your favorite easy chair on a cozy day - with feet up, your favorite afghan and a warm cup of tea and favorite cookies nearby.
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