
4 Reviews
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A.N.T. Farm (2011–2014)
One of Worst Disney Channel Sitcoms! This Show is AWFUL!
22 March 2017
This is definitely in the top 3 worst Disney Channel sitcoms. What an obnoxious, loud and unfunny show. Also, this show was Disney trying to create another Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana with China Anne McClain and it flopped miserably.

They even model the characters after the one on Hannah Montana

China = Miley, Olive = Lilly, Fletcher = Oliver, The Dad = Robbie, Cameron = Jackson, Lexi & Paisley = Amber & Ashley

This show's premise is idiotic and makes zero sense. You have these 11 year old's' who skip all the way to high school because they're talented in singing and painting? What??? How are these valid reasons to skip a grade. What a lame idea for a sitcom.

The acting is terrible! Everybody obnoxiously overacts, chews up the scenery and screams their lines. Sierra McCormick obnoxiously yells at her lines and China Anne McClain is a horrible actress with weak comedic timing. I despise that low and high voice thing she does when tries to make a sarcastic joke. Ugh....

The characters all SUCK! China is a Mary Sue who can do wrong, is the best at everything, and everybody loves her except Lexi. I hate her singing. She over sings and thinks she best ever!She's selfish, manipulating, mean, egoistic. Olive is an annoying know it all, Fletcher is a wimp who has a creepy obsession with China, Angus is the annoying loser fat kid, Lexi is a mean girl jerk, Paisley is her dumb side-kick, Cameron is the loser older brother who sucks at everything, the dad is an idiot, the mom is irrelevant, Gibson is the idiot man child guidance mentor, the principal is bitchy old fart, Violet is little girl with anger issues. Poor underdeveloped characters that are obnoxious, detached, and cartoonish.

The plots are stupid and shallow. The "jokes" and comedy are lowest common denominator of childish.

I hate this stupid trend of putting the shows title into the name of the episode. Some of the episode names are (Ballet DANTser, Slumber Party ANTics) So stupid!

They make China's character dress and act older than she is. Why is that? Oh and China Anne McClain has to sing in every single episode just so they make money off albums.

They've completely white washed this show. KC Undercover and That's So Raven are black shows. In this show China and her brother are tokens on their show and are surround by a mostly white cast.

Bottom Line.... this show is utter garbage and a failed attempt at trying to create another Hannah Monatana and iCarly! The only episode I liked was when China lost her voice. We didn't have to hear that obnoxious brat's insufferably annoying singing.
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Cory in the House (2007–2008)
Terrible Spin-Off! This Show is HORRIBLE!
12 March 2017
I loved That's So Raven! One of the best Disney Channel sitcoms. I remember when I first saw a commercial for this show I said right away, this show isn't last long and I was right! This show flopped hard BIG TIME! God, this show was AWFUL!

Where do I begin! First, the premise was stupid. Cory and the dad Victor move into the White House after Victor gets a job as one of his new chefs. How lame is that? Is that seriously the best they can think of.

The acting is atrociously bad! The cast is full of these no talent crappy actors. I enjoyed Kyle Massey as Cory on That's So Raven. He was great as the conniving little brother. But on this show? Kyle's acting is embarrassingly horrible. He overacts to an all time high. His acting consist of over the top camera mugging facial expressions. You just want to smack him in the face. Puberty wasn't very kind to Massey either. He's not cute anymore. Another issue is Kyle Massey isn't leading main character material. He worked better as a co-star. Cory was more likable on That's So Raven. On his show Cory is unlikable and comes across as a cocky arrogant jerk. He's trying to act like some lame Will Smith wannabe. He sucks!

His two best friends Newt and Meena played Jason Dolley and Maiara Walsh. Newt is the guitar playing shaggy haired generic idiot character. And Meena is a some foreign exchange student from a fake country called Bahavia and she has the worst fake accent I ever heard. Lame... both of these characters suck plus, Walsh and Dolley are also terrible actors.

And then we have the cute kid character that is Sophie aka the president's daughter. She's terrible. Her character is a huge spoiled unlikable brat who were all supposed to find adorable. Yuck! Madison Pettis who plays her is a terrible child actress. She cannot act! One of the worst child actors I ever witness! She's so annoying and obnoxious, I just wanna punch her disgusting gap teeth in her ugly gremlin face.

The President Martinez and his lady assistant are both boring and uninteresting. YAWN...... Victor Baxter isn't given much to do and is just... there.

The rest of the supporting cast stinks and are completely forgettable. This show's plot are just plain idiotic! Cory accidentally boards on a plane to Russia and then the President of Russia engages in a dance- off video game with the him to keep Alaska? Who write this garbage??? The comedy and jokes are completely unfunny and stupid.

Overall, they should of never created this show. The plots were stupid, acting is horrible, unlikable/unappealing characters, premise is lame, completely directionless, unfunny corny jokes. The character of Cory wasn't worthy of a spin-off show. And Kyle Massey didn't have the talent that Raven-Symone had, that made That's So Raven a huge hit. This crappy show proved not every character needs a spin-off. This was one Disney Channel's least successful sitcoms. It was canceled after 38 episodes and forgotten about very quickly. Why? Because it sucked major ass!
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My Wife and Kids (2000–2005)
Crap Show! Wannabe Cosby Rip-off!
10 March 2017
I never watched this show during it's original run and thank god I didn't. I been watching reruns on MTV2, and god this show was an unfunny annoying piece of crap. Basically this show tried to be a modern day Cosby Show and it failed!This show is not funny, it's irritating. The 10/10 ratings on here a joke!

I never found Damon Wayans funny. This was not the role for him. He isn't convincing as the "dopey dad." He also seems too mean spirited and heartless to his family. Damon just seems to be doing these bad Cosby impressions.

Tisha Campbell as Jay is so annoying. If I have to hear her screech "MICHAEL" one more time.... Her character Jay is the typical nagging bitchy wife. Tisha was much more likable on Martin and played a better character.

George O. Gore III is a terrible actor. One of the worst actors ever! No surprise his career ended after this show went off the air. His character Junior is the biggest idiot in the world. Dude needs to fix his teeth, they are so distracting. Junior having sex with his girlfriend and then getting pregnant was one of the many jump the shark moments. Junior as a young father wasn't believable at all.

Claire was played by Jazz Raycole in the first season. Who was in charge of the casting? You got two light skin parents and a dark skin daughter. She didn't fit in the show and Raycole came off too prissy valley girl and her high squeaky voice was annoying. She was a lousy actress too. She always sounded like she read off cue cards. Claire in season 2 was replaced by biracial actress Jennifer Freeman. If the casting directors knew that they wanted Claire's character to involve "beautiful teenage daughter" themes they should have cast accordingly from the get go. Claire's personality completely changed. She went from a whiny prissy to stuck up slutty idiot. And Jennifer Freeman is the definition of no talent. Girl couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. Just a pretty face.

Parker Mckenna Posey as Kady was clearly cast because she was cute. She couldn't act. Once Posey lost her cuteness and started her awkward phase around Season 3 the producers pulled a Cousin Oliver and brought the nightmare that was Franklin....

This already bad show came to a cringing halt whenever this awful Franklin kid shows up, for an average of one scene per episode. They must have brought in a special terrible writer for the Franklin bits. FIRST, mining humor from a precocious kid who speaks the lines of a genius adult was already a trite idea in 1955. SECOND, the second track of humor here -- Franklin and Kady's "romance" is not just unfunny but downright creepy. Having two 7 or 8 year old speaking adult words of endearment and planning their marriage, not just as a throwaway but as an incessant running gag, cringe! Also, Noah Cablle Gray who plays Franklin can't act! The what he forces himself to laugh at his own jokes is painful. His character is too overly precious and cutesy. He's worst than Olivia from the Cosby Show. The show really jumped the shark when he came on. They might as well called it The Franklin Show later on because he became featured more than the actual family kids.

Then there was Claire and Junior's boyfriends and girlfriends Tony and Vanessa. Tony like all the guys on this show an idiot and Vanessa was boring. And Vanessa was re-cast just like Claire. She was originally played by Megan Good, then replaced by Brooklyn Sudano. Another dark skin to light skin change. This show obviously has something against dark skin actresses. All the girls on this show are light skin. I'm sure the replacements are an insult to every day black teen girls who are already made to feel that if your complexion is not high yellow and your hair is not long and silky that you are not beautiful. Smh...

The bloopers at the end credits always annoyed because came off as forced. Also, the Uhh.....Nuhhh running catch phrase was super lame and annoying. The birth of Juniors' son with everybody screaming like monkeys to me was the last straw.

Overall, this show stunk! Poor writing, obnoxious unlikable characters, bad acting, stupid plots. It jumped the shark way too many times, Franklin, The Japanese restaurant, Junior's girlfriend is pregnant, Vacation (Hawaii), re-casting actresses. One of my least favorite black sitcoms. Crappy unfunny show.
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Horrible Unfunny Piece of Garbage! This Movie STINKS!
9 March 2017
This garbage is considered to be a masterpiece??? Why does this have 90 percent on rotten tomatoes. I don't understand the positive reviews and praise? This movie was terrible disgusting schlock. Also, a complete rip-off of Stephen King's Thinner which also a shitty movie.

This was supposed to be a horror comedy? First of all this movie is neither scary or funny. They might as well called this jump scare the movie. Take a drink every time there a loud jump scare scene. There's an unnecessary scene where the main character stabs and kills her cat. She got what she deserved when she was dragged to hell at the end. Good riddance!

The acting is horrible and dry. Alison Lohman is an awful actress. No wonder her acting career ended after she did this movie. Her line delivery is horrid. You never believe anything coming out of her mouth especially when she tries to act angry or swears. She sounds like she's reading off cue cards. She also lacks reaction to anything crazy going on around her. She pretty much ruined this movie for me with her bland emotionless performance. She had that same stupid blank worried face the entire movie. I just wanted to punch her in the face! I was rooting for the gypsy woman to kill her!

Justin Long and Alison Lohman have zero chemistry and make for boring leads. I felt like they were both miscast. Justin Long felt outta place in this movie. He looked like belonged on set of Two and a Half Men with Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer. He pretty much phoned in his performance as he slept walked all his scenes. The gypsy came off more hilarious than scary. Every scene with her was a joke!

This movie is way over the top and just plain old disgusting. They're replacing suspense and horror with blood, guts, and potty humor. This movie basically Alison Lohman getting attack absurdly and nastily every 5 minutes. This movie is full of gross. Burping up a fly, dentures flying out of mouths, old lady sucking on people's chins, vomiting bugs and maggots in somebody's mouth, bloody nose squirting blood everywhere, shoving arms don people's throats, possessed talking goat spouting profanities, spooky flying handkerchief's. None of this is scary or funny. Just childish, cheesy and stupid.

If this wasn't made by Sam Raimi it would have gotten negative reviews and trashed by fans and critics. This movie sucked! Forgettable characters you don't care about, not scary, not funny, bad acting, dull plot, repetitive fake out scenes, gross out humor, lack of a musical score. It's is one of the most overrated horror films in the last couple of years.

Sorry fans, this crap has nothing the on Evil Dead films. Those films were classics. This garbage is forgotten tripe.
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