
20 Reviews
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Kiss, Marry, or Kill
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Marry My Husband started out a bitter sad tale of Kiss, Marry, or Kill and never got much better. The FL was such a push over it was hard to get in her corner later. Her "best" friend is an awful person, as is her boyfriend and his mother!! Later in the story, so is her long lost mother. Can't find any redeeming qualities to any of them. Her 2 work friends are better people, as is her boss and new love interest! But those 3 people are not enough to outweigh all the awful side characters. The story went very wrong in episode 12! We already had a good storyline going of all the people in her new life affected by the Fl altering her destiny. Ep 12 introduces the boss' ex, a vicious, ugly woman, who can't get over the fact she's not his ex-finace and of course, she plots lots of revenge. This character bored me to death, a waste of screen time. If your ex doesn't want you, what are you doing pursuing them, going behind their back doing these devious horrible things. So delusional to think it will make them want you back?! Nope. It's just icky. Unfortunately, I had higher hopes than the show delivered.
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Lawyers bring lawsuits for the common citizen
29 November 2023
Ishiko and Haneo is an entertaining and educating law drama series. The lawsuit cases are interesting. The main leads switch between bantering foes to supportive friends easily. The romantic sub story was unfulfilling and perhaps should have been eliminated, as the second lead, Abo, although clearing attracted to Ishiko and an attractive man, is wasted in the romantic story. She spends way more time and shares more of her life situations with Haneo. It makes it seem she likes her attorney partner more and they are closer as a couple. The ending points at a second season. To the writers, if you present a romantic story give the viewer some romance, continue with more interesting lawsuits, and explore more in depth the personal lives of the main and second leads.
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What a thrill ride!
30 August 2023
The Devil Judge was a suspense/mystery with the suspense building in each episode, lots of twists, and great storytelling. The acting by Ji Sung, Park Jin-young and Min-Jung Kim was superb! Ji Sung was captivating. He is one of my favorites and he did not disappoint, making you wonder, is he good or bad?!! Many of the supporting actors were terrific too. Each character was played with finesse, making you hate them, feel sorry for them, or love them. The premise is intriguing, raising questions of "what would you do!" This series was fun, such a thrill ride! I wish I could watch it again for the first time!!
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Tennis Love
20 August 2023
This is the story of a young man, learning life and tennis. He experiences lots of life's lessons, through the good advice of many coaches, teammates, and his Dad, who is an ex pro tennis champion. Even though he is young, Lu Xia is a high-quality powerful tennis player for his high school team! His progression as a tennis player and a person is good to see. All the players on his team are good guys, who care about each other, playing their best, supporting each other, and bringing a victory! Most of the side characters were stiff, boring, annoying or unnecessary. Especially the female lead who added nothing to the drama. Her weird stalking was awkward, Lu Xia ignored her, and asked her numerous times,"why are you here?" Felt that! All the opposing players were equally interesting people and powerful tennis players. Didn't understand all the bullying and injuries to Lu Xia's team by those opposing players that went unpunished, that was weird. The tennis games with all the powerful moves may have been a little exaggerated, but it was entertainingIng! Overall, it's a good show, (didn't mind how many episodes), stayed interested and enjoyed The Prince of Tennis-Match! Tennis Juniors-
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King the Land (2023)
King the Land is a 10!!
28 July 2023
This series is a sweet romance about a man meeting a woman, they have a little conflict, and slowly fall for each other. Love watching this budding romance unfold. It's funny, sweet, and fun. Both Lee Junho and Yoona were strong leads! Gums are always lighthearted, fun to watch, sometimes you might even get some butterflies. The support actors were equally good. Also, a little inside the hotel business was fun to witness. This is a perfect romcom, from the talented and attractive actors, beautiful locations, fancy hotels, luxury cars, to the sweet romance. King the Land is a 10! Well worth your time to watch!
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Trolley (2022–2023)
Buck up Buttercup
2 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The storytelling in Trolley is good. Most of the characters are well written. But two things killed my joy in the series: The male lead is quick to give in, take blame and apologize publicly without investigating, worrying more about his reputation than the truth. He is so busy trying to manipulate every situation, also accepting the blame of a man's suicide. I found this very frustrating. Get a backbone! The female lead drove me nuts. She can't kill anybody. She allows a family to put the blame of their son's suicide on her instead of on him where it belonged. She allows people to manipulate her, slander her, and wilts like a flower in hot heat anytime something happens due to guilt she's put on herself. Buck up buttercup! This is not a series I would sit through again.
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First Love (I) (2022)
Perfection! An amazing first love!
4 December 2022
First Love is perfection! The storytelling is fantastic. This film is so much more than a story about a true love beginning in youth. This drama is one of a kind, using amazing storytelling, weaving a beautiful story by bringing us back to where it began and forward to where it is today with such ease and excellence. This series is the best I've watched all year, and I've watched a lot! Every main character is so well written and authentic. The story develops at such a pace that you develop a true affinity with the characters. Nominations and awards belong to the lead Actor and Actress, the Director, the Writer, Cinematographer, and everyone who worked on this film. We, as the viewers, are blessed by their achievement. Wish I could give it more stars than 10!! Perfection! An amazing first love!
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Where the Stars Fell Flat
16 September 2022
Where the Stars Land (Yeowoogakshibyeol) had the potential to soar as the mighty planes in the background of this series, but it never quite took off. There was the potential for a few interesting main plot lines that the viewers could have boarded into that were left on the runway. Why did the writer go into a tail spin? Why did the writer clutter the series with too many plot lines only to crash, leaving them unfinished. The nose dive of the finale was a big disappointment of all the stories, it was grounded on the runway. There was a terrific cast fulfilling their roles, especially the male lead, Lee Jehoon! The actors showed up but stayed stuck at the gate too many times. My rating of 8 is based on the actors commitment to their roles with good performances and the landing of a few plot lines.
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Can you figure out who-done-it and why?
14 August 2022
Modooui Geojitmal was a thrilling series from start to finish. The who-done-it mystery, ample red herrings, along with shocking evil actions, gave enough intrigue to keep you guessing and engaged to it. Lots of suspicious characters who continued to develop, continued to be people you liked and hated. Lee Min-Kim's role as brave and relentless Detective Jo Tae-sik was amazing, this was my favorite role of his so far. Yoo-Young Lee as Kim Soo-he followed a path most people who experienced horror after horror would take, making mistakes, unsure of who to trust, but fighting her fear to keep going to find the truth. The surrounding cast was terrific as well. Worthy of a watch. Can you guess Who-done-it and why?
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Wooga Squad Friendcation = Delightful Entertainment!
14 August 2022
The 10 year friendship of these 5 successful Korean entertainment pros is highlighted in the limited series, "In the Soop: Friendcation." The plot is simple, a vacation together for 3 nights and 4 days filled with fun activities, karaoke, cooking, and great conversations. Their tie to each other is real, cherished, supportive, candid, heartwarming and loyal. Actors Park Seo-joon, Choi Woo-shik, Park Hyung-sik; Rapper Peakboy; and member of the biggest kpop group BTS Kim Taehyung have built a solid and envious bond. We learn through this series how grounded they all are, how they struggle to be good at their craft and happy in general, and how they lean on each other for advise, support, and care. It was refreshing to witness. Gave it a 9 because it was too short, so give this series a second season!
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Beyond Evil (2021)
29 June 2022
Wow! Completely engrossing suspenseful mystery from the first scene to the last. About the time you think you don't! Definitely a 10 for the impressive actors, and the compelling story. Yeo Jin-gu and Shin Ha-kyun were mesmerizing in the cat and mouse exchanges between them! Outstanding! Go watch it.
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Stranger (2017–2020)
Stranger has it all!
27 March 2022
Stranger it's a mystery, thriller, deeply crime series. The plot is compelling, it keeps you interested with numerous twists and turns, keeping you guessing until the end. Throughout the series you will stay intrigued with how each character develops, changing your mind throughout as to the truth of each character. Cho Seung-woo is outstanding in his role as Prosecutor Hwang Shi-mok, as is Bae Doona in her role as Officer Han Yeo Jin. The relationship between Shi-mok and Yeo Jin is believable, mature, and fascinating. The incredible supporting cast portraying characters are fascinating as each one is woven in the story taking it to a deeper level. As a series goes on until season two, the story is equally interesting. The characters remain compelling as does the plot. I hope we get a season three!
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Hospital Playlist (2020–2021)
Wanting Season 3!
31 January 2022
Hospital playlist has moved to my top 5 medical series. Love the enduring friendship of the 5 main doctors. Like the main cast, each one perfect for their roles. Like the band and their music choices. Like the main supporting cast, and the patients and families living healthy issues, pregnancies, and traumas feel true to life. Really enjoyed every episode! All I can say is Season 3...Season 3...Season 3!!
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Amazing Crime Story! But do not re-elect the Mayor!
8 November 2021
This series was really good with the exception of one thing, Choi Min Su's cartoonish portrayal of Ahn Oh Joo! He was really hard to watch! Terrible annoying gangster impression. Even the voice he used sounded fake. But don't let the stop you from watching this series. The best part were the two leads. Much praise for Lee Joon-Gi and Seo Ye-Ji. Both really good actors, believable in their roles. Lee Hye-yeong gets an honorable mention, she was a nice mix or classy public figure and devious witch behind closed doors. Lots of good action scenes, intriguing intertwining story, good courtroom scenes, and Romance, made for an enjoyable series.
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More frustrating than enjoyable
5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Given the cast, I thought that this series would be a lot different. The storyline there's so many holes it becomes uninteresting and shallow. The story could've been summarized in a few episodes but it was stretched out ridiculously to 20. Supposedly these two lead characters have been in love with each other for 9-10 years and yet they treat each other with such disrespect and disregard we're supposed to believe that that's true?! The men in this series are all loud, mean, and exhausting. The lead male character Joon Young could've been so much more... But never became anyone you care about. The only redeeming male character is Eul's little brother Jik. The female lead character Eul is so annoying and immature. Joon Young's mom is beyond cruel. None of the female characters were truly likable, same as the male characters. When there was a hint that you might develop an attachment to a character, they suddenly shifted gears again and became unlikable. The story is sad and drags on beyond necessary to a point where Loss of interest is the results. I found it to be more frustrating and boring than enjoyable!
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Love Alarm (2019–2021)
11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watched Love Alarm for one reason, Song Kang! Didn't know the other two main actors, who were a disappointment. The weak story has so many holes in it, kept me saying, "wait, what?" What a mess this turned out to be! Song Kang was rightfully the lead male in season 1! Then after a long wait for season 2, he gets pushed to second male, "wait, what?!" Pushed behind an actor that is not lead level. Did not understand what was so attractive about Kim JoJo, no one seemed to like her! She is weird, cold, secretive, lies and boring. With friends like Kim JoJo and Lee Hye Yeong, Hwang Sun Oh doesn't need enemies! While her boyfriend, Sun Oh was good to JoJo, really caring and loving but she turned on him with such ice and no explanation, "wait, what?!" Hye Yeong basically stalked her through high school, worked with her, never made an effort to talk to her, but once his best friend is strangely dumped by her, he's brave now to go after her, "wait, what?!" Hey Yeong is no better a person than JoJo, he turns on his life-long friend for Sun-Oh's disloyal ex, "wait, what?!" At first, I was disappointed that JoJo and Sun Oh didn't end up together. But in hindsight, not so much! Sun Oh deserved a better girl in his life, one that would treat him respectfully and truly love him. Happy he moved on to a career and a better girlfriend! Don't waste your time on this awful series! There are way too many good Kdramas on Netflix to waste time on this one!
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The highs and lows of Something in the Rain
8 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Something in the Rain is a good series, it has many high points and some very low ones. The High points are Jung Hae- in! He is a brilliant actor! Son Ye-Ah, a fantastic actress, is the other high point. Love them both in every movie or series they've done! The rest of the cast is wonderful too. The story is a telling of the challenges for young people to grow up, assume responsibilities, the battle for young adults to honor parents demands and traditions but at the same time wanting to live their own lives, how society is changing, and how hard it is for some older people to accept those changes. The relationships of the characters seem real and authentic. Jin-a and Jun-hui are dynamic, at times frustrating, joyful, romantic, and real, they way falling in love is in reality. Jin-a and her dad's relationship is sweet, he is kind and patient with his children. The Low points almost ruin this series. Jin-a is so submissive, indecisive, and in trying to please her bosses, parents, and friends, she fails. Her lies are her downfall regardless of why she tells lies. Perhaps she lies so much because she was raised by a very domineering mother, it was her survival tacit, but it annoying. Jun-hui deserves better! He gives her the love and support she needs to become a stronger person. The worst element of this series is the mother of Jin-a. She is violent, overbearing, bullying, mean, demanding, hateful, outrageous, and horrible. It was hard to get through her scenes, and honestly most are skipped in additional viewings. The forced breakup was disappointing, again Jin-a fails. The ending felt rushed and clumsy. Lastly, the music was difficult and overplayed!! Stand by your Man is an old country song long past it's prime! Doubt a couple today would pick it as "their song!" It almost ruined some scenes between Jin-a and Jun-hui with its sappy lyrics. Although not sure why people love this more than other dramas, this series is good because of Jung Hae-in and Son Ye-Ah.
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Mr. Sunshine (2018)
A chivalrous story of love for country and countrymen!
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Mr. Sunshine is a tale of a country in turmoil with amazing people in its path fighting for it. The story of Eugene Choi, the beautiful cinematography, costumes, and history that make up this tale are rich, full, deep, and important. The talented actors Lee Byung-hun, Kim Tae-ri, Yoo Yeon-Seok, Yo-Han Byun, and Min-Jung Kim bring intense life to each character. The writers weaved an intriguing tale, building layer after layer of subsistence with deep and poetic storytelling. As you root for the underdogs fighting for their heritage and land, you curse those trying to rob and destroy them. "Greensleeves" is forever to be heard a little differently from now on. This series left a stunning impression.

SPOILER: The poignant ending is emotional, in addition to those characters that perish, devastating losses as they lived in our heart, but also the precious heirlooms left behind that were so descriptive of each one. Each piece held important value in their lives and were emblems of what their lives meant. The cast is superb. They made you laugh, cry, gasp, wonder, sometimes angry, confused, and in the end in awe of their being. This series plays like an epic movie that will be with you for quite a long time!
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Love (2021–2022)
Really nothing positive here!
11 June 2021
Tell me the writers were cheated on by Korean men without telling me they were cheated on! Really nothing positive here! Waste on time!
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A Mixed Review
6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The show started out pretty slow, it picked up in the middle, but got weird at the end. I resisted watching this drama, but gave in and started the series. I liked some of it very much, but toward the end I became very disappointed.

The music in the show was amazing. Not sure all of the characters being able to play the piano as well as they did was very realistic but regardless the music was really good. The main characters were well developed and were easy for the viewer to connect. I liked the main character, Ra Ra. She had a lot of charm and positivity, she held her smile even as her life was falling apart. No hate but I did not find the main character of Jun attractive but he was a very caring and thoughtful person. Really liked a lot of the supporting characters: Eun Seok, Man Bok and the women of the salon were funny and engaging.

And then SPOILERS: The writers failed us viewers! Something happened around episode 9. I feel like maybe there was a crisis with the writers. Perhaps the writers were split on how they wanted the series to go, or how the characters should develop, seems while they were trying to work those issues out, they decided to go goofy with the story. Lots of flashback to tell supporting character stories. When we get to episode 14, it went haywire! Most of it didn't make sense. Characters that have been developed to be a certain way suddenly went a different way. Completely inconsistent. It was as if a new team of writers came in and didn't bother to read the character development. Characters were acting "out of character." Made the series hard to connect to and care. And then at the end of the series, suddenly a main character suddenly appears with basically a one line explanation and not a good one. It felt rushed, like the riders didn't care about the storyline, and the consistency of character and storyline was gone. It was insulting to the viewers intelligence. Real disappointment in the way the series turned out!!
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