
5 Reviews
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The Spirit of Christmas (2015 TV Movie)
A fine Christmas ghost story....until the ending.
11 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ugh...this movie surpassed my expectations until the conclusion. The acting was better than expected; the sets were interesting and appealing; the storyline was unique and intriguing; and the genre-bending was pitch perfect....and then the last 10 minutes happened.

Spoiler Alert: if the writer wanted to end the story as he/she did, there were at least two obvious ways to accomplish this: 1) Lily dies BEFORE Daniel (and preferably with her communicating to him her wish he find happiness again) OR 2) Lily turns out to be somehow partially responsible for Daniel's death which she truly regrets and "gifts" him the life that was stolen. If either of these elements is added, the ending works: Daniel chooses to be alive again (chalk it up to a Xmas miracle I suppose) and rides off into the sunset with Kate! As the story was actually presented, Daniel comes across like a selfish louse who apparently never really loved Lily as she obviously loved him. I know it's not my story, but how the writer was unable to see the way this ending plays to the audience baffles me! You cannot have your cake and eat it too (i.e. Daniel truly loved Lily and she loved him and they both died too soon, robbed of a happy life together...but he also truly loves Kate and should now be with her even though he clearly could choose to be with!?!)

Sorry, but as this story unfolded, the only appropriate ending would have been Daniel "teaching" the work-consumed, ununable-to-be-close-with-anyone Kate she is indeed capable of love; he reunites in the afterlife with his true love, Lily, finally free of the inn; and Kate has a future meet-cute with a promising beau; perhaps even played by the same actor (a previously unknown relative perhaps?)
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Better than Hallmark
10 November 2020
I'll keep it very simple. If you are the kind of person who loves Christmas movies and watches a handful of those cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies each year, then this movie is definitely for you because it is absolutely, positively better than about 9 out of 10 of those. If you don't enjoy that genre, then this probably wouldn't be the one to win you over. Personally, I'm always looking for the next Xmas gem as they start to roll out a little after Halloween (sometimes sooner). Most of them are forgettable, but short and sweet. This one snuck up on me and I really enjoyed it. And the two leads (especially the male) were quite good. 87 minutes of a cute and fun, albeit cliched, romance set to a Xmas background....nothing wrong with that in my opinion.
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Scare Package (I) (2019)
The Cabin in the Woods-ish - B Movie Style
28 July 2020
I really appreciated the way this film worked hard to turn its B-movie budget into a strength. When you're making a horror comedy and you can't afford theatrical-release-worthy effects (or actors), what do you do? You embrace the cheese! This movie is very self-aware, making no attempt to be anything other than it is: a crazy clever hodge podge of at least a dozen classic and more traditional horror films...a movie about movies in which they watch several movies before ultimately becoming part of a "movie"! (You read that correctly; quite meta. You'll have to watch to get it lol.)

Bottom line; if you have an open mind and you're not an outright film snob, give it a watch. You just might be pleasantly surprised, as I was!
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Hollywood (2020)
No...just no....please.
11 May 2020 don't have to like this just to be cool or trendy or progressive or tolerant.... There I said it; now let's just be honest from this point forward. This series is NOT very well conceived and/or written; and it is most certainly NOT "ground-breaking" or "edgy" or "inspiring" or anything else I can only presume it aimed to be. It is schlock. It is condescending. It is fantastical well past the point of being credible or digestible. In fact it is fantastical to the point it becomes insulting to the viewer and more importantly to the very real struggles of those it purports to hold in esteem. And don't even get me started on the ridiculous, miraculous rehabilitation of its most reprehensible villain-a transformation even Disney would have rebuked! (I mean who knew all Harvey Weinstein needed to do was sulk a bit, reflect on his transgressions, apologize and all would be made right?!) And for anyone who believes a great ending can redeem a film/show, sorry. The ending is the cherry on top of the many, many flaws that preceded it.

In the end, I could not shake the feeling the script was written by two fifteen year-old girls during a slumber party sugar high after they lamented the "totally lame" dark history of Hollywood (they no doubt had just learned about from a Netflix documentary recommended to them by their favorite high school teacher).

Sorry, Ryan Murphy....but everybody strikes out sooner or later in your line of work. This was definitely your turn. Try again soon.
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Fractured (I) (2019)
Entertaining, but a bit predictable.
11 October 2019
All in all, not a bad movie. I enjoyed it...just wish it was executed a bit better. Some questionable editing early in the film telegraphs a key element regarding the ending (unfortunately). Otherwise, it was reasonably well-acted and cleverly conceived.

Another reviewer compared this film to "Abandon" which i feel is a decent comparison. I actually like the story in this film better...again just wish it had been delivered as deftly.

Bottom line: decent flick; worth a one time view for 90-ish minutes; just watch as a movie fan and not a wannabe critic. It's a psychological thriller, not an Oscar contender.
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