11 Reviews
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One very dim spot
3 September 2024
I don't know how O-T Fagbenle got the part but he is just terrible, like laughably terrible. It's distracting from an otherwise fairly decent thriller. The remaining acting is very enjoyable, especially from Saarsgard, as can be expected. The plot wasn't anything new, but the twists and turns seemed fresh and new for the most part.

I'm not sure why the average person is expected to write such a long review so I'll fill this space complaining about that. Sometimes there isn't that much you can write. You either liked the thing or not and you back that up with reasons. It shouldn't have to be a whole thesis.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
So much potential
27 February 2023
I was ultimately underwhelmed by this movie. It's not that I didn't like it but I can't imagine recommending it to anybody either. It just fell short. Obviously there's something going on here but the way they try to get you invested in the story or characters was just lacking. The cast was alright. The acting was alright. Everyone was just alright. There were a few things left unexplained which always annoys me and tends to indicate subpar writing. I would really love to see someone take the story and do something great with it. Then again, the premise of this movie actually isn't all that original.
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Love Is Blind (2020– )
Please pick better people
21 October 2022
This latest season has absolute garbage idiots. If I ever went on a date with someone who talked like these morons, there would be no second date. Please, let's at least have some slightly intelligent people. Honestly, I feel so bad for that generation trying to find reasonable spouses. Such slim pickings. At least with married at first sight there's an effort to try to make things work. This show just feels like a low ball ratings grab due bottom rung losers who can't find true love. Is anyone surprised these fools are single at this point in their lives? Man, these people are just plain stupid.
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Me Time (2022)
Terrible writing
28 August 2022
Man, what a waste of time, money, and talent. This was absolute garbage and was hard to get through. I think we watched about a half hour or so before giving up. A truly lost opportunity. Some funny guys but no funny lines at all. Glad it didn't cost me anything to watch it..but geez, in still bummed I wasted any time with it. I've gotta flesh out this review apparently so, I'll just reiterate how bad it was. I think everyone is over both marky Mark and Kevin Hart all this is what we're left with. Please release is from this torture. They had she great ones, but it's time to stop. Please. Garbage.
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Terrible writing
27 May 2022
Look, I cuss. My friends cuss. Everyone I know cusses. I have a hard time getting into a movie where literally every other word is the " F". It's just incredibly lazy writing and makes me feel like Hollywood thinks young people are just idiots. It makes you understand where Mike Judge saw the future going in Idiocracy.
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Please stop casting Lady Gaga
13 February 2022
Just as she did with American Horror Story, she ruins any chance of a watchable production. All the time, talent, and energy everyone else put in is wasted. Could have done without the disgusting sex scene as well. This movie disappoints on a few levels.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
21 January 2022
It took less than 5 minutes to pull the race card. Enough of this woke garbage. I just want to be entertained. Plus John Cena is getting too old for this schtick. It feels forced and tired.
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Origin Story (2018)
Not Very Interesting
20 January 2022
I thought the celebrity aspect of this story would make it more interesting but it was pretty boring. I suppose if you're a fan of her work it would make it feel more personal and intriguing, but if you aren't, it sounds like a whiney, whoa is me story from a person who doesn't seem like they have much else to complain about.
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Tons of speculation
15 October 2021
What's with the clowns doing make up tutorials and commenting on this? That immediate lowers any credibility this "documentary" has. Stop putting random social media contributors in your films.
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Lost potential
22 September 2021
Look, I'm totally fine with bad language IN THE RIGHT CONTEXT! I'm all in for a Tarantino movie or Eddy Murphy Raw or anything like that. In this, it seems way out of place and it's jarring. Lost interest after the first few minutes of episode 6. Also Selena Gomez is so blah. There is so much potential here but it's wasted on her and the poor attempt to make 2 classic comedians relevant by bad writing.
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What the hell?
5 July 2021
This was so bad. Enough of the whole #metoo movement. Not every man sucks and not every woman is a super hero.
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