
6 Reviews
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The 100: Damocles: Part Two (2018)
Season 5, Episode 13
27 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They launch the escape ship AFTER the mega bomb hits the ground and explodes 2 seconds later they are in the upper atmosphere this show could have been something great but the story/plot is so bad i feel pity for everyone involved except for the creators, producers just worthless, unspeakable trash it's like you sit down for thanksgiving dinner, and the turkey is perfect but some dumb s o b pulls out a blowtorch and turns the turkey black but it isn't just thanksgiving every damn meal . just :smh:

i am sad i watched it
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Consistantly disappointing
27 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It has some good people. The scenery is nice. The costumes are good. Even the acting is good. But the story is NOT good. It could be. But it isn't. At every turn it disappoints. You want to overlook the bad parts, but nobody can. Some people pretend to and try to make it out to be great. The top review says "You have to accept it for what it is" No, you don't. It is bs.


I shouldn't think, "Why am I torturing myself for this?" You expect some payoff, but it never comes. The only good part is when the Prime Fire rolls over the world destroying it.

I'll say that I respect some of the people, hell, maybe all, for trying. But whoever is responsible for it being such a massive dump deserves to be slapped very hard, over and over again.

I don't hate anybody, but I hate that they made this show. I'm to the point of cursing it, and them. But I should just walk away.

I am watching from season 1 through 5 now, and it is just like grinding teeth. I tried to watch season 6 when it first showed and made it to when Clarke gets possessed. It was a relief. But of course she will come back. Too bad.

So I was trying to catch up to that, thinking it couldn't be that bad, but it is. It deserves to burn. The world deserves to burn because of it. The whole world should die just so whoever is responsible for this Piece of Junk, to die.

I'm watching till the end of season 5, knowing how it goes, or will go, because I know from Season 6 that Clarke blows up the world, "to save her people". So pathetic. But I can't leave it hanging now with 2 episodes left. I have to catch up to season 6 and then I'll stop. Why can't I stop now? I guess I want to do it for the people who suffered through it already, the actors, the workers.

If the creators don't go to hell, I will be expecting an explanation for this trash.

Kudos to the strong players who held it together though it should have died.

Pity for the weak who can't see through it's deception. It is failure. It is abomination.

I will curse it and hope the creators of it burn in hell.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Too loose with the science aspect of sci-fi
23 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, that makes it 'science-fantasy' instead. Plenty of 'sex' scenes. Lots of 'drama', relationship stuff. Moral quagmires.

I still gave it a 7 because I like it and it is 'science-fiction' lite, at least.

What made me decide to review it and give it a 7 instead of an 8 or 9 is the bone marrow (spoiler alert). They propose or suppose that you can inject bone marrow into your bloodstream to gain the properties of the marrow donor, such as resistance to radiation. The say someone has overcome the radiation by the power of their 'night blood' (black), but that person then instantly heals, or overnight, as if they didn't have lesions all over their body.

They demand one to set aside their disbelief without a good reason, just because 'drama'. It's like watching baseball and your favorite player strikes out. But you keep watching, hoping he does better the next time.

So, still watching. The sets are great. The effects are also very good. The overacting and melodrama is also pretty good.

I just shouldn't have to bite my tongue at the absurdity of the writing, and sometimes the directing. I get it. It's 'just a show', don't take it too seriously. But it is art, not school. It is for fun, and inspiration, not learning or suffering a lecture. The social engineers are not achieving a noble purpose.

Just make it better, not what you think we need.

Bottom line: a let down for real fans of science fiction, but fun anyway. Better next time maybe, for each one involved, as they pursue their next project.
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The 100: We Are Grounders: Part 2 (2014)
Season 1, Episode 13
predictable but fun
15 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
That last bit, the last few seconds, when the two look at each other through the windows and the music or sound builds like the THX sound, kinda stupid just sayin had to come here and do this just to say that but, now that i think of it, basically exactly the THX sound, with the 'DA' at the end, when the 100 logo shows ok, trite but cute but seriously, still though, stupid, lol all right, i'll say, even though there is sheer stupidity, it is very fun . so, final verdict 8/10 -1 for the stupid ending; all i could think while that sound was building was, GD, so stupid, and kinda crappy sound, not as good as THX -1 for being a bit predictable; kind of sophomoric i understand it is 'for the kids', but seriously, it's been a long time since tv came out, we should be doing better

ok, so still 8/10, that's pretty good; even though some of the plot and stuff was kinda stale it still rose above and of course, bonus points for being about space and s*, and extra points for that last show burning the station, way cool alright; and lastly, the jerk authority figure turned out to be a cool s.o.b. thing about liquor though, it doesn't really 'age' in the bottle, lol; it ages in the barrel pure grain is better, no fungus; mix with medicinal herbs, very potent
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001 Trolling (2017)
post modern
22 July 2017
man, this thing is f****** arTIStic! loved the death scene, it reminds me of monty python, irreverent parody of life and virtual life, which is which? you might say it needs more budget, etc. but perhaps this would only cheapen the experience? it opens your eyes to the true reality of the internet, chat rooms, texting, etc. it is all a sham, devouring itself till death takes it.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: World's End (2017)
Season 4, Episode 22
Better than the Marvel movies
8 July 2017
I will not mark this down from ten for the primary reason that it is excellent television, premier usage of the medium, for drama as well as creativity. -- The character interactions and development for the entire season (not so much for the entire series) were surprising and exceeded expectations, in fact more so than thought possible with the material given to start with. The situations the characters found themselves in were impossible to overcome, yet the story worked through it successfully to a miraculous conclusion, which is the essence of great super-hero storytelling. A hero does not save the day alone but with the help of forces unknown, call it luck, heroes luck, but we all know it is the force of goodness in the heart of real people. This was shown elegantly by the heart found in the imaginary people of the framework, such as Hope, the daughter of Mack. -- The movie makers of Marvel and Sony and whomever else is involved, as well as those at Netflix, should take a page from the creators of this show. The correct artful balance of science and fantasy and drama and action and adventure and romance and goodness. -- The only thing that would improve this show is to move it to a platform that does not require the interruption of advertising.
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