
7 Reviews
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Local Hero (1983)
Charming and Subtle
18 November 2022
They don't make em like this's a cliche but oh so true in this case. Not much happens in this movie. Not much at all. Why is it so enjoyable then?

No murders, no sex scenes or gratuitous nudity...not even a car crash or ten!! Just day to day life and you see it in a way that makes you (as do the characters) appreciate it.

It's beautifully shot but it's the people who make this movie. They fade in and out of the script but all leave a mark. As you wait for something dramatic to happen, you fall into the pattern of the locals and just as it's all about to be lost to progress, you fall in love with the place just as the amerkcands do.

This movie is a tonic and was ahead of it's time. It doesn't need to be just needs to be remembered. A beautiful and memorable movie that will leave a mark on you.
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A 'Must Watch' for Anyone who Liked the Original Movie.
11 January 2022
What an incredible follow up to the movie which was also excellent.

This Is England '86 is even more moving and gripping. It was also in turns intense, tragic, funny and incredibly sad. The characters are engaging, fascinating and original. Their friendships and relationships are so well portrayed, there is nothing Hollywood about this, it's real life. The stories that weave them together through this short series are real and believable. Some moments I was holding my breath in anticipation of what was coming - there is nothing predictable in this story line. I lived through this period and felt the series captured it authentically. I want to especially pay tribute to the music chosen in this series. Some absolutely astonishing songs that add to the pathos of the story and characters, in particular songs by Paul Weller, The Jam and Fleetwood Mac that I had not actually heard before. This series has sent me down a few rabbit holes trying to find more about the soundtrack.

Thank you to Shane Meadows for writing and creating this and to all involved in it, it's tough and gritty but real and rewarding, it's eye opening and it's art damn it!!

I am so looking forward to watching the next series This is England '88.
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Can't Believe How Good This Is!!!
29 September 2020
A very underrated movie. Currently rated 6.9

Hollywood often ruins these stories esp when big stars get involved. This is an exception. Joaquin Phoenix is at his believable best. The cameos by Jack Black and Kim Gordon actually add to the story rather than distract.

I learnt so much about John Callahan, AA and life watching this inspiring movie.

Well done to all involved. You did good.

PS. Thanks for the nod to The Wipers in the record shop scene. It's little details like this that count.
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The True History of Australia
29 June 2019
This movie is quite possibly my favourite Australian movie of all time. It is a tragic and funny and joyous encapsulation of a time now gone...thankfully in many respects. It strongly illustrates the historical disadvantage that most indigenous Australian families come from and how the transition to a modern lifestyle and a quest for inclusion is not so easy...the ties that bind are strong in the indigenous community but they can also hold back. There is plenty of fascinating imagery and even anthropologye in this movie...the scenes of the moving truck are amazing, funny and beautiful, as are the suburban home life scenes around 'the kitchen table'...the bush community scenes and township scenes are of a time long gone but fascinating to watch for any Australian...same for the people and faces too. Ernie Dingo is one who now holds an iconic place in Australian culture, his smile and acting bring some timelessness to this movie too. But the central theme for me is family, a prominent feature of indigenous culture...the characters in this move love each other and do their best to stick together against the odds and they are always there for each other no matter the disappointments. The indigenous cast of this movie successfully convey these themes of family and connection, strength and resilience...amazing people the first Australians...but for this movie, it is great acting and believable stuff. If you aren't moved by this movie then you are not alive....the true history of Australia and a massively underrated classic of Australian cinema. Thank you Bruce Beresford and Sue Milliken for making this may not be your most successful work but it is probably your most important.
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A must see doco for Climate Change denialisms
6 March 2018
This documentary (really it's a lecture) by Jeremy Rifkin gives hope in the face of the gloom facing this world over climate change and economic inequality. Jeremy Rifkin is a clear thinker and expert at articulating his deep and positive visions for our 'human family'. It was refreshing to him speak about the planet and the impact of climate change from a point of view of acceptance and that we can do something about alternative facts, biased opinion or scepticsim to be heard.

Despite what is basically corrupt and cement boot hesitation by many world leaders to act on climate change, Rifkin spells out the benefits for humanity that will come if we embrace the free and clean sources of power in conjunction with the digital era.

What I enjoyed most was hearing a clearly well informed expert speak so concisely about our situation and show how science and technology can save us. It's not all airy fairy stuff Rifkin explains, he has already stewarded Germany and China who are well on the way to this new revolution.
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Outdated Propaganda for a doomed and evil war!
29 December 2017
This movie should be treated like the black and white minstrel show and shelved, never to be shown ever again. One can only wonder how south east asian people view this movie...they must scratch their heads and/or laugh out loud.

The Green Berets is American war time propaganda pure and simple. It gets replayed on a Sunday arvo here in Australia every 6 months or so and I try and sit through it again but every time I end up turning it off. It's meagre relevance, poor production and biased views fade more and more every year but just like Richard Nixon, conscription, LBJ, My Lai and everything to do with the corrupt Vietnam War, this movie leaves a taste of VOMIT in your mouth. As for John Wayne...well he can go jump, after thousands of cowboys n indian movies the guy absurdly thought he was a real cowboy and wanted to go and fight Native Americans protesting at Wounded Knee in 1973...give me Marlon Brando any day. John Wayne and his movies just look silly nowadays.
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Short Review...Thank you Ken Loach
6 February 2017
I finally joined IMDb because of this movie, I thought it was so great and moving that I wanted to review it and praise it publicly. f this movie doesn't move you or make you angry then you are not alive. The current swing towards ever more ruthless treatment of the unemployed, sick and disadvantaged in Australia is happening now, Australia is still tied to the apron strings of Tory England and what happens there we seem to follow not long after...we must not accept it here!! The main character in the movie are inspiring and strong, very well played by Dave Johns and Hayley Squires....thank god people like Ken Loach exist and are able to do what they do.
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