
4 Reviews
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Death to 2020 (2020 TV Special)
A welcome break from 24/7 breaking depressing news
27 December 2020
You could create a whole season of Black Mirror episodes from the events of this year alone but why would we do that as we were the main actors of this in real life, so I don't understand why people expect to see another morally depressing episode in Black Mirror style rehearsing the events of this annus horribilis.

Truth is we all can use a light, comical interpretation of the events that shaped 2020. And that's exactly what this mocumentary does : retelling what a historical year this was through satire. Hugh Grant provides without a doubt the best performance, but SLJ and Lisa Kudrow are top as well. We all can use some perspective and a comical one can do no harm. Enjoy
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Miss Sloane (2016)
Sloane actually worked for free for Peterson Wyatt
12 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I assess the quality of a movie based on how long the movie lingers in my mind after watching it and how many times I want to watch it again in order to connect all the dots. And boy did I rewatch this movie a couple of times, it's just too sophisticated to only watch once. The note she receives in the beginning of the movie just after she exited the reception from Rodolfo Schmidt (Peterson Wyatt CEO) with his financial offer he is ready to pay if she leads the campaign against the gun lobby is exactly the same note her former assistant/now secret operative at Cole Kravitz & Waterman gives to her colleague/boss when resigning in one if the last scenes if the movie. It clearly is the same note stating that 'a conviction lobbyist can't only believe in her ability to win', on the back written ´for services rendered peterson Wyatt offers you $0'. She took the job for free because she was getting sick of defending causes not in line with her principles. She was desperate to prove herself she is more than just chasing a career founded on deception and lies, she has become ethical. It proved her point against what George Dupont , het former boss, described her by- just before she resigned: as someone who only cares about winning, not about ethics.
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I Am Mother (2019)
Even the title is misleading. Brilliant.
10 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot say anything else that has not been said yet about the plot. Yes, the Woman (Hilary Swank) is APX01, yes the daughter (Clara Rugaard) is APX03 and APX02 was killed by the droid. Yes, I say droid because even though Daughter called the droid Mother, the title clearly states that the real mother is the one being prepared for motherhood by the droid, the Daughter. Hence the title « I am Mother », the last scene shows Daughter being the Mother of the new mankind, she has been raised to become the real Mother. That's why somewhere in the beginning, when the first child asked the droid about why her brothers and sisters could not be created at once, the droid answers that ´Mothers need time to learn', i.e. the child needs to be up to standard and pass the test before the others can be 'born'. This movie is a gem and definitely asks to be watched twice. Netflix did it right this time.
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Close (I) (2019)
Wow, how bad can a movie be
18 March 2019
..and how predictable the plot. I agree Noomi is not bad. But that's about it. I regret the time I lost watching this. The plot is awful. The bad guys do a pretty good job in being stupid and seem to purposefully delay killing their targets without even trying to conceal this behaviour. If you want to see for yourself, tune in onto Netflix. If you are still watching after 30 mins, props to you.
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