
10 Reviews
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Almost everyone is worthy of attack and ridicule
13 September 2022
At first glance this seemed like a well written and acted black comedy of white privilege set in a Hawaiian resort. But after digesting the series for a bit, the less I felt about the writing and story. Of course, the only truly sympathetic character with almost no flaws is the African American woman, played well by Natasha Rothwell. We get it Hollywood, your messaging is so LOUD and CLEAR. But even gay men are now fair game. The character arc of working class gay middle aged Armond is just so incredibly vicious, playing into every sad, pathetic stereotype of middle aged gay man. Nothing about the struggle against addiction and living through AIDS and the death of a generation of friends. Nope, we are well past that now I guess. I can't blame the actors, everyone was top notch. But Mike White, really?
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I Came By (2022)
A well paced dark thriller
5 September 2022
A young graffiti artist/social activist stumbles upon something really sinister behind the life of a former well respected judge. The story kept me guessing as there were some unexpected twists, especially in the first half. Hugh Bonneville makes a believably scary villain, really playing against his Downton Abbey role. George Mackay is such a compellingly watchable actor, I really look forward to his future roles. It was also nicely shot, the camera angles and lighting really added to the suspense. There was a very effective juxtaposition between the therapist's patient case and her own son. However, the explanation of the villain's motives seems unnecessary and contrived. I also wish the police were written a bit smarter. Overall, well worth a watch.
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Gone for Good (2021)
Addictive suspense drama
15 August 2021
Honestly the first episode left me a bit cold, but soon after I got addicted and couldn't stop binging the whole series. I liked how each episode focused on one character and you learned the complexities of their relationships and backgrounds. There is even the hint of Hitchcock focusing on 2 sisters. Harlan Coben and Netflix has not disappointed yet. Please try watching the french version with subtitles.
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Raising Hope: Happy Halloween (2010)
Season 1, Episode 5
Favorite episode of 1st season
10 March 2020
Great Halloween episode that really clinched the series as a must watch for me. The whole plot around Jimmy being scared every Halloween is just so endearingly funny, and typical of what the show does so well.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Good fun but hindered by some poor writing choices
18 February 2020
I liked all the main actors and the key concept was very interesting and well presented. I also thought the traumatic loss for the family felt pretty real and I grew to care for this family. I agree with others that the high school angst parts were the least interesting. I hope S2 brings smarter writing as the younger kids in Stranger Things seemed like geniuses in comparison.
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House of Cards: Chapter 73 (2018)
Season 6, Episode 8
What an abomination
4 February 2020
I had to finish the series but what a complete waste of great actors. The writers should be ashamed. Ugh and sorry, Robin Wright can't carry this show alone.
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Before the Fall (I) (2016)
Film is much better than it has any right to be
17 January 2020
Honestly, mediocre gay themed films are a dime a dozen. So I had low expectations for this small indie. But, surprise of surprises, I was pulled into this film and invested in the characters. First of all its quite beautifully shot with gorgeous locations capturing the charm of small town Virginia. The two main actors are nicely portrayed with refreshing subtlety and actually have good chemistry. I've never seen Chase Connor before but he has a natural charisma. The side characters are also enjoyable especially the two gay friends. Unfortunately, the writing of the homophobic girlfriend is much too broad and stereotyped. Overall, a nice diverting gay film. I barely noticed the Pride and Prejudice references.
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
Not good, will probably avoid future episodes
4 April 2019
I was intrigued to check out the new series but really underwhelmed by episode 'nightmare at 30k feet'. The acting was amateurish, writing lacked depth and I really didn't care about the main character. Jordan Peele was also laughably bad as the narrator. I kept thinking this is like a bad SNL parody. Unless I hear fantastic reviews of other episodes, will avoid.
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Arizona Sky (2008)
A heartwarming romance
18 July 2018
Not everyone will appreciate Jeff London's film making style but I've actually found it refreshing in its straight forward (some would say simplistic) style and earnestness. The actors make the most of what they are given.
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In the Family (2011)
A unique and moving experience
2 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film is certainly not for everyone, at almost 3 hours length, with minimal soundtrack and mostly static shots. But I sat riveted until the end, as did most of the audience in the theater.

The plot sounds melodramatic: a gay Asian man fights for the custody of the son he shared with his deceased lover. But writer/director Patrick Wang, who seems clearly influenced by the understated Yasujiro Ozu and Ang Lee, avoids the easy moral conflicts. Instead, he focuses on the daily lives of mostly average and good hearted people. There are no stereotype villains here. Instead of a Hollywood court battle, we have an almost documentary like deposition meeting that still manages to be dramatic and emotionally true.

The cast is uniformly terrific, especially young Sebastian Banes as Chip and Brian Murray as the lawyer. Certain quietly powerful scenes still stay with me, like the kitchen scene post-funeral and Chip replaying the audiotape of his father's voice calling his name. Patrick Wang will be a talent to follow!
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