
2 Reviews
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Kill List (2011)
I don't get it
12 February 2024
I can't understand the high ratings. Yes, the acting is very good. And, yes, it's impossible to predict where this movie is heading. Both are important. However, those facets aren't enough to overcome the fact that this film switches genres and doesn't explain the new storyline. There is zero explanation or even hints at why the story develops the way it does. All we are left with is a mind-blowing final scene that is entirely unjustified. It's as if someone else wrote the final 20 minutes. The high ratings, I can only assume, are a result of the smoke & mirror shocker of the final scene that blew people away so much that they forget that there was no road that led to it.
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Ritual (2012)
Nice attempt, but too many unbelievable mistakes by the protagonist
29 October 2020
I just don't get all the high marks for this film. It's not awful, but for a 'realistic' thriller, the main characters make too many obviously poor choices to be believable. For me, a realistic horror/thriller film has to make sense. Even if the characters don't do what I would do, I'd like to at least see where they're coming from. If their actions are beyond inexplicable, then I might as well spend my time watching a supernatural horror film with ghosts, or a demon-clown, etc. For this reason, I couldn't make it past the 1-hour mark. Nice camera work, good scenery, but just not well-written characters.
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