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Deep Water (I) (2022)
Such a waste of potential
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You watch the first ten, or even maybe less, minutes, and you already know what going on. So, you think to.yourself "there has to be something that will surprise us", a twist that you wouldn't have imagined. Nope, you knew what would happen during the entire movie. But you keep hoping. Then, the end. A rushed, erratic end where inexplicable things happen all at once.

Please explain: the wife does not show any sort of love for her daughter until the end. The wife does not show much love toward her husband until the end. The wife does not act as a "wife" until the end (when she's not drunk, is wearing casual clothes, and has no makeup). The wife does not enter the place where the husband keeps snails until -you guessed it- the end, and discovers the "hidden" (great place to hide it, BTW) wallet of the last victim. Why snails? A hired detective that has no effect whatsoever on the film's plot. Police that investigate the murders that, equally, don't appear again. The husband picks up his last victim without we knowing that he was ever following him. The wife of the character that suspects the husband is the killer shows sympathy for the husband, but, again, this has no effect whatsoever on the plot. That character appears on the scene of a murder out of the blue, again, with no explanation. A ridiculous chase: bike against a car-which appears to be an all-wheel drive Subaru (which should have probably been more capable at managing the terrain).

We could think that the wife enjoys her husband killing her lovers and that's what gives her thrills, but then, why so sad every time one gets killed? Why no divorce? There are lots of things one could think are going on to justify what's happening, even if it's all twisted, but the movie just won't make it remotely clear.

It's a mess, and it's a pity.
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Still waiting for something to happen...
22 August 2021
I've watched the only three first episodes I've been allowed to watch, but I'm not sure I will continue. It reminds me of the Talking Head's song "Heaven" ("is a place where nothing ever happens").

Each episode ends with the feeling that the next one will be the one with any sort of revelation. Talking about good acting, or cinematography, or scenery, doesn't really matters much. These people came to this place to "change their lives"... well, I never thought one could do that with the power of sheer silliness or boredom. And, as much as it has tried, the boredom bit hasn't worked for me.
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25 July 2021
I'm sort of a fan but was expecting much more. Most of the anecdotes are very well known (at least if you'd read about the Beatles) and when McCartney tells them he's not adding much to them. It all feels like a monologue with Rubin been sort of a prop, repeating (quite annoyingly) "yeah"... "fantastic"... "beautiful"... etc. Nodding all the time after every McCartney comment. Rubin is not really an interviewer, which is a shame, and his remarks do not contribute to lift the conversation beyond the obvious.

If you're a newbie to the Beatles history, there might be some revelations, but for the initiated there is nothing quite new included. Sometimes it's a lot better when artists don't speak about their art. To understand the creative process of any artist is always interesting, but if not told in an interesting way, it harms the value of the work. I realize that so much has been already said and written about the Beatles that it could be difficult to come up with more information, but we're talking about one of the two remaining main sources here, and it disappoints.
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Why, oh why?
9 May 2021
The original movie from Argentina is one of my favorites ever. I've watched it many times, alone, and with different people. Some reviewers here ask that these two movies shouldn't be compared and that they should be judged apart. They can't.

I waited a long time to watch this version, and now I wish I hadn't. The question that begs for an answer is, why on earth was it necessary to do a remake? Just, why? If the original movie would have been the remake it would have made more sense, because this version would have very badly needed a much better effort. The problem is, that if this one would have come first, nobody would have wanted a remake. It would have been better to let it be completely forgotten.

And, forgettable it is. It is like a bad parody of the original. It's plasticky, like faux merchandise. The acting is bad all around, and it feels as if it's not even the actors' fault. There is even little opportunity to act, and when there is, it's as if the actors were trying too hard to imitate the original actors. Kidman is stiff, Eljofor exaggerates, and Roberts only shows one emotion all the time after the initial event of the whole plot. There are no nuances, which is one of the original movie better assets. The editing is rushed and jumpy, the atmosphere too "light" for the needed suspense, the soundtrack is almost non-existent, and even the few jokes that work as a counterpoint in the original movie are not even funny. It seems like a project that had to be finished just because it was started.

I was about to stop watching after maybe just the first 15-30 minutes. It hurt, but I kept watching just to see how the movie copied the original's scenes.

Bad movie made even worse because of the fact that the masterpiece came before, and this one's not even close by a very, very, very big margin. The concept of "passion", which is supposed to be underlying theme for both movies is completely absent in this one.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Yeah... the, no.
11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first part of the movie seemed interesting... one wonders if this would end up being a farce or a black comedy. If it would have been any of those things, it would have worked, but then, no. It never gets to be neither and it starts trying to get serious, without much success, and a LOT of improbable situations. People get drugged or beaten to being killed, but -they not only survive- they get on admirably. An inebriated woman suddenly wakes up in her car, which has fallen in a lake and she manages to break the glass of her car, hitting it which her legs (which had apparently gotten superpowers), swim, and survives. And the "old lady" is also being drugged, but she remains quite lucid. An apartment blows up without a plausible explanation since the gas range has already been turned off and there are no signs of anything that could have caused the es explosion. . Disguise wig and glasses and even a drug injection appear out of nowhere in a matter of minutes. The movie was a lost opportunity. It would have been much much better if it had remained PURPOSELY absurd as there are plenty of absurd situations, but, no. There's not a hint that that was the intention, and if it was, it is never clear.
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After reading the critics' reviews...
9 January 2021
I resisted watching it. But, it was recommended by a friend, and knew I'd feel guilty if I didn't. Well, I agree with most reviews here. The critics are wrong, something I'm getting used to lately more and more. There are certainly better movies, and, yes, the movie should probably have included more content about the effort of finding the words for the dictionary instead of concentrating so much on the characters. However, that was the intention of the movie, and the choice taken. Trying to accomplish both things would have resulted in a longer movie, and it could have been quite difficult and probably confusing. I didn't find the movie slow or boring at all. Yes, Penn could have been more subdued, but I was happily surprised with Gibson's subtle acting, which is not his usual mode. Sorry, critics, this is another one of those that makes me wonder about your judgement.
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Legion (2017–2019)
Lost my patience...
26 November 2020
A friend recommended this series for its visuals, and, he was right. It's probably the only recommendable thing about it. I'm on episode 7 of the first season, and so far, nothing's happened. I've lost my patience waiting for the show to become something that one can follow, but It is pretty much a jumbled succession of events that don't make any sense or even give an impression that there will finally be a plot. Nope. Anything, and I mean, anything, can happen totally unexpected with no logic or continuity. The visuals are good, sure, but there's no substance whatsoever. Fantasy can be sooooo boring.
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11.22.63 (2016)
Too rushed and casual
25 April 2020
First, I didn't read the book, so this is not a comparison review. Then... 1. The whole concept-experience-meaning of time traveling is treated waaaay too casual: one enters a closet (or whatever), suddenly appears in the light of day and in plain sight out of nowhere and no one seems to notice. 2. Jakes decides to embark on this very significant plot almost in a whim. 3. Adapting to his new environment happens with no apparent difficulty (talk about the innocence years). 4. Jake decides to takes Bill with him, trusting him completely, and Bill seems to take the whole time traveling thing very casually too. It doesn't matter, though, we are supposed to believe that a kid from a small town that looks, and certainly seems to be, foolish and candid, can become sort of a spy - well, of course he couldn't. But Jake couldn't even realize that. 5. James Franco -sorry- seems too inoffensive (is he really the guy to face the FBI and the seriousness of it all?) for the task ahead, and his acting, definitely, not his best. 6. Sadie also seems to take all the time traveling story way too easily. 7. Yes, it's more of a love story at times. 8. In a typical science fiction fashion, going back to his time is apocalyptic, but, why? No explanations.

I suspect this is way too light compared to the book - more entertainment than engagement. Everything happens too quickly (two years go by in which we don't even know what happens) and too casually. We don't get to know how much research did Jake bothered to work on (some flashbacks that we don't even know when happened), decisions taken without much thinking, and a lot of things happening that don't make any sense. A darker, more dangerous tone would have been welcome, but then, they would have had to do a recasting. The series makes one think that the beginning of the 1960's was almost like a musical - and, without the music.

Yes, there might have been not much of a budget. But that would be a lame excuse.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Eight stars, except...
29 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The last (tenth) episode of the first season, in which everything suddenly falls apart. The conclusion of the first season is boring, predictable, and, to top it all, very, very, very badly acted. The first nine episodes kept us waiting in mystery, trying to figure out where was the series heading, which was part of the allure of the general dark mood, only to end up in a very simplistic, sort of silly, cheesy, and rushed destination that unfortunately leaves us wondering why we watched those nine previous episodes. And, not only that, it also makes us wonder if it will be worthwhile to watch the next season.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Second season is much better
29 December 2019
So, if you judged the series based on the first season, give it another chance. Sure, the characters don't change much, and the character dynamics are also much the same, but, even if predictable, it's entertaining enough to keep you wanting to see the next episodes as soon as possible. Basically, it works pretty well, as long as you accept it for what it is. This is not a philosophical high-minded science fiction project. It is what is meant to be: a "light" family oriented series with enough moments to keep you glued to your seat.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
One thing that's making it difficult...
6 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
To watch this show: Jennifer Aniston making faces all the time. Exaggerated faces of sadness, worry, whatever, all in the spectrum of lack of happiness or even normal for a change. It seriously distracting and so overdone it's becoming a caricature. I realize the character she plays is supposed to be a very famous and successful person who deep inside is really very fragile, but the show spends just too much time on this aspect, and frankly, it gets very tiresome. Unfortunaly, other main characters are quite overdone too. Reeese Witherspoon is just way too "human" (as described by Aniston) and Mark Duplass too insecure to hold the job he supposedly has spent so many years in.

Everything is way overacted, too too, and is getting pretty boring. I'm on the 5th or 6th episode (can't remember, there's not much happening anyway), Hoping for it to get better.

It stared with a faster pace, a la "West Wing" with cameras shooting while the characters moved though corridors talking, and with a sense of urgency, but it is getting slower and slower and subplots are deviating attention from the main plot.

Ok... I changed my rating because after the episodes I had seen, the show picked up speed and ended pretty well. I stand by what I mentioned in those first episodes, but it did get better, finally.
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It tries to be too many things
31 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It deals with a social problem but not in a very convincing way. I know it's meant to be a farce, but it ends up not helping with the cause. The people who will be evicted end up evicted anyway, and in the process destroy a building which would probably have been the new owner's intentions after all (even though it is not in the movie), but this is how these things play out in real life. So, who wins? Certainly not social justice. So... the message is confusing. It has its moments, but most of them are too fleeting.
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It's meant to be pretty inoffensive...
19 October 2019
...and absurd, and derivative and unoriginal. It's more like sincere silliness. So, trying to find some ulterior meaning is a waste of time. More like a sing along song. Particularly irksome is that the show wastes more than 5 minutes recounting what you already saw in the previous episodes (with a bit of additional information). So, what you get as new becomes less than every episode's supposed duration. Probably could have been done in another way?
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Shameless (2011–2021)
What happened after season 4?
7 September 2019
I'm at episode 2 of season 5. Everything's changed for the worse: writing, direction, cinematography, and even acting. The show has become a parody of itself and in the process it now seems very, very cheap: the camerawork, the lighting, the editing... and what I never expected, even the acting. I's as if the producers had become complacent and lazy and the writers just lost it. Many things seemed as if they didn't make sense and were sometimes over the top, but the production was good. Now it's plain silly and boring.

Reading other reviews here don't seem encouraging either. I honestly feel cheated. I'm quitting. What a waste.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
20 minutes...
29 July 2019
That's all I lasted. The other reviewers have said it all, so no sense in me repeating it. What were they thinking? How did somebody sold this show? There should be a special rating for shows like this one. You won't even mind in finding out how it ends, and I'm saying this just for the first episode.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Sometimes "rules" have to be broken...
11 July 2019
Having read several very negative reviews, and knowing that the film lasts three hours, I waited and waited to watch it. I couldn't care less if the movie was not conventional in many ways, or even if it has some "faults". This is more of an experience than a coherent storytelling exercise and I think it is pretty obvious that was the intention. The acting is bad? Who cares... I didn't even notice that. The sequence confusing? The better for it. Analyzing all that is futile. The important thing is... one never gets bored if one goes with the flow, which is not like a typical movie. Yes, a lot of things happen, there are a lot of characters, a lot of settings... and it's fascinating. You really din't get it?
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Hyena Road (2015)
Jumpy, in a sort of boring manner
15 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like it. So much so, that I stopped watching and returned two days later, hoping for a change. Let me first state that I know nothing about the Canadian film industry, which is good. I don't think films should be judged according to their production's country of origin: what is good is good no matter where it comes from and vice versa. Also, good movies can be low-budget. But, the problem here is that the rhythm is erratic, mostly because sub-plots seem to appear out of nowhere, including the "Ghost" character, which does so, literally.

Introducing a personal emotional sub-plot in a war movie, and as in most cases -including in this one- a romantic one, can result in a distraction. And, it does. It's as if the writer (director AND also actor) had to introduce some "feeling" into the action. But there's more: a bit of "comedy" in the man who's always cleaning the desert dust and a dancing scene in the middle of nowhere, a bit of "magic" or fantasy in the Ghost character and a bit of documentary-type intention with the narration. Many things that do not develop into anything significant.

The actors talk to each other in an unnatural way, one never gets to know them enough, the plot is very predictable and the ending is rushed.

The color is nice, though.
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1983 (2018)
It is watchable. And good.
4 December 2018
Very good acting and uncanny atmosphere. It may not be big-budget, but the mix of contemporary architectural details and somber exteriors will seduce you if you like this type of subdued, yet, misteriously absorbing political thriller. Never mind the dialogue, which I don't find necessary to enjoy the plot.
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The Good Cop (2018)
Silly, and annoying
6 October 2018
I would have wanted to like this show, but after enduring five and a half episodes, I just signed off. It'a a modified formula of Columbo and Monk, but instead of reinterpreting by adding something different which could upgrade it, it downgrades it in a cartoon-like fashion. In fact, I could easily imagine the show as just that: a cartoon show like... Scooby-Doo.

Groban tries unnecessarily too hard to play his character, and Danza is really, really annoying, while the other characters are so one-dimensional as to be practically fill-ins.

I was really wishing Groban would come out with some hope for a future promising career as an actor, but I'm afraid this show will not help him. He's OK, and at times seems capable of acting beyond the silliness of it all. Danza is so unsurprising it hurts.

I felt sorry. I really tried to give it a chance, but every episode seemed worse than the previous one.
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Under-appreciated indeed...
17 April 2017
I watched the 1995 Anime movie after watching this one. Going through all the critiques, I really couldn't figure out what does the Anime movie - a fine film, no doubt - has that makes this one seem so bad to so many people apart from the fact that they might be GITS fans. The "philosophical" aspects that many associate with the 1995 movie are present too in this movie, but in a subtler way. The main character may not put them in words all the time, but one can sense them through the acting, which is more difficult to do with animated films for the simple fact that the "actors" are drawings. The new movie relies also on additional situations that do not exist in the original film but have to do with human relationships, which in my opinion helps in clarifying the main character's behavior and musings. It would be better not to think of this movie as a remake, but as an alternate story, or even maybe as a source of additional information for the original movie's plot. Yes, there is more action and the pace is much faster. The city's atmosphere is wonderfully digitally created, which of course brings to mind Blade Runner, and which, by the way, had a lot of bad critiques too when it came out. Is this movie original? Well... no. The main theme has been explored before several times. So, just enjoy it for what is is, forget the comparisons and don't get so serious about it...
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