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The Red Green Show: The Beef Project (1994)
Season 4, Episode 1
One of the Lodge members inherits a cow
24 May 2006
I LOVE the Red Green Show! This episode has the funniest game show segment I've seen on the show. It's modeled after Jeopardy. The MC, Harold, reminds the contestants to "phrase your answer in the form of an answer." The contestants are Red Green, Dougie Franklin, and Dougie's brother, Ben. Though Red is tempted by the category, "post-feminist poetry," he chooses "cars." Now, the whole skit is hilarious, but I especially like what seems to be a prop problem . . . Ben's bulb horn doesn't work. It's almost an out-take, because Dougie and Red break up laughing when all Ben gets is a wimpy hiss out of the horn. Ben looks befuddled. This episode is on the DVD: Red Green Stuffed and Mounted 1.
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A showcase for Danny Kaye
18 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if this is a spoiler or not, but has anyone noticed the plot, situation, and character similarities between this movie and "My Favorite Brunette," with Bob Hope, made in 1945? Virginia Mayo = Dorothy Lamour = the damsel in distress; Danny Kaye = Bob Hope = unlikely hero; the black book = the map = what the bad guys are after; even Boris Karloff has a look-alike opposite number in the psychiatrist character in "Brunette." There is an impostor uncle in a wheelchair in each. There is a murder in a car in each movie; the hero enters a house to save the heroine, with the full knowledge and even assistance of the bad guys. The two movies even share a credited actor, Reginald Denny. That said, I just want to add that I really find Kaye's gibberish songs (written by his wife) kind of annoying. The rest of the movie is fun and Virginia Mayo is my idea of the quintessential glamorous movie star of the forties.
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