
9 Reviews
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The Bear (2022– )
10 May 2024
Very rarely will I write a review for a television series but The Bear is certainly review worthy. The acting is absolutely outstanding and throughout both seasons, there is this sense of dread and 'the other shoe dropping' as they say in the series, which gives you an unexpected roller coaster of emotion that has your rooting for the characters, despite their self destructive tendencies. The writing absolutely brilliant, somehow blending dark humor with tragedy, regret, remorse, disfunction, rage, and hope.

Very rarely is a series able to match the second season to the first, but the second season is absolutely phenomenal with episode 6 being one of the most intense and heart breaking episodes I've ever seen in a series, not to mention the unbelievable acting done by a handful of big star cameos. It's television at its finest, just watch it!
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So much potential!
21 April 2024
As a huge Bob Marley fan, I was very excited to learn more about his life. Unfortunately, the execution of this movie was a huge swing and a miss. The story itself is a convoluted mess. The first thing 'wrong' was the accents. I get that there is a duty to be genuine to Bob's story, but they overdid it with the accents making it nearly impossible to understand, even with subtitles. In addition, the movie jumps all over the place and too much time is spent watching rehearsals. I didn't expect this to be a classic like 'The Doors,' but I was truly hoping it would come close and we'd have much better insight into Marley's genius and journey.
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Could have been great...
19 August 2023
I read about this several years ago and was excited to see it played out on the 'big screen.' The movie had so much potential, but the 'overcooked' NY accents, poor set design, and overall bad acting ruined it for me.

I will say that Zac Efron did his best to pull this off and his acting certainly outshined everyone else, but the rest of the cast (including Crowe) was subpar and just plain silly at times. Has Crowe just totally given up? Anyway, there are absurd moments/scenes that don't seem to make practical sense (I mention this because it's a true story and scenes were far too dramatized) and then there are sudden graphic violence moments thrown in for shock value and possibly keep people awake. The overdone, long, and worn out political dialogue about how unnecessary the Vietnam War was pointless as well. It's 2023, we all know how futile that war was and how it truly devastated and a region and the baby boomer generation as a whole. It's been played out for decades now in books and on the big screen.

If you're looking for a movie to pass time and for some general entertainment, watch it but don't overthink it. The story itself is pretty incredible, but the execution of this screenplay and the atrocious acting overshadow it.
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The Glory (2022– )
Decent drama....but frustrating!
17 June 2023
I have enjoyed a handful of K Dramas over the years and Parasite is a favorite movie of mine. This particular drama misses the mark though, which is disappointing because the premise is fascinating. There is just wayyyy too much filler and unnecessary scenes. This could have easily been only 8 episodes and my opinion my have changed; however 16 was just far too many and there are episodes where you might feel like giving up on it entirely. If you're looking for a summer series out of boredom, give it a shot, but don't blame me for being bored and wanting to scream: OK, get on with it already!!
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The Calling (2022)
If you like network TV police procedurals........
2 January 2023
If you like corny network TV police procedurals like Law and Order (which is referenced at least 6 or 7 times), then this is for you. Unlikeable characters, two different plots in the series which are both unrealistic and silly, and a cast of characters perfect for a CBS miniseries. If you love good dramas on Netflix, Prime, HBO, Showtime, Paramount Plus, avoid this one at all costs. If you are bored out of your mind and want your intelligence insulted, this is perfect for you! It's unbelievable how 'lazy' tv has become across the board, which is probably why we are all spending way too much on subscription services.
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Billions (2016–2023)
A downward spiral...
19 November 2021
This show started off great, the first 4 seasons especially but it has torpedoed dramatically into a ridiculous and not believable soap opera. The last season in particular is cartoonish, the dialogue ridiculous, and the situational scenes are absurd. The one thing that certainly stood out in the most recent season is that Axe, Wendy, and Chuck have absolutely no concern for their children whatsoever. They act like 17 year olds on a scavenger hunt without a card in the world beyond their imminent demise. This is a show that definitely should have ended 2 seasons ago, the 'chase' is no longer fun or relevant.
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14 September 2020
As a 45 year old white male from Indianapolis who's visited Chicago countless times, I was in utter disbelief of the cycle of violence these men and their community has endured. While watching this documentary, everything that I've seen from Ferguson to George Floyd to the BLM movement suddenly made sense. Can I relate? Absolutely not, but I was finally able to 'understand' the pure injustice faced in the daily lives of African Americans in America. It was shocking to see the life and death decisions forced upon young African Americans, particularly males, in Chicago and for all intents and purposes, across the nation. I am far from sheltered or naive and have done my best to educate myself on social injustice domestically and globally, but for some reason, this documentary shattered my perceptions. For those people still debating the validity of racism in America, it's time for a wake up call and this film will do the trick. The statistics alone are astonishing, but the strength and determination of these men and their families is almost unfathomable. Add the fact that the film itself is exceptionally well done from a production and direction perspective. This documentary should be a mandatory watch for everyone in America especially in 2020. Thank you to these young men brave enough to accomplish what they have and live to tell their story.
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Most Wanted (2020)
A complete mess...
19 August 2020
Is it me or are TV series now simply better than 90% of movies now? I had fairly high hopes for this movie despite what sounded like a cliche premise, but keeping in mind that it was based on a true story. The storyline bounces around all over the place and at every turn, you can guess what happens next. The renegade reporter, the frustrated editor, the typical drug dealer and 'protege,' the immediate love interest, the stereotypical cops with no layers, and the corrupt government officials. We've seen it a million times, but sometimes it's worth watching again if done right (City on a Hill). This movie fails miserably and I struggled to get through the first hour. It's as if producers, directors, and writers are sitting in a movie sweatshop (Thailand in this case) trying to pump out as many movies as possible. Then they are completely baffled as to why no one wants to go to the theatre and spend $50.

There is zero character development and the acting is mediocre at best. Antoine Pilon keeps it interesting and Jim Gaffigan tries hard (and fails miserably), but this is a movie you should wait to see for free on a winter afternoon if the football is cancelled because of COVID. Thankfully, Amazon Prime had it as a special for $2.99 and I can see why. Does my review contain spoilers? Absolutely not because there is zero intrigue with this diluted and discombobulated disaster of a movie.
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Da 5 Bloods (2020)
Run for your life!
21 June 2020
I'll preface this with the fact that I love Spike Lee films, 25th Hour being one of my all time favorite movies. This however is an absolute disaster. The concept is strong and you get a glimmer of hope that it might be good.....then the first 45 minutes ends. I truly wish I would have turned it off. The movie's constant reminders of the wrongs done to African Americans completely dilutes and disrupts any rhythm the film could have gotten and makes the entire movie well.....confusing. The script is flimsy and the dialogue is childish and comical (not in a good way), but we're supposed to be entrenched in the seriousness of the topic....or topics. If you're bored and like your intelligence insulted, this is the film for you. One positive note, Delroy Lindo was excellent. What a shame his performance is wasted on such a mediocre effort.
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