
25 Reviews
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The Frog (2024)
Someone wanted to build a giant series with a small budget
28 August 2024
Only thing I am able to remember after completing this series is it was stretched way too long. This is more Drama than a thriller. Its sort of a mixture of too many boring plots spread across different timelines, as if that fact alone was supposed to make it interesting ?

Acting is alright, but the plot is exhaustively boring and dull. No person who has this much money would let a squatter live on their property for free. I mean even the law and order doesn't seem to be supportive of that idea. For some reason the author of this bizarre story thought an old rich guy, who has been living alone for a while, is so stupid that he would continuously self sabotage things at every point.
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Kaleidoscope (2023)
its Ok, definitely not worth the money they spent on it
3 January 2023
Has a few good things and plenty of bad things

Good music, but doesn't add up to the scenes.

Some scene seem way to lame, filled with pretty cheesy dialogues.

Horrible acting by Niousha Noor, specially in scenes where everyone else seems to be putting in a bit more effort. Also I mean people need to be immortal to look the same after 24 years have passed ? Why even attempt to go that far.

So the writers idea of adding chaos and panic to the story is to introduce an outright crazy person in the group, and for some reason everyone doesn't think its that much of a crazy idea to bring a crazy person into a gig which requires precision and discipline ? That's just lazy writing man.
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Vesper (2022)
Bizzarro fantasy series pretending to be sci-fi
2 October 2022
So many things are wrong throughout this movie.

No animals, but all plants are carnivores? What do carnivores plants eat then? "plant" is not mobile so a planet filled with only carnivores plants would never come into existence.

There are so many plants and insects around them how come they are researching how to make plant seeds fertile? I mean I can see normal plants all around their home, also they themselves showed the variety of insects around them, so what's the big catch here.

Somehow the entire world changed cuz of excess of carnivores plants ? I mean what exactly changed? You can still burn plants using fire, you can still generate electricity using coal power, and apparently there is even ton of sunlight, so did someone stopped them from using solar power? Did someone stop them from launching satellites and building a telephone network?

Welcome to non sensical sci-fi.
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Would have been a 7, if not for those triangle shadows
19 August 2022
Why why why ? Why triangle shadows over everyone's face? Everything else seems to get proper shadows except humans, they somehow get triangle shadows ? Plus the shadow on the face moves along with the person whose shadow it is, and no its not part of any in-story mystery.

Otherwise its alright.
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The Lazarus Project (2022–2023)
Seems good at start, but its pretty bad
10 August 2022
This is not a sci-fi series, lets start with that assumption, only then it would make some sense. They got good actors, bad direction, they keep dragging small boring parts of series with more useless flashbacks. There isn't good enough motivation for characters to go so bonkers. That part never made sense.

Acting is good, so sort of would work good as a dumb fantasy series.
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Eureka (2006–2012)
It's not bad
31 July 2022
The amount of things they get wrong about basic science is appalling but seems like an original show. It's pretty similar to doctor who. It's less of a sci fi and more of a fantasy show.
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Godse (2022)
Hard to imagine ppl actually getting paid for this
22 July 2022
This is so weird, they bring a dead body wrapped in funeral cloth in a college reunion and for some reason entire college is getting emotional about it.

Felt like this movie was a string of character auditions before they get called to do actual acting.
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Befikre (2016)
Not as bad as the reviews
13 July 2022
I mean I got no idea why this got reviewed so low.

It's a descent movie, way better than the passengers. Good direction, good acting, average rom com plot.

It's a pretty short movie though, if you remove the songs. Nothing terrible besides that.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Nothing worth watching unless you like to get triggered
11 July 2022
Everyone seems to care about if this is based on the book or the opposite.

I say it don't matter much, there ain't anything good here. They somehow keep adding flashbacks to make it look like some interesting plot is bein revealed but whatever it reveals is pretty obvious. Also somehow a guy is able to brainwash kids in 1-2 stories, why don't you take my kids with you and brainwash them into eating greens with 1-2 stories. All of this is sci fi apparently. I have no idea why they chose some haunting soundtracks, I mean the show puts you to sleep probably that sorta magic might be haunting.

Good things: Mackenzie Davis Bad things: everything else which is not Mackenzie.
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The Glades (2010–2013)
This is pretty bad
29 June 2022
Take out all the good out of crime series, what's left is 'The Glades'. The writing is pretty boring, I mean if you are not getting enough sleep play this at night.
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its alright not star trek material though
29 June 2022
If it was not a sci-fi but a weird mix of fantasy drama genre would have made more sense.

Good things: CGI, the set, lighting, audio tracks

Bad things: (plenty which people who have waited long for an episodic star trek will ignore) Seems like, the orville is being a better star trek then this, at least orville has some humor.

They didn't do anything new here except turning star trek more into a stretched gossip girls space version. Even the drama acting feels like someone without a soul in their body is asked to display different emotions, check out how they manage to always keep their body motionless while talking, what's this bot star trek ?

I guess even the camera guy realized that stuff, so he decided to zoom in straight to their face every time they managed to get a tiny bit of fake emotion out there.

They spent an entire episode playing sword fight, cuz that makes so much sense. That's what people want, play sword fight with cinderella theme in a futuristic spaceship, wow such an awesome episode!

Some episodes felt like a middle finger to the 'science' part of sci-fi, some episodes made me feel sleepy, now I am imagining the creepy star trek camera guy zooming in on my face.

Writing is not terrible but there isn't anything good thr either

Some how random strangers from different galaxies can command the enterprise with ease while admitting that they have never worked on that ship before, human bodies get converted into some weird sorta trans dimensional molecules while retaining consciousness ( your physical brain is your consciousness the moment anything happens to it consciousness is lost it's as clear as 1+1 = 2 ) and yeah androids in this universe somehow don't have emotions and still are motivated to do things ( no emotions = no motivation = the bot doesn't move if there is no work to be done ) and I thought there was an entire planet in this universe filled with people who followed logic.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
What's with the horrible acting?
22 June 2022
What sucks is this could have turned out to be pretty good.

But the acting is pretty horrible. The script is disney themed, probably a product of Marvel for teenagers studio.

I mean the superpower of extraterrestrial beings is karate? Who came up with that genius idea? Does he get paid for coming up with dumb ideas?

What's with the rainbow puke superpower, I mean its literally green lantern's power except it looks like rainbow puke! Somehow green lantern didn't have that much tough time mastering it.

Also misogyny is acceptable? At least cut off that part. I mean you turned the most horrible incident in human history 'partition' into a joke so why not turn everything else into some sorta cotton candy story.

Turning partition into some sorta disney story is like turning pearl harbor into cinderella story, why don't the writers try doing that and see how far they get with that.

The only good part was the music.
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Its pretty good, compared to all other crap stuff out there!
22 June 2022
Good music, Good script, Great acting, Great CGI

I think there should have been more punishing moments for the republic team, given they keep escaping based on luck a ton of times. Luck works 1/7 times that's when you are way too lucky. To be fair star wars never had much of blood and gore.

Ending is a bit 'disney' themed one, but I can accept that, darth vader is after all getting old and old ppl tend to get soft, its difficult to be angry all the time lol.

Overall its more like a disney themed children story, in those terms it does pretty well. Whatever it is, is still better than majority of crap out there!
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
Its alright
30 May 2022
Can you watch it and have good time, sure. Is it funny, I don't think so maybe 1 out of 5 episodes is funny but, most of it seems like a slice of life kinda show.

Some things are pretty frustrating though, the overacting shows up pretty often. Kramer uncontrollably shivering his head when he is overacting is just pretty weird, no real or imaginative person does that. Somehow every serious incident is taken super lightly by everyone that's just bizzarro stuff. There is no real affect of a person running and slamming open the door as his intro in every show, seems more like a frustrating and repetitive intro its not funny and just is way to bizarre. The audience laughter sound just appears randomly, I mean in one scene a guy is crying another person gets in the room searching for remote and they trigger the laughter sound, don't really think it seems funny from any perspective.

That aside its watchable.
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Mismatched (2020– )
Don't really know what was this series about
26 May 2022
It does serve as a good background noise.

Don't really understand what the story was about, its not a comedy series, not much of a rom com, though I guess given how boring it is, might probably serve as some sort of torture device.

Don't know why were they treating a "computer class" as university degree, the first one closes up in a month or so and second one lasts for 4 years. The first one has no parties in it and the second one has ton of them.

Also finding a girl through some personal contacts and following her around is in reality very creepy, and why would the girl be fine with that scenario.

Mostly seemed like teenagers living there life's doing teenage stuff, doesn't usually make up for a good story, and yeah I watched the entire series and I still feel there isn't any sort of story there.
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Seems like someone deliberately sabotaged Ghost in the shell series
23 May 2022
I was happy that they bothered making a new ghost in the shell, but this was probably the most disappointing GOS series ever.

There was no real reason to redesign the characters. The way the were in standalone complex was good enough even for 2022, this is not a borderlands game.

Bringing in a new characters who acts more like a barbie doll, with investigative skills doesn't really affect any part of the series, besides irritating GOS fans with her weird voice, and constant sighing, so why even bother doing that. Why would a cyborg with artificial body even sigh while running ?

Also why such a drastic change with music? And yup the story is below average they stretched the same crap they spent ton of episodes building up from season 1 to season 2 and it doesn't get any better. Well they did sorta copy paste agent smith from matrix here, sorta bad version of agent smith and somehow that's supposed to ad up.

Felt like someone found all the bad things they could do with the series and went ahead and did it. Its sometimes good to donate money to a good cause, than waste it on making dumb remakes of a good sci fi series.
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Way to overrated
23 May 2022
Its your typical kung fu action fighting movie, after everything good is removed from it. Not really a sci fi movie, not a good story, no good drama, no comedy.

Basically an action movie with weird bizarre non sensical stuff, even the serious sections of the movie seem like a lame joke.
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Didn't really find much of it to be either good or funny
6 May 2022
I haven't watched any Austin Powers series.

Seems like they were trying to be funny, highly doubt this comedy attempt worked for anyone, probably for the guys who made the series. Maybe someone just wanted to burn money making a show for themselves.

Works as descent background noise though, so that's that.
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Re: Creators (2017)
Not worth the time, unless you ran out of everything good
20 April 2022
Characters are pretty good, Animation is pretty good

Everything else is just written pretty poorly, I tried hard to like this anime, but nope its just pure headache. There is one character who tries to put some sense in the story line, but still more than half of it is just bizarre and obviously they do defy there own characters reasoning.

The most intense part of the story is an anime creator being blackmailed cuz he doesn't want to recognize his bad anime creation, what's next somebody is going to blackmail me cuz I hide the fact that I hate chocolates? Seriously? Also what's with all the overly exaggerated sighs, does everyone has to have anxiety, all the time, a city filled with dumb folks and anxiety patients is that it?
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The Faraway Paladin (2021–2023)
Its pretty bad
6 April 2022
Nothing about this anime is worth your time. Its a 2 minute story stretched and stretched till it got boring and repetitive. I doubt the guys who made this even watched it after it got released.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
nothing special
4 March 2022
Too much stuff, don't make no sense!

Way too much overacting way too overdressed and somehow all the 'raiders' are probably the nicest people in the world, makes so much sense apparently war lasts for 1-2 days and every person has time to groom themselves must have got a washer and dryer hidden in every hut for those shiny clean clothes

and the story, I mean I am trying hard to figure out whats special about it.
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Reacher (2022– )
Why is this rated so high?
5 February 2022
The script is slow and has nothing in store besides some cheap drama.

So many things which just don't seem to fall in place.

Every person has a southern accent for some weird reason. If you investigate and find stuff apparently it doesn't help you do much of anything? Director of secret service gets plucked and no one besides local cops care about the case? Cops include you throughout the investigation, just cuz you are tall and smart, even after you openly convey the cops that you are going to kill all the people involved in the crime. You almost kill an innocent lawyer with no consequences? Cuz he's a lawyer but dumb ? Or he is some how scared of a stranger who is a possible suspect ? You jump on a cop and threaten them with no consequences? Chief of police needs a junior cop and some stranger to defend him on all parts life I can keep going, this is something you can use as good background noise, no where close to Bosh or any other good series out there.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Hasn't really got much to it besides some occasionally good cgi
28 November 2021
Overall: Watch it if you need some background noise, or you are drunk and have finished all good content out there.

Story: Pretty boring and stretched Action: Don't really expect much of it Acting: Few actors did a pretty good job, but dialogue and overall story is pretty bad for it to have any impact Music: Too much of it, you don't necessarily need to pump random intense music in every second of every episode Direction and Dialogues: I guess they copy pasted some scripts from some old shows, I mean normal people don't generally give life advices to every other person around them in every single dialogue.
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Fate: The Winx Saga (2021–2022)
Hope you don't have the same 'fate' as me of watching this pure pristine bs fantasy!!
23 January 2021
It's difficult to make a bad fantasy but you guys nailed it! This is definitely not a fantasy series, 98% of this series is just filled with pure overacting, unnecessary music, unnecessary crying and more overacting. Acting seems so fake, I mean you could have at least nailed acting! But I guess I am expecting too much. I literally felt a great amount of pain in my soul while watching this bs.
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Couldnt have been worst
23 December 2020
Next time make a movie which doesn't make people puke ? Plot = silly secret + weirdly optimistic ppl => secret revealed => ppl surprised => everything goes jolly!

I mean really? come one at least try to do something ?
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