
2 Reviews
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This is not the show we loved
1 May 2017
Don't know if they changed the team behind the cameras, the writers, directors or whatever. But this isn't the TV show we loved for 6 seasons. Season 7 s#cks in some many ways, that my hope is gone, I'm quitting, won't watch the next season. If you're a TWD fan and want a quality product, boycott this show. Producer's must learn that we won't consume every sh#tstorm they throw at us.
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The Walking Dead: New Best Friends (2017)
Season 7, Episode 10
what the hell?
27 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What the hell? I mean it, WHAT THE HELL happened with the writers? Man, this episode sucks in almost every aspect. Stupid and unbelievable new characters (yes, Jarvis or Jaris and the rest of the emo crew), boring dialogues, bad scenery, melodramatic Darryl-Carol scene (c'mon, nobody is interested in cry-baby Darryl.... We just want ear-necklaced zombie busting Darryl!)...

In overall, the story would be much better without the mambo-jumbo of episode 10 (Why do we need another faction? Writers could've used the amazonian fishers, instead of the emo crew)...

BTW, English isn't my native language.
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